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Last active April 19, 2020 15:52
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Objective-C Documentation discussion
If you want the simplest option just start /** [content] */ slashes in your header files. Do it before the @implementation for class comments and above methods for method documentation.
Doing this is the minimal for support in LLVM and Appledoc, which means you get CocoaDocs & XCode support.
Good examples:
* /// and /** **/ can be used mostly interchangably, but /// has downsides as documentated below
* Throughout the document add @names, these are section headers for related functions
* Each method should have at least a single line description above it
@name [Task Name] | Creates the Task List
@param [Param Name] [Description] | Describe
@return [Description] | Gives info on the return value of a method
@see [selector] | Provide a "Check this also function"
@warning [description] | Provide some strong context for a method
Best Practices:
Write a short “tweetable” “what it is” above a sentence above method, then a longer explanation of why, how when etc in a paragraph underneath, this will mean you have a simple method signature and a longer description underneath.
Class, protocol and category descriptions, need to use /** … */, otherwise only the last paragraph is used.
@name “Task name” is the documentation equivalent of #pragma mark “Task Name”
Only use 1 space of indent before each line, otherwise markdown formatting breaks
Appledoc mangles image urls, this can be fixed by writing in HTML with a broken URL `https://`
Example: <img src="https&colon;//" />
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