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Created January 30, 2023 09:05
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orip's MacBook setup tips

Install and manage utilities and applications

homebrew (



Standard option: iterm2

brew install iterm2

Alternative options - faster, with idiosyncratic configuration, cross-platform:


brew install kitty


brew install wezterm

Monospace fonts for programming and for the terminal

SF Mono is the default, and Menlo is also preinstalled.

To check other favorite options:

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-hack
brew install font-iosevka
brew install font-fira-code
brew install font-source-code-pro
brew install font-cascadia-mono

Manage windows with shortcuts


brew install rectangle

BetterSnapTool - $3 in the app store

Launcher (more convenient than Spotlight)


brew install alfred

Clearing disk space

Grand Perspective

brew install grandperspective

Keyboard key mapping

For reconfiguring CapsLock or changing the Win-Key vs Cmd-Key on non-Mac keyboard:

Karabiner Elements

brew install karabiner-elements

Command line

Relevant for Linux as well.


It's worth getting good at a specific shell - life gets easier.

zsh (homebrew version is newer than the builtin /bin/zsh)

brew install zsh

If you use zsh I strongly suggest a simple configuration setup. I love Zi.


brew install fish

If you really want bash - install from homebrew, the builting bash is ancient by design.


ripgrep - like grep but 1000 times faster and with more features

brew install ripgrep

Alternative: Ag - The Silver Searcher

brew install the_silver_searcher

Search and replace


brew install fastmod

Informative pipes


brew install pv

Making complicated git merges and rebases simpler

git-imerge - similar to Mercurial's evolve

brew install git-imerge

Conflict resolution

Personal preference is key, I suggest trying these. Some are open source, some commercial.

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