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Created December 24, 2016 06:49
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barking docker containers for odoo instances using travisfile2dockerfile
# Using travisfile2dockerfile this code will take charge to build your docker image and run your docker container for an
# Odoo instance just indicating the port you want to be mapped to web service as the only argument once your get into
# one folder travisfile2dockerfile created for you
# e.g.
# 1. run travisfile2dockerfile
# ~/ $ travisfile2dockerfile [email protected]:<ORG>/<REPOSITORY>.git <BRANCH>
# 2. get into your travisfile2dockerfile just-generated-folder
# ~/ $ cd /home/<USER>/<PATH-T2D-DIR>/script/git_github.com_<ORG>_<REPOSITORY>.git/<BRANCH>/<FOLDER_NUMBER>
# 3. use bark
# ~/../ $ ./ 8080
# 4. wait and use your container
# > Repository: <REPOSITORY>
# > Image: 1fa09d1bafae
# [root@9f9e5441795b]~/build/ORG/REPOSITORY$
function bark {
if [ -z $port ]; then
echo "Port not defined";
return 1
if [ ! -f Dockerfile ]; then
echo "Dockerfile doesn't exists";
return 1
repo=`cat Dockerfile | grep TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG= | tr "=/" " " | awk '{ print $4 }'`
echo "> Repository: $repo"
log=`./ --no-cache`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
image=`echo $log | tail -1 | awk '{print $3}'`
echo "> Image: $image"
docker run -it --name ${repo}_${port} --entrypoint=bash -e LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -p $port:8069 -m 8g -itP $image
echo "Errors when running"
return 1
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