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Last active November 8, 2016 12:12
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Top 300 Pods by Application Integrations
SELECT, stats_metrics.download_total, stats_metrics.download_week, stats_metrics.app_total, stats_metrics.app_week FROM stats_metrics JOIN pods ON stats_metrics.pod_id = ORDER BY app_total DESC LIMIT 300;
name download_total download_week app_total app_week
AFNetworking 4826007 370040 113492 26139
SDWebImage 2441526 202958 60654 15832
MBProgressHUD 1780611 144328 45395 12054
Bolts 2398263 196491 38940 11375
Alamofire 1156599 90405 34726 8060
Fabric 2073179 195706 25226 9942
SVProgressHUD 1024316 78504 24018 6325
Masonry 1067628 81239 23962 6270
Crashlytics 2001842 189088 23808 9488
Reachability 1460263 137413 21481 5739
CocoaLumberjack 2104975 189700 20978 6747
SwiftyJSON 634903 50109 20724 4821
FBSDKCoreKit 1417573 120815 20029 6816
FMDB 839137 66195 19910 5050
Parse 572155 43265 18903 4484
GoogleAnalytics 1231090 100778 18831 6045
MJRefresh 258769 23618 17894 4346
FBSDKLoginKit 1227144 105835 17725 5938
GoogleUtilities 704076 63611 16565 4860
GoogleSymbolUtilities 704139 63613 16526 4861
GoogleNetworkingUtilities 704008 63604 16524 4856
Google 613084 54566 16093 4665
ReactiveCocoa 992029 76845 15172 3744
GoogleMaps 458667 39495 13749 3364
pop 725766 51588 13478 3682
Realm 564221 42631 11798 3003
GoogleInterchangeUtilities 376459 40892 11438 3569
FBSDKShareKit 721988 66644 11401 3752
Mantle 959849 73966 11238 3281
MagicalRecord 629505 43917 10733 2953
SSKeychain 884076 55750 9556 2983
JSONModel 487403 41093 9417 2456
Facebook-iOS-SDK 576736 44741 9154 2004
IQKeyboardManager 268997 20368 9054 2595
TTTAttributedLabel 906670 81860 9044 3126
DACircularProgress 434651 34692 8626 2596
MJExtension 134490 12400 8337 2122
BlocksKit 597691 39182 7609 2125
PureLayout 483042 39530 7499 2236
RealmSwift 261802 21359 7456 1809
TPKeyboardAvoiding 439621 34597 7095 2195
CocoaAsyncSocket 466578 43115 6990 1895
TransitionKit 485389 32561 6757 1685
Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK 423346 53615 6632 1778
SOCKit 458261 28187 6605 1606
RestKit 441706 26781 6466 1542
DateTools 365543 28823 6079 2004
HockeySDK 778946 58296 5866 2095
Mixpanel 703760 42417 5753 2127
MMDrawerController 249233 17113 5719 1599
GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK 329657 21678 5697 1198
RKValueTransformers 366954 23880 5682 1389
ISO8601DateFormatterValueTransformer 366601 23846 5660 1386
MWPhotoBrowser 173003 12763 5533 1474
HexColors 270735 19134 5493 1619
JSQSystemSoundPlayer 248376 18862 5228 1500
SnapKit 231317 18195 5100 1338
ActionSheetPicker-3.0 257076 18898 5087 1480
UICKeyChainStore 470714 34544 5073 1601
DZNEmptyDataSet 250087 18725 5017 1724
SVPullToRefresh 214698 18941 4924 1440
Result 167429 15257 4893 1003
ParseUI 113175 7617 4883 1053
GPUImage 222101 14696 4882 1310
JSQMessagesViewController 211435 16489 4851 1350
AFNetworkActivityLogger 421997 31330 4720 1575
Flurry-iOS-SDK 338151 26935 4717 1533
ObjectMapper 271431 24104 4699 1477
AWSCore 261142 22406 4623 1472
SWTableViewCell 282945 27669 4336 1238
SocketRocket 496861 21824 4245 1262
GoogleAppUtilities 254159 21774 4210 1363
GoogleAuthUtilities 254260 21775 4185 1363
GoogleSignIn 254456 21780 4185 1365
libextobjc 502551 38882 4159 1369
UIAlertView+Blocks 286469 22991 3940 1205
AWSS3 187918 15982 3797 1181
FXBlurView 323506 21687 3797 1213
iRate 353379 32143 3793 1337
TSMessages 164161 12305 3719 970
RESideMenu 116376 8534 3666 853
ParseFacebookUtilsV4 89285 7384 3636 975
SSZipArchive 392839 49217 3568 1317
Reveal-iOS-SDK 251895 18806 3538 967
iCarousel 272739 23683 3497 1241
Firebase 99247 7112 3443 636
libPhoneNumber-iOS 473130 41674 3281 1275
Appirater 184912 13651 3244 907
FlurrySDK 116509 4854 3219 417
TwitterCore 200098 16481 3201 1142
ASIHTTPRequest 71428 5669 3193 694
HMSegmentedControl 171480 20132 3016 1034
Toast 115904 10276 3005 874
SWRevealViewController 173889 14073 2993 868
DTFoundation 253946 20163 2984 977
AMapSearch 52315 4611 2968 578
UIActivityIndicator-for-SDWebImage 122423 9645 2918 810
NJKWebViewProgress 221435 17631 2911 949
ECSlidingViewController 143373 11738 2907 860
JSONKit 43371 2875 2891 463
UMengSocial 45609 4185 2875 771
FLAnimatedImage 235019 22420 2823 1140
DTCoreText 217004 17047 2817 913
SBJson 117662 9729 2808 659
PromiseKit 263018 18849 2798 803
AlamofireImage 102332 13591 2788 970
TwitterKit 178667 13841 2781 967
TMCache 181290 12528 2759 763
ZipArchive 169632 14543 2673 840
UMengAnalytics-NO-IDFA 73260 5454 2655 763
KVOController 326310 25638 2640 949
Charts 64212 5501 2625 702
UITableView+FDTemplateLayoutCell 77996 7275 2614 818
OMGHTTPURLRQ 238025 16422 2607 737
JRSwizzle 276623 20464 2589 808
CardIO 270800 31310 2575 1039
UMengAnalytics 77392 7232 2529 704
ReachabilitySwift 119750 11450 2527 933
UIActionSheet+Blocks 186604 15181 2514 730
Stripe 218282 23104 2507 961
ZXingObjC 289642 24780 2468 710
MGSwipeTableCell 159176 13022 2456 920
ChameleonFramework 63583 5015 2446 647
RxSwift 93487 11514 2404 767
GoogleCloudMessaging 66245 6274 2390 627
MarqueeLabel 114357 9783 2388 612
GGLInstanceID 66146 6333 2383 629
JVFloatLabeledTextField 204918 15725 2381 831
youtube-ios-player-helper 109806 7766 2321 605
HanekeSwift 112085 9092 2300 649
UICountingLabel 106092 7066 2293 646
NewRelicAgent 323642 23370 2282 794
Kingfisher 75410 6649 2281 730
FontAwesomeKit 105259 7464 2248 578
SZTextView 209011 15686 2241 814
Box 20829 1311 2229 187
AWSCognito 88663 7123 2201 568
AWSSNS 81750 6442 2167 521
MZAppearance 146379 9579 2158 751
EAIntroView 89190 6638 2140 645
ZBarSDK 98959 9713 2138 517
WYPopoverController 130132 8563 2122 701
XCDYouTubeKit 90051 6217 2117 526
CryptoSwift 103488 8896 2113 645
BaiduMapKit 12162 2029 2098 507
JGProgressHUD 109526 6393 2098 581
RxCocoa 75063 8326 2073 663
XLForm 108087 8604 2065 652
CRToast 140799 10920 2060 647
AMap2DMap 36583 3238 2032 385
AlamofireObjectMapper 63825 5702 1989 570
FormatterKit 234507 15128 1979 644
MRProgress 126755 6479 1961 552
Branch 202608 18456 1951 916
AWSDynamoDB 53397 4647 1945 454
ObjectiveSugar 129000 9911 1941 561
XMLDictionary 167799 13769 1924 534
RNCryptor 201574 15900 1919 639
AWSMobileAnalytics 62024 4024 1903 438
CorePlot 97987 7133 1901 514
INTULocationManager 120257 8787 1879 598
GoogleIPhoneUtilities 46186 5806 1846 596
SQLCipher 153480 15689 1840 494
RegexKitLite 79489 7598 1820 507
KVNProgress 55711 3467 1815 461
AVOSCloud 30627 1773 1810 328
AWSKinesis 65081 4781 1809 389
AFDownloadRequestOperation 76334 6238 1797 540
EARestrictedScrollView 67268 5513 1785 572
AWSSQS 58024 4116 1777 385
PSTCollectionView 66745 4700 1771 435
AsyncDisplayKit 126865 15086 1748 572
XCGLogger 138822 8408 1740 534
AWSSES 45558 2996 1730 359
Spring 43918 3385 1725 407
KeychainAccess 104897 8885 1717 575
AWSSimpleDB 44830 2760 1716 352
AWSEC2 46113 3222 1707 344
ISO8601DateFormatter 250843 11255 1697 578
AWSElasticLoadBalancing 43965 2711 1694 341
AWSCloudWatch 44070 2718 1691 343
AWSAutoScaling 44106 2747 1681 342
UrbanAirship-iOS-SDK 195691 35230 1676 725
UIAlertView-Blocks 116333 6569 1659 559
Socket.IO-Client-Swift 42400 4327 1650 372
NSData+Base64 218228 8736 1649 486
Mapbox-iOS-SDK 42952 3079 1645 353
Braintree 112803 9490 1636 451
PNChart 50753 3709 1624 415
Qiniu 60452 4914 1619 486
SCLAlertView-Objective-C 53259 3810 1615 462
IQKeyboardManagerSwift 45744 5215 1594 560
Shimmer 137539 11621 1568 521
Aspects 188399 16345 1553 529
APAddressBook 175192 16996 1552 574
RongCloudIMKit 14504 1009 1550 256
CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout 219973 10451 1540 511
FLEX 215419 30720 1526 653
HappyDNS 45041 4015 1524 487
XMPPFramework 45666 4042 1519 355
SlackTextViewController 126088 9683 1512 526
JTCalendar 57587 5053 1508 436
IDMPhotoBrowser 109803 9096 1502 545
RSKImageCropper 115976 8812 1502 550
SDCycleScrollView 16716 1965 1499 447
VK-ios-sdk 51488 4273 1478 403
OpenUDID 105369 9616 1478 493
CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout 113839 7969 1475 454
OpenSSL-Universal 86649 6408 1470 384
AppsFlyer-SDK 220847 17426 1464 661
RxBlocking 42644 4912 1463 407
ParseFacebookUtils 28710 1326 1462 181
REFrostedViewController 76385 6454 1461 397
JSBadgeView 75199 9014 1461 512
TOWebViewController 70031 4012 1461 401
FXKeychain 159286 11222 1457 538
CocoaSecurity 113705 8886 1456 456
RMStore 89313 5862 1454 485
JTSImageViewController 86148 6442 1449 398
OHHTTPStubs 621619 46764 1447 503
NSDate+TimeAgo 78938 4956 1447 376
TUSafariActivity 222396 10799 1437 550
WebViewJavascriptBridge 90198 6663 1436 506
SVWebViewController 79654 6536 1425 443
SwipeView 126286 8187 1424 525
Locksmith 89190 7920 1422 434
CrittercismSDK 136181 9734 1417 445
ParseCrashReporting 45010 2371 1417 284
Adjust 259338 23881 1407 703
MFSideMenu 49808 4642 1403 395
EGOCache 66647 4313 1391 357
FLKAutoLayout 129409 9835 1375 339
UIAlertController+Blocks 108693 10323 1367 455
JDStatusBarNotification 93599 7744 1366 441
AMap3DMap 13965 965 1365 209
UITextView+Placeholder 102362 9293 1342 532
google-plus-ios-sdk 107241 12095 1340 400
ParseTwitterUtils 35798 2663 1339 383
GRMustache 118092 8172 1337 392
SMPageControl 155433 8165 1332 492
FrameAccessor 134591 11030 1329 406
MWFeedParser 58794 4641 1328 366
AFOAuth2Manager 118911 8895 1317 562
SwiftDate 67090 6455 1303 426
OpenSSL 140503 11018 1302 413
Localytics 215428 30276 1301 599
MZFormSheetController 94540 5322 1284 420
CTAssetsPickerController 74615 5945 1284 395
GZIP 148187 11875 1278 378
gtm-oauth2 61826 4122 1276 323
Cartography 62564 5534 1270 356
ARChromeActivity 88582 7691 1253 459
WeiboSDK 42013 3610 1252 351
PayPal-iOS-SDK 63996 6797 1235 331
SIAlertView 39780 2413 1234 277
Instabug 117986 10008 1227 482
STTwitter 66158 5303 1226 414
NSLogger 163811 16899 1224 373
Typhoon 170211 15605 1217 416
SAMTextView 85812 4002 1216 297
PubNub 99725 7706 1208 378
gtm-http-fetcher 53102 3509 1207 306
HPGrowingTextView 131062 11109 1201 392
KissXML 107828 7447 1199 334
NYXImagesKit 81193 5632 1190 353
OpenCV 73769 6265 1184 241
RDVTabBarController 28212 1929 1165 317
ReactiveViewModel 156263 11976 1153 341
AWSLambda 16619 1305 1144 232
JSONKit-NoWarning 45924 3834 1143 318
JCNotificationBannerPresenter 8498 651 1135 176
ViewDeck 64564 4866 1133 400
mopub-ios-sdk 61373 4329 1121 289
PINCache 124509 11061 1119 405
FBAudienceNetwork 65195 7668 1113 436
hpple 85558 7927 1112 291
GoogleConversionTracking 151651 12566 1109 548
SCLAlertView 21936 1958 1103 296
Analytics 147665 12032 1102 479
GoogleIDFASupport 143268 12789 1096 473
M13ProgressSuite 67394 4977 1096 396
SMCalloutView 70571 4250 1092 293
iOS-Slide-Menu 41664 2635 1090 278
QBImagePickerController 43218 3109 1090 318
JLRoutes 228396 17498 1089 441
SlideMenuControllerSwift 23487 2034 1082 291
FDFullscreenPopGesture 25011 3134 1081 323
Base64 61256 4289 1081 284
UIColor+BFPaperColors 32881 2195 1063 303
BBBadgeBarButtonItem 55648 6499 1061 395
SwiftHTTP 13626 866 1054 151
OAStackView 126866 12752 1050 353
PKHUD 39795 3925 1042 328
GoogleTagManager 160734 14125 1035 417
EaseMobSDKFull 7403 974 1030 273
GCDWebServer 64773 7459 1027 265
RBBAnimation 89866 4843 1017 315
EaseMobSDK 25644 1744 1016 232
Eureka 26853 3257 1010 314
HCSStarRatingView 37771 3500 1001 362
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