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Created May 2, 2012 16:10
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= render :partial => "shared/sidebar_nav"
%h1 Bulk Buying
%p.cursive Give the Gift of Choice!
%p CouponTrade now offers access to over 300 nationally recognized gift card brands. We have established direct relationships with key distributors to ensure that you receive maximum discounts.
%p If you're looking to upload Daily Deals and Gift Cards by the boatload, just give one of our listing representatives a shout and we'll walk you through the process.
We provide simple bulk ordering and fulfillment services for both
physical and electronic gift cards. Our team of industry
professionals will help you find the right gift card package for
your business needs.
%b Buy your gift cards for:
%h3 <a href="#">Employee Incentives</a>
Showcase top employees with gift cards and give them the recognition that they deserve. A gift card is a great way to reward performing and improving employees.
%h3 <a href="#">Customer Loyalty Programs</a>
Build customer loyalty by rewarding long-term customers for staying with you. Gift cards remind your customers that you care about their continued business.
%h3 <a href="#">Gift Card with Purchase Incentives</a>
Give a gift card with purchase to encourage customer purchase. Gift cards with purchase or service registration can help marketers pull in new audiences.
%h3 <a href="#">Fundraising Programs</a>
Gift cards can be used as incentive assets or fundraising sales items. A variety of gift cards or gift card packages are an easy addition to any silent auction.
%h3 <a href="#">Sweepstakes Prizes</a>
Appeal to a greater audience with a great gift card prize. Gift cards to popular stores will help your sweepstakes gain a bigger audience.
%h3 <a href="#">Business-To-Business Gift Card Programs</a>
Incentivise your vendor or supplier relations with a gift card program. A gift card to a popular store can increase morale or provide employee or contractor motivation.
%h3 <a href="#">Corporate Gifts</a>
Provide donations or gifts in the form of gift cards. Gift cards to popular stores allow customers and nonprofits purhcase what they need.
%h3 <a href="#">Individual or bulk gift card fulfillment</a>
Save on gift card sales efforts with our gift card fulfillment system.
%h3 <a href="#">Sales Performance Programs</a>
Motivate sales teams at all levels with a variety of popular gift cards and gift card packages.{:src => "/images/bulk_secure.png", :alt => "100% Secure"}
%b.bps Bulk Purchase Security:
%span.text Every purchase is backed by our 100% refund<br>guarantee. We work with Verisign, Secure SSL<br>and PayPal.
%img.giftcard{:src => "/images/bulk_giftcard.png", :padding => "25px", :alt => "Giftcard"}
%b.gc Why Gift Cards? What Are the Benefits?
%span.text2 Gift cards make great corporate gifts, incentives,<br>or school fundraiser items. Gift cards make the<br>perfect gift for any occasion: more personal than<br>cash, but just as flexible!
%span.orderbutton= button_to "Bulk Order Request"
%span.pdf= link_to "Download PDF Form", ""
= render :partial => "shared/sidebar_nav"
%h1 FAQ
%h2 What is
%p is a the ultimate online savings website!
%p.callout CouponTrade was launched in 2011 to provide a better shopping experience for savvy shoppers who love to save!
CouponTrade is the first and only peer-to-peer gift card shopping experience. We allow you to
= link_to "buy", products_path
= link_to "sell gift cards, e-gift cards and daily deals", sell_path
with your fellow coupontraders, while maximizing your savings with online coupons and discounts. We offer
= link_to "exclusive coupon codes,", exclusives_coupons_path
= link_to "free shipping", free_shipping_coupons_path
and much more.
%h2 Signing up
%h3 <a href="#">How do I sign up?</a>
Fill out our simple registration form to start browsing and shopping. If you’d like to sell a gift card or daily deal, you’ll need to become a verified seller through PayPal or coming soon: credit card verification.
= link_to "Get started now!", signup_path
%p.callout You can use your Facebook account to create a CouponTrade account. It’s easy and social!
%h2 Selling on CouponTrade
%h3 <a href="#">What’s the difference between a gift card and a daily deal?</a>
%strong Let’s start with gift cards
%p Gift cards are always issued by the merchant to a specific buyer or group of buyers. They are sold at that value and hold the value until they expire. Gift cards are usually issued as a plastic card like a credit card, debit card or prepaid charge card. On occasion, gift cards will be issued as a paper gift certificate, or an electronic voucher in the form of a PDF. In any occasion, a gift card should always have a serial or certificate number. Some gift card issuers also include a PIN for each card.
%p.callout A gift card is a physical, prepaid debit card that is issued by retailers to consumers. Some gift cards can be converted into gift card codes that are redeemable online.
%p Gift cards should always be treated like cash and kept in a safe and secure place. Stolen gift cards are rarely replaced by the merchant unless the victim has a serial number and proof of ownership.
%strong What is a daily deal?
%p A daily deal (such as a Groupon or a LivingSocial deal) is a promotional voucher that is worth more than the selling price from the time that it is issued from the daily deal provider, until the date that the value expires. Daily deals are “daily” because they are often only available for sale for a short period of time, usually between 24 to 48 hours. Even though most daily deals have an expiration date, they typically retain the value at which they were sold after they “expire.” Daily deal vouchers are always delivered electronically, either through email, mobile app or your personal account with the daily deal distributor.
%p.callout Daily deals are always delivered electronically.
%p For example, If you bought a daily deal today from Groupon that was $5 for $10 at My Favorite Hot Dog Stand, with an expiration date that is six months from now, you’ve already purchased $10 worth of hot dogs at a steeply discounted price, redeemable with the voucher. If you do not use your daily deal voucher within the set promotional time period, your voucher will still be worth $5 at My Favorite Hot Dog Stand.
%p All daily deals require that you bring the daily deal voucher with you or have it available to review at the time of redemption. Most merchants will not honor a daily deal voucher unless you have the voucher on hand or available electronically. In most cases, daily deals can only be used once.
%p Due to the steep discounts available, most daily deals have significant restrictions that may not be readily apparent. Check the daily deal page on the original issuer site for any blackout dates or other restrictions that would make you unable to redeem your daily deal after purchasing it from another user. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee, but recommend that you play it safe when shopping for daily deals. It’s all fun and games until someone can’t redeem their voucher.
%strong What is an e-gift card? (A.K.A ecard, egift card, e gift card, and electronic gift card)
%p An E-Gift card is a environmentally-friendly means to deliver a listed gift card. Many retailers now give their shoppers the option of buying an e-gift card for friends and family. The e-gift card can be emailed as an electronic voucher or PDF to the recipient, or instantly credited to their account. At, e-gift cards are always delivered to your secure CouponTradce account.
%p Most e-gift cards can be redeemed at the online store with the serial number and PIN, or at the brick-and-mortar store location by printing out the voucher with the serial number and PIN.
%h3 <a href="#">How do I know if my gift card can be listed as an e-gift card?</a>
%p We’ve done the homework for you! During the selling process, CouponTrade will instantly determine whether or not the store will allow you to convert your gift card into an e-gift card. If you do list your gift card as an e-gift card, you’ll be prompted for your serial number and pin, if applicable. Once your e-gift card is sold, you can destroy the gift card.
%h3 <a href="#">Can I sell a coupon or coupon code on CouponTrade?</a>
No. As coupons are issued free from the merchant, and hold no redeemable cash value, we do not allow our customers to sell coupons to each other.
= link_to "Learn more about coupons here.", how_it_works_path
%p.callout We offer online coupons and coupon codes to our customers free of charge. You don’t even have to like us on Facebook to access our coupon directory. But it sure would be nice if you did!
%h3 <a href="#">What do I need in order to sell my gift cards and daily deals on How do I become a verified CouponTrade seller?</a>
Our sellers must have a
= link_to "PayPal", "", :target => "_blank"
or Coming Soon: credit card verified account, and a account. Once you create a CouponTrade account, verify your account through your
= link_to "my account", account_path
page or during the actual listing of your unwanted gift card.
%h3 <a href="#">Why do I need a verified PayPal account or Coming Soon: credit card to sell a gift card?</a>
%p Services such as PayPal and Coming Soon: credit card merchants let us know that you are who you say you are, so that we can maintain a safe and fun shopping experience for everyone on the marketplace.
%p Our customer service team also tracks every sale and seller on the site. Feel free to call them during normal business hours, or email us through our handy “contact us” system.
%h3 <a href="#">How do I sell my gift card, e-gift card, or daily deal?</a>
%p We’ve chopped down our gift card and daily deal sales process to three easy steps!
%li Enter your gift card and pin or daily deal information.
%li Input the value and choose your selling price.
%li Verify your profile, if you haven’t already. We’ll do the rest!
%h3 <a href="#">Any Rules I should follow? Yes! Please follow these Marketplace Sellers Rules!</a>
%li You are responsible for the full value of the gift card or daily deal that you have listed for sale
%li Do not use, sell or transfer the value of this gift card while it is listed on
%li If for any reason you no longer want to sell your item, remove it from our marketplace immediately as you will be held responsible for its full value.
%h3 <a href="#">Why we have rules for CouponTrade?</a>
%p Our safety guarantee is extremely important to us. In order to provide the best possible shopping experience to our buyers, we ask that you please take these rules seriously.
%h3 <a href="#">Is my item instantly listed for sale on CouponTrade?</a>
%p Once your items has been listed, it may not immediately become available for listing. Once coupontrade has verified your listing, your card will then become available. A listing can take up to 24 to become available.
%h3 <a href="#">Is there a fee to list a deal or gift card?</a>
%p Nope, there is no upfront fee for listing a deal or gift card on our site.
%h3 <a href="#">What happens when an item sells? Do you charge me?</a>
%p When an item sells, we take only 10% of the value of the purchase from the funds given to us from the buyer. We charge .99 cents per digital sale. (i.e., daily deals, e-codes), and $1.75 per physical sale (i.e., gift cards). This helps us cover the cost of security features and keeps the lights on.
The remaining funds are transferred to your secure CouponTrade account for withdrawal at your convenience. There are three
= link_to "payment options", transactions_path
available to our sellers.
%h3 <a href="#">PayPal won’t verify my email. Should I give up?</a>
%p No way! First off, PayPal cannot verify an account if there is no bank or credit card attached to your PayPal account. If you have one of those, move along to checking your login information and password. They should be an exact match.
%p.callout Coming soon! Not a fan of PayPal? Soon you will be able to use your credit card for verification!
%h3 <a href="#">Is it really that simple to get PayPal Verified?</a>
%p Absolutely! Matching the information usually fixes the issue.
When there’s something strange with your PayPal account, who ya gonna call?
= link_to "Customer Support!", contact_path
%h3 <a href="#">How can I become a featured seller on the newsletter?</a>
Becoming a Featured Seller is easy! Just call our deal experts at
= t(:contact_phone)
and we will walk you through our brief process.
%h2 Item verification
%h3 <a href="#">Will you verify every item I list for sale?</a>
%p Yes! Even if we don’t reach out to you every time, we still look over and approve every single gift card, e-gift card, and daily deal listed on the site. So fraudsters, watch out! We will catch you.
%h2 Shipping a sold gift card
%h3 <a href="#">My gift card sold! How do I ship it?</a>
%p We are currently working on a program to provide prepaid, printable shipping labels for all of our sellers. In the meantime, we are reimbursing one stamp ($0.44) per gift card sold, which will be included in your deposit for your sold item.
%h3 <a href="#">Do I need to drop everything and ship my gift card out? Right now?</a>
Absolutely not (we wouldn’t want you to drop anything on your foot!) but we do ask that you ship them
%strong within three business days.
%h3 <a href="#">I’ve sold an e-gift card or a daily deal! Should I email it to someone?</a>
%p Nope, you’re all taken care of! Your e-gift card or daily deal was transferred to the buyer’s account instantly when the sale was approved. All you have to do is pat yourself on the back. Good job!
%h2 My funds
%h3 <a href="#">How do I withdraw my funds?</a>
%p Just type in the amount that you would like to withdraw, choose your payment option, and hit pay me.
%h3 <a href="#">Can I withdraw a portion of my funds?</a>
%p Yes, but please note: there is a $5.00 minimum required withdrawal for PayPal and Amazon e-gift card payment options.
%h3 <a href="#">How long will it take to receive my funds?</a>
It all depends on your payment option of choice for that withdraw. Check out
= link_to "Payment Options", transactions_path
for more details.
%h3 <a href="#">What does available balance mean?</a>
%p This is the amount of funds that are ready for immediate payout. Pick your preferred payment option and get paid!
%h3 <a href="#">What does pending balance mean?</a>
%p Pending balance means that the funds are still being approved or processed for deposit into your CouponTrade account. Pending balance usually becomes available within 24-48 hours, unless there is an unanticipated issue with the purchase.
%h2 Payment options
%h3 <a href="#">My gift card sold! Now what? How do I get paid?</a>
Once the sale is approved by our deal experts, and your gift card or daily deal has been shipped, payment options will be available in your
= link_to "available funds", transactions_path
section. You will be able to see all current and past transactions, and withdraw funds from your account via one of your approved payment options.
%h3 <a href="#">What are the payment options if I sell a gift card?</a>
%p Coming soon! If you verify by credit card, you are pre-approved for pay-by-check and Amazon e-gift card payment options.
%p If you verify by PayPal, you are pre-approved for PayPal, pay-by-check and Amazon e-gift card payment options.
%strong Let’s dig deeper into the different payment options:
%strong Amazon e-gift card:
when your gift card is sold and shipped, an Amazon e-gift card for the sale amount (minus our commission and fees) will deposited into your CouponTrade account within 24-48 hours for instant redemption at Please note that you must withdraw at least $5 when you choose this payment method.
%strong Pay-By-Check:
when your gift card or e-gift card is sold and shipped, we’ll mail you a check for the sale amount (minus our commission and fees) through USPS. There is no minimum withdrawal amount when you choose this payment method. Please allow 14 days for delivery. Your experience may differ based on your local post office. Cash the check and enjoy!
%p.callout There are no additional costs for any of our payment options, but we recommend the Amazon e-gift card or PayPal options. These options are faster, and environmentally friendly!
%strong PayPal:
When your gift card or e-gift card is sold and shipped, your funds will be transferred to your PayPal account within 24-48 hours. Please note that you must withdraw at least $5 when you choose this payment method.
%h3 <a href="#">Coming Soon! Why can’t I use the PayPal option if my account is verified by credit card?</a>
%p We didn’t say you couldn’t! We just need access to your PayPal account. Connect your PayPal account to your CouponTrade account and enjoy.
%h3 <a href="#">How long can I leave my funds in my CouponTrade account?</a>
%p Don’t leave it in there too long! After 30 days, we’ll send you a nice reminder. If 90 days pass after your funds become available, our customer service team will reach out to you and cut a check.
%p.callout When funds become available, come back to CouponTrade and get your money!
%h3 <a href="#">What happens if I never claim my balance?</a>
%p Our customer support team will track you down and MAKE you take your money!
%p In all seriousness, our customer support team will give you a call after 90 days, and write you a check.
%h2 Buying gift cards
%h3 <a href="#">Wow, there are so many gift cards on!</a>
%p Yep! Our marketplace is made up of products that are sourced from private sellers on our website, giving you the a wide selection of stores and products to choose from at an incredible discount.
%h3 <a href="#">Why am I seeing different pricing for the same gift cards?</a>
%p Sellers on set their own listing price and can adjust that price at any time.
%h3 <a href="#">Do gift cards expire?</a>
%p No, but some gift cards may have a monthly maintenance fee if not used after the first year of issuance. Retailer’s terms and conditions may vary.
%h3 <a href="#">Can I buy gift cards in bulk?</a>
Yes! If you would like to
= link_to "purchase twenty or more gift cards,", bulk_path
we’d like to give you a hand.
%h3 <a href="#">Are there any fees to buy a gift card or daily deal from</a>
%p There is no fee to buy a deal or gift card. We don’t charge for taxes or shipping either.
%p.callout We’re here to SAVE you money, silly!
%h3 <a href="#">I bought a daily deal! How do I redeem it?</a>
%p Congrats! Your daily deal voucher will be available in your secure CouponTrade account when your order is processed. Simply print and redeem at the store or with your retailer online.
%h3 <a href="#">How do I redeem an e-gift card that was purchased through</a>
Once your purchase has been approved, the e-gift card is uploaded into your
= link_to "account", account_path
tab within your account. Some e-gift cards may or may have downloadable voucher for you to redeem in a brick-and-mortar store. Redemption instruction will be listed in the highlight and fine print of your purchase.
%p While we work hard to maintain clear and accurate gift card redemption instructions, stores and retailers can and will change their policies, and not required to notify the public regarding gift card policy changes. Check with the merchant if you’d like more information regarding their gift card and e-gift card policy.
%p.callout Our customer service representatives are available during normal business hours. You can also follow our team on twitter!
%p If you’ve bought a gift card or e-gift card on CouponTrade and discovered that you could not redeem it in the way you intended, please reach out to our handy Customer Service team. They can address purchases on a case-by-case basis. In addition to resolving gift card and e-gift card redemption issues, our customer service representatives delight in knock knock jokes and stories about pet cats.
%h3 <a href="#">How long does it take to process an order?</a>
%p New customers can expect a confirmation time of up to 24 hours. If you are a returning customer, it’s instant!
%p If you are a first time customer with, a gift card or daily deal voucher might take up to 24 hours to receive. In order to ensure customer privacy and fraud protection, we perform a one-time new customer confirmation.
%p.callout New customers can expect a confirmation time of up to 24 hours. If you are a returning customer, it’s instant!
%h3 <a href="#">What is a one-time new customer verification?</a>
%p It is our best efforts to ensure you the buyer of that product approve the sale. We will ask you a set of questions that only the true buyer would know. We also use this opportunity to welcome you as a new customer!
%h3 <a href="#">Isn’t it a hassle to verify new customers?</a>
%p Nope! Not at all! Plus, it’s the way we like to do business around here. New customers may be asked to confirm account information that was provided at registration. This helps us guarantee a safe and fun marketplace for everyone who shops and sells with CouponTrade.
%h3 <a href="#">That’s all the information you will need to confirm my order?</a>
%p Yes. We only ask you to confirm information that you provided at registration. Nothing more.
%h3 <a href="#">My e-gift card or daily deal voucher still hasn’t arrived.</a>
%p Your Electronic Voucher may not always be instant after your purchase it. Since CouponTrade is transferring the value of a certificate from one owner to another, we make sure there are no redemption issues. Once CouponTrade verifies and ensures that the voucher is credible and ready for use, we will transfer it to your secure CouponTrade account. Please allow 1 to 2 business days for sale approval and delivery.
%h3 <a href="#">My voucher is lost and can’t be found. I’m sure of it!</a>
%p Don’t panic! Daily deal vouchers and e-gift card redemption codes are never deleted from your CouponTrade account. If you’ve looked and you can’t find it there, reach out to our team!
%h2 Online coupon codes
%h3 <a href="#">Save with Online Coupon Codes</a>
%p If you like to click coupons, you will LOVE our marketplace of online coupons, coupon codes, promos, and online savings offers. Take advantage of free shipping, free gifts, and special discounts just for you! We have online coupons for all your favorite brands, and new stores that you are sure to love!
%h3 <a href="#">The three types of online coupons</a>
%p Coupon codes are probably the toughest to use, but the rewards are the greatest. When you find a coupon with a coupon code, the CouponTrade pop-up window will give you the special code, such as “CT25” or “HAPPYHOLIDAYS”. You will need to apply this code in the promo code box during checkout to receive the discount. CouponTrade will automatically copy the code for you, so all you need to do is paste the code into the box!*
%p.callout *note: some browsers do not allow us to copy the code for you. Please check your browser settings, or simply copy the code from the pop-up window.
%p If you accidentally copy something else while you’re shopping, just click back to CouponTrade and click on the button again!
%p Automatic coupons don’t need a code to get a discount. If the coupon is working, you’ll see the offer on the website.
%p Sales Alert coupons are easy to spot. Anytime a coupon says that you can "save up to..." that means that the retailer has discounted several items up to a certain amount. When you click on this online coupon, it will take you to a clearance page where you can see the products that have been discounted. Not all of them will be discounted at the stated amount, but they will all be on sale.
%p Now that you know how to use online coupons, you’ll be able to find discounts online with ease!
%h3 <a href="#">How do I know if my coupon worked?</a>
%p It all depends on the coupon. If you redeem a coupon code or promo code, you will see the discount reflected as a line item on your receipt before you submit your order. If your coupon is automatic, you will see the discount reflected on the eligible products or the order as a whole.
%p Sales alert coupons (or coupons that state that items are ‘up to’ a certain percentage off) only apply to items that are already on sale. No additional discounts are applied to your purchase.
%p If you are not completely satisfied with your sales price, do not submit the order. Retailers never apply discounts after the order has been placed.
%h3 <a href="#">Why don’t you have a certain coupon that I found on another site? Or a coupon that is offered on the retailer’s site?</a>
%p We have exclusive discounts from several retailers, but some retailers do not give every coupon or promo to us.
%h3 <a href="#">I would like to submit a coupon I found online.</a>
Great! Please email the coupon information to
= mail_to "[email protected]", "[email protected]."
If the coupon is eligible for our site, we’ll list it!
%h3 <a href="#">I would like to submit my own store’s coupons</a>
Excellent! Please email
= mail_to "[email protected]", "[email protected]."
Our team will help you get started!
%h2 Miscellaneous
%h3 <a href="#">Do you have a newsletter?</a>
%p Yes! We have a weekly newsletter bursting with featured gift cards, coupon codes and featured sellers. Subscribe now to stay up-to-date on the latest news, giveaways, and deals from CouponTrade.
%h3 <a href="#">Do you have a recommended browser for maximum shopping capacity on</a>
%p We’ve got to hand it to Google Chrome for helping us look and feel our best. Mozilla, Safari and Opera are pretty nice too.
%h3 <a href="#">But what about Internet Explorer?</a>
%p For our site, this browser is not our top choice. Sorry, Bill.
%h3 <a href="#">I forgot my password!</a>
Simply enter your email address on our
= link_to "Forgot My Password", new_user_password_path
page for a new temporary password. Please change your password once you have logged into your account. If you continue to experience an issue accessing your account, simply
= link_to "contact us.", contact_path
%h3 <a href="#">Will CouponTrade buy my gift card?</a>
No, CouponTrade does not buy gift cards. But we will help you list your gift cards and find a buyer! Feel free to reach out to your team if you need help!
%h3 <a href="#">Can I work for CouponTrade?</a>
Maybe. Do you have an exceptional skill? Check out our
= link_to "current HR needs", careers_path
to see if we’re the right fit.
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