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Last active June 18, 2021 07:44
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Meowbit read and write Flash
from meowbit import screen
from meowbit import pyb
fl = pyb.Flash()
# Doc:
# 1.
# 2.
# 4000th blocks to read and write, as Meowbit has 2MB flash size,
# it has 1024 * 1024 * 2 / 512 = 4096 blocks
start = 4000
bufr = bytearray(512) # Every block size is 512
fl.readblocks(start, bufr)
s = "" + str(bufr[0])
buf = bytearray(512)
buf[0] = bufr[0] + 1
if buf[0] > 255:
buf[0] = 255
fl.writeblocks(start, buf)
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