I hereby claim:
- I am oryband on github.
- I am oryband (https://keybase.io/oryband) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBfqZjkHp__OrrGzchSN2uawxCbUaLB5dP8Y8yrirz_6Ao
To claim this, I am signing this object:
2021-07-11T11:27:44.946Z roach INFO [clojure-lsp.server:409] - Starting server... | |
2021-07-11T11:27:44.948Z roach INFO [clojure-lsp.nrepl:21] - ====== LSP nrepl server started on port 35113 | |
2021-07-11T11:27:44.952Z roach INFO [clojure-lsp.server:294] - Initializing... | |
2021-07-11T11:27:44.971Z roach INFO [clojure-lsp.crawler:250] - Automatically resolved source-paths from project.clj: #{"src" "src/main/clojure" "dev" "test" "src/test/clojure"} | |
2021-07-11T11:27:48.409Z roach INFO [clojure-lsp.crawler:221] - Analyzing source paths for project root /home/ory/Documents/cyco/aaron-commandments-subscriber | |
2021-07-11T11:27:48.622Z roach INFO [clojure-lsp.crawler:179] - Paths analyzed, took 0.21241681 secs. Caching for next startups... | |
2021-07-11T11:27:48.623Z roach DEBUG [clojure-lsp.crawler:153] - Invalid clj-kondo analysis. Cannot find position data for realm->asset-attribution {:fixed-arities #{1}, :private true, :name realm->asset-attribution, :filename "/home/ory/Documents/cyco/aaron-commandments-subscriber/src/a |
HTTP_PORT=11626 | |
NETWORK_PASSPHRASE="Kin Mainnet ; December 2018" | |
DATABASE="postgresql://dbname=core host=localhost user=stellar password=__PGPASS__" |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
language: swift | |
osx_image: xcode9.1 | |
cache: | |
directories: | |
- node_modules | |
before_install: | |
# install node (npm), truffle, testrpc | |
- rm -rf ~/.nvm |
# default target does nothing | |
.DEFAULT_GOAL: default | |
default: ; | |
# add truffle and testrpc to $PATH | |
export PATH := ./node_modules/.bin:$(PATH) | |
test: | |
xcodebuild test -project KinSDK/KinSDK.xcodeproj \ | |
-scheme KinTestHost \ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
cd truffle | |
# export account address environment variables | |
# see this file for available variables | |
source ./scripts/testrpc-accounts.sh | |
# export token contract address environment variable | |
export TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=$(cat ./token-contract-address) |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
cd truffle | |
truffle deploy --reset > truffle.log 2>&1 | |
cat truffle.log | grep "Token contract deployed at" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $5}' \ | |
> token-contract-address |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
cd truffle | |
if [ -f 'testrpc.pid' ]; then | |
echo "killing testrpc on process id $(cat testrpc.pid)" | |
# Don't fail if the process is already killed | |
kill -SIGINT $(cat testrpc.pid) || true | |
rm -f testrpc.pid | |
else |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
cd truffle | |
# prepare testrpc accounts parameter string e.g. --account="0x11c..,1000" --account="0xc5d...,1000" .... | |
source ./scripts/testrpc-accounts.sh | |
accounts="" | |
for i in ${!account_array[@]}; do | |
accounts+=$(printf '%saccount=%s,%s ' "--" "${account_array[i]}" "$balance") | |
# populate the plist tests config file for xcode |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# create 10 accounts with balance 100 ETH each | |
balance=100000000000000000000 | |
export ACCOUNT_0_PRIVATE_KEY=0x11c98b8fa69354b26b5db98148a5bc4ef2ebae8187f651b82409f6cefc9bb0b8 | |
export ACCOUNT_1_PRIVATE_KEY=0xc5db67b3865454f6d129ec83204e845a2822d9fe5338ff46fe4c126859e1357e | |
export ACCOUNT_2_PRIVATE_KEY=0x6ac1a8c98fa298af3884406fbd9468dca5200898f065e1283fc85dff95646c25 | |
export ACCOUNT_3_PRIVATE_KEY=0xbd9aebf18275f8074c53036818e8583b242f9bdfb7c0e79088007cb39a96e097 | |
export ACCOUNT_4_PRIVATE_KEY=0x8b727508230fda8e0ec96b7c9e51c89ff0e41ba30fad221c2f0fe942158571b1 |