^ code-heavy talk that focuses on Node; some interesting pieces for the front end towards the end
^ writing a monitoring tool for New Relic; needed a way to have access to request-specific data that would work across the whole request; took many, many tries to get it right
- need variables scoped across concurrent requests
- threaded programming uses "thread-local" storage
- Node's JavaScript is threadless, uses callbacks instead
- async functions get passed a callback
- the callback is how processing continues
- callbacks used this way are called continuations
^ this convention is called continuation-passing style
Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Gandhi
^ CLS is actually easier to use than describe, soooo let's talk in terms of real Node apps; quote from Martin Mull, a comedy / music artist from the 70s (probably)
module.exports = function getSession(req, res, next) {
var id = req.params['user_id']
var store = require("path").resolve(process.cwd() "./data/sessions.json")
require("fs").readFile(store, function (error, data) {
if (error) return next(error)
var sessions
try { sessions = JSON.parse(data) }
catch (e) { return next(e) }
if (sessions[id]) res.locals._session = sessions[id]
^ next slide for emphasis on res.locals
// put the session on res.locals
if (sessions[id]) res.locals._session = sessions[id]
^ default solution in Express; slaps the data onto the ServerResponse object; causes weirdness if data are weird: a response local that is cyclical will crash loggers & debuggers
// ./routes/hello.js
module.exports = function hello(req, res, next) {
var name = res.locals._mySession &&
res.locals._mySession.name ||
res.render("hello", {name : name}, rendered)
function rendered(error, partial) {
if (error) return next(error)
^ next slide for emphasis on res.locals
// grab session data off res.locals
var name = res.locals._mySession &&
res.locals._mySession.name ||
^ res has to be in scope
^ brittle: res.locals
needs to be visible to all of the code that requires this data;
modifies objects you didn't create;
can make it hard to recover from early errors
// ./routes/checkout.js
var fulfill = require("../services/fulfill.js")
module.exports = function checkout(req, res, next) {
fulfill(res.locals._mySession['cart'], next)
// ./services/fulfill.js
var Orders = require("../models/orders.js")
module.exports = function fulfill(cart, next) {
Orders.save(cart, function (error) {
// hmm
^ how to send back success? how to add request-specific logging? what happens when some of the in-between pieces aren't modifiable by us? workarounds exist, but they either bulk up the code or increase coupling
^ there are lots of moving parts to a modern server, and a lot of the code wasn't written by you;
many distinct but interdependent concerns;
can't presume that res
is available;
must work with many requests in flight at once;
^ New Relic needed tracing; couldn't break developers' apps; needed to be lightweight and safe
// app.js
var cls = require("continuation-local-storage")
var ns = cls.createNamespace("mine")
function namespaced(req, res, next) { ns.run(next) }
function setSession(req, res, next) {
ns.set("session", loadSession(req.params["user_id"]))
// db-elsewhere.js
var ns = require("continuation-local-storage").getNamespace("mine")
function myUserFetcher(cb) {
var userId = ns.get("session")["user_id"] //etc
^ along with Tim Caswell, Trevor Norris, Isaac Schlueter, Jacob Groundwater namespaces global to a process separate namespace creation & lookup must run an async call chain before using set & get
- Domains have a terrible name.
- Continuation-local storage is like thread-local storage.
- Package names don't need to be terse.
^ nobody likes the "domains" name (aka hugs, guardians); explain thread-local storage; seriously, you don't type them that often; remember: discoverability is npm's biggest problem!
- CLS is simple
- ~150 lines of JavaScript
- because it doesn't do most of the work
- the work is done by the asyncListener API
CLSasyncListener is simple-
- it “just” monkeypatches everything asynchronous in Node core
- two versions: one in Node 0.11, one polyfill
^ not going to be exposed in 0.12; I maintain the polyfill; it doesn't track the latest version of Trevor's API
Everybody loves a long stack trace. Running:
var empty
process.nextTick(function () { empty.nonexistent() })
^ common pattern: these modules modify runtime state; example supposed to fail
TypeError: Cannot call method 'nonexistent' of undefined
at /Users/ogd/Documents/projects/async-listener-test/test.js:3:38
at process._tickCallback (node.js:419:13)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:499:11)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:906:3
---- async ----
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/ogd/Documents/projects/async-listener-test/test.js:3:9)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:906:3
^ long traces are short traces stapled together; asyncListener does the stapling; asyncListener observes before and after the stack is reset
^ full discussion of asyncListener is out of scope final design is under discussion watch discussion of tracing module post-0.12
gets and sets values as if they were global, but scoped to each chain of asynchronous function calls.
^ no control flow or error-handling, just state propagation
var cls = require("continuation-local-storage")
var namespace = cls.createNamespace("my namespace name") // create
namespace = cls.getNameSpace("my namespace name") // use
// wrap async chain
namespace.run(function () {
namespace.set("property", "hi")
doSomethingAsync(function () {
var property = namespace.get("property")
^ has operations to create and get namespaces; use whatever namespace names you want; the main thing is to avoid collisions; also has operations to run code in CLS; and get and set values on the namespace
- transaction tracing
- passing data through complicated webapps
- logging
- working with third-party async code
^ there are plugins for use with Express, Restify, and hapi; people should write more!
^ there are some edge cases; the most troublesome things to support are connection pools and pipelines
- cls-q
- cls-redis
- ??? (should write more)
^ in particular, bluebird needs support, but it's suuuper scary
var cls = require("continuation-local-storage")
var namespace = cls.getNamespace("my namespace name")
myMongoDBMeatFinder({type : "ham"}, namespace.bind(next)) // <-- !!
function next(error, hams) {
var logger = namespace.get("logger")
if (!hams.length) return logger.yo("ENOHAM")
var res = namespace.get("res")
myMongoDBMeatFinder({type : "ham"}, namespace.bind(next)); // <-- !!
// handler.js
var detect = require("./elsewhere.js")
module.exports = function handler(req, res, next) {
ns.set("res", res)
req.on("data", detect)
// elsewhere.js
module.exports = function detect(data) {
if (data.toString("utf8") === ns.get("sentinel")) {
^ The async chain can't be fixed up automatically. It needs hints from a human who knows where these gaps are: you!
^ built to solve production problems; not without tradeoffs; the core team didn't want it inside Node because of these tradeoffs
- “some” CPU overhead
- more GC pressure & memory overhead
- doesn't change the behavior of your program or Node itself
^ CPU overhead can be relatively large, but vanishes below noise floor as soon as I/O is involved; memory overhead is more significant, but really depends on app; monkeypatching tested for safety
- every user of New Relic for Node
- small but (mostly) satisfied community of other users
^ hey browser people, you can wake up now!
zone.run(function () {
zone.inTheZone = true;
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('in the zone: ' + !!zone.inTheZone);
}, 0);
console.log('in the zone: ' + !!zone.inTheZone);
^ Bryant Fjord is pretty good at browser JavaScript!
var domain = require("domain");
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
var d = domain.create();
d.on("error", next);
function curl(url, cb) {
zone.create(function () {
var data = "";
require("http").get(url, function (res) {
res.on("data", function (s) { data += s;});
res.on('end', function () { zone.return(data); });
curl('http://www.google.com/', console.log);
^ automatically cleans up after errors ^ adds promise-like control flow ^ doesn't really do state management
var tracing = require("tracing");
// ???
[watch this space]
- automatically load shims
- adopt the final (TBD) asyncListener API
- transparent support for more packages
- rewriting the documentation
…coming “soon!”
^ asyncListener API isn't done yet; shims for Bluebird, MongoDB
Good Work...Much Appreciated