Make sure everything is up to date in the App Store
2. Install Homebrew
- Open a terminal window and execute the Homebrew install script:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install mackup
brew install mas
brew install zsh-completions
brew install starship
brew install --cask 1password
brew install --cask iterm2
brew install --cask figma
brew install --cask keybase
brew install --cask transmit
brew install --cask monitorcontrol
brew install --cask git-credential-manager
brew install --cask rescuetime
brew install --cask aws-vault
brew install --cask bartender
brew install --cask google-chrome
brew install --cask arc
brew install --cask roam-research
brew install --cask notion
brew install neovim
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
brew install --cask zed
brew install --cask sizzy
brew install --cask orbstack
brew install kubectl
brew install chamber
brew install --cask slack
brew install --cask franz
brew install --cask discord
brew install --cask zoomus
brew install --cask ngrok
brew install --cask charles
brew install --cask proxyman
brew install readline
brew install rbenv
brew install rbenv-gemset
brew install nodenv
brew install pyenv
brew install python-setuptools
brew install yarn
brew install golang
brew tap oven-sh/bun && brew install bun
brew install coreutils
brew install gnu-tar --with-default-names
brew install ondir
brew install mkcert
brew install nss
brew install nektos/tap/act
brew install gnu-sed
brew install --cask lens
brew install getsentry/tools/sentry-cli
brew install awscli
brew install github/gh/gh
brew install doctl
brew install optipng
brew install jpegoptim
brew install gifsicle
brew install svgo
brew install jhead
brew install librsvg
brew install pngquant
brew install --cask imageoptim
brew install fzf
brew install yamllint
brew install gpg
brew install watchman
brew install graphviz
brew install htop
brew install jq
brew install ghostscript
brew install imagemagick
brew install cmake
brew install wget
brew install postgresql
brew install redis
brew install --cask redisinsight
brew install mongosh
brew install --cask mongodb-compass
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
brew install tfenv
brew install hashicorp/tap/packer
brew install hashicorp/tap/waypoint
brew install wakatime-cli
brew install antigen
brew install elgato-control-center
brew install philips-hue-sync
# Install latest version of Ruby
rbenv install 3.1.0
rbenv global 3.1.0
# Install
nodenv install 20.17.0
nodenv global 20.17.0
Mackup started to have issues in Mac OS Sonoma, where Sonoma doesn't support preferences files as symlinks. The workaround is described in this Github comment.
To backup, run mackup backup && mackup uninstall
To restore, run mackup restore && mackup uninstall
brew install --cask intellij-idea
brew install --cask linear-linear
brew install --cask recordit
brew install --cask dash
brew install --cask firefox
brew install --cask microsoft-edge
brew install --cask macvim
brew install --cask transmission
brew install --cask cyberduck
brew install --cask java8
brew install --cask android-studio
brew install --cask virtualbox
brew install --cask skype
brew install --cask graphiql
brew install --cask vnc-viewer
brew install --cask autodesk-fusion
brew install cocoapods
brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags
brew install --cask aws-vpn-client
brew install --cask orbstack
npm install -g add prettier prettier-eslint eslint commitizen cz-conventional-changelog standard
gem install ruby-debug-ide debase rcodetools fastri rubocop
tfenv install latest
tfenv install 0.12.13
git clone $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv
mas install 497799835 # xcode
mas install 409201541 # pages
mas install 409203825 # numbers
mas install 409183694 # keynote
mas install 1031280567 # postico
mas install 1116599239 # nordvpn
mas install 747648890 # telegram
mas install 310633997 # whatsapp
# Install Janus
curl -L | bash
cd ~/.janus
git clone
git clone git://
git clone [email protected]:terryma/vim-multiple-cursors.git
git clone
git clone
git clone [email protected]:zerowidth/vim-copy-as-rtf.git
git clone [email protected]:saltstack/salt-vim.git
git clone [email protected]:tpope/vim-abolish.git
git clone
git clone git://
git clone
git clone
FiraCode - for iTerm2, macvim and vscode
brew install --cask font-fira-code
ShiftIt doesn't work on M1 and is deprecated. There's a migration path by using a custom config with hammerspoon to mimic ShiftIt commands. Source
brew install --cask hammerspoon
Give permissions.
mkdir -p ~/.hammerspoon/Spoons
cd ~/.hammerspoon
curl -O -J -L
mv ShiftIt.spoon Spoons/
cat <<EOH > ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua
# remove global for ApplePressAndHoldEnabled
defaults delete -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled
# disable press and hold for VSCode
defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
# disable press and hold for IntellJ
defaults write com.jetbrains.intellij ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
# increase keyboard repeat time
defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10 # normal minimum is 15 (225 ms)
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1 # normal minimum is 2 (30 ms)
# Trackpad speed beyond what GUI allows
defaults write -g -float 6.0