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Created March 11, 2013 11:55
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Playing with basic MCMC.
Some python code for
Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Gibs sampling
by Bruce Walsh
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npla
def gaussian(x, sigma, sampled=None):
if sampled is None:
L = npla.cholesky(sigma)
z = np.random.randn(x.shape[0], 1)
return, z+x)
return np.exp(-0.5* (x-sampled).T,, (x-sampled))))[0,0]
def gaussian_1d(x, sigma, sampled=None):
1d Gaussian
if sampled is None:
return sigma*np.random.randn(1)[0]
return np.exp(-0.5( (x-sampled)**2)/sigma**2)
def chi_sq(x, sampled = None, n = 0):
chi squared function. Adapted for
usage in metropolis-hastings.
if sampled is None:
return np.random.chisquare(n)
return np.power(sampled,0.5*n - 1)*np.exp(-0.5*sampled)
def inv_chi_sq(theta, n, a):
scaled inverse chi squared function.
return np.power(theta, -0.5*n)*np.exp(-a/(2*theta))
def metropolis(f, proposal, old):
basic metropolis algorithm, according to the original,
(1953 paper), needs symmetric proposal distribution.
new = proposal(old)
alpha = np.min([f(new)/f(old), 1])
u = np.random.uniform()
# _cnt_ indicates if new sample is used or not.
cnt = 0
if (u < alpha):
old = new
cnt = 1
return old, cnt
def met_hast(f, proposal, old):
metropolis_hastings algorithm.
new = proposal(old)
alpha = np.min([(f(new)*proposal(new, sampled = old))/(f(old) * proposal(old, sampled = new)), 1])
u = np.random.uniform()
cnt = 0
if (u < alpha):
old = new
cnt = 1
return old, cnt
def run_chain(chainer, f, proposal, start, n, take=1):
_chainer_ is one of Metropolis, MH, Gibbs ...
_f_ is the unnormalized density function to sample
_proposal_ is the proposal distirbution
_start_ is the initial start of the Markov Chain
_n_ length of the chain
_take_ thinning
count = 0
samples = [start]
for i in range(n):
start, c = chainer(f, proposal, start)
count = count + c
if i%take is 0:
return samples, count
def uni_prop(x, frm, to, sampled=None):
a uniform proposal generator --
is symmetric!
return np.random.uniform(frm, to)
#how to use:
# from functools import partial
# import pylab
# from mcmc *
# # MCMC and Gibbs Sampling, by Walsh, 2004, p.8
# # proposal dist. is uniform (symmetric) -> metropolis
# f = partial(inv_chi_sq, n = 5, a = 4)
# prop = partial(uni_prop, frm=0, to = 100)
# smpls = run_chain(metropolis, f, prop, 1, 500)
# pylab.plot(smpls[0])
# # MCMC and Gibbs Sampling, Walsh, p. 9
# f = partial(inv_chi_sq, n = 5, a = 4)
# prop = partial(chi_sq, n=1))
# smpls = run_chain(metropolis, f, prop, 1, 500)
# pylab.plot(smpls[0])
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