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Created August 23, 2020 10:39
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Eleventy Twoslash Markdown It plugin
import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
import { createShikiHighlighter, renderCodeToHTML, runTwoSlash, canHighlightLang } from "shiki-twoslash";
import { HighlighterOptions, Highlighter } from "shiki/dist/highlighter";
export default function markdownItShikiTwoslash(markdownit: MarkdownIt, userOptions: HighlighterOptions): void {
let highlighter:Highlighter = null!
// @ts-ignore - fixed in next release to always be a promise
createShikiHighlighter(userOptions).then(h => highlighter = h)
const oldFence = markdownit.renderer.rules.fence;
if (!oldFence) throw new Error("No fence set");
// The highlighter API doesn't get the info in the codeblocks,
// so we extract twoslash references and drop it into the language
// which means it can be picked up below
markdownit.renderer.rules.fence = (...args) => {
const tokens = args[0];
const idx = args[1];
const token = tokens[idx];
if ( &&"twoslash")) {
const before =\s+/g)[0]; = before + "-twoslash";
const theirs = oldFence(...args);
return theirs;
// Look for a twoslash result in the language, and use that to run the sample
markdownit.options.highlight = function (text: string, _lang: string) {
const hasTwoslash = _lang.includes("-twoslash")
let lang = _lang.replace("-twoslash", "")
let code = text
let twoslashResults: import("@typescript/twoslash").TwoSlashReturn | undefined = undefined
if (hasTwoslash) {
twoslashResults = runTwoSlash(text, lang)
code = twoslashResults.code
lang = twoslashResults.extension
if (canHighlightLang(lang)) {
const results = renderCodeToHTML(code, lang, highlighter, twoslashResults)
return results
} else {
return `<pre><code>${text}</code></pre>`
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