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Last active December 12, 2019 23:52
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After my hurdle with Google Map JS API, Writing this to help any lost soul. This only serves the purpose of filling a Standard address field ! Make sure you have Places API and Map JS API Enabled in your Google Console !
// Make sure to load this after the HTML is loaded. Also, don't forget to include the API with '&libraries=places' for this to work
$(window).on('load',function () {
// The field where people will search their address, Must be a text input
var searchinput = 'street_number';
// Don't need Place Search For this Example
var autocomplete;
// Could've done the following line a bit easier !
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete((document.getElementById(searchinput)),{
types: ['geocode']
// When the input element's state changes, this listener will pick it up and execute the callback function fillInAddress
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', fillInAddress);
function fillInAddress() {
// Placing this on a variable, to make life easier
var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
// Log it to see what comes back on a search, easier then reading the whole docs on this
// We just need the 'address_components' array, thats where all the good stuff are
// again, putting this on a variable
var data = place.address_components;
// The whole reason of doing this is, the API sends back data on multiple level on a multidimentional array.
// Its fine just to use the array and figure out the data. But in case of Sweden and japan some data key's are different.
// And you really don't need all of them. I picked and choose the one i needed. Which is pretty much a standard HTML
// Address from you are gonna use in a Webpage !
var state = data.find(data => data.types[0] == "administrative_area_level_1");
var city = data.find(data => data.types[0] == "locality");
var zip = data.find(data => data.types[0] == "postal_code");
var street = data.find(data => data.types[0] == "street_number");
var route = data.find(data => data.types[0] == "route");
// Now i just used jQuery to set the values on those fields.
$('#maphelper_state select').val(state.short_name); // State
$('#locality').val(city.long_name); // City
$('#postal_code').val(zip.long_name); // Zip / Postal Code
$('#street_number').val(street.long_name + ' ' + route.long_name); // Main Address = Street no and road defination combined
// That's basically it.
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