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Created December 1, 2012 00:01
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mocha is not your friend if you want to test uncaughtException handlers
before(function (done) {
* Mocha is extremely zealous about trapping errors, and runs each test
* in a try / catch block. To get the exception to propagate out to the
* domain's uncaughtException handler, we need to put the test in an
* asynchronous context and break out of the mocha jail.
process.nextTick(function () {
// disable mocha's error handler
mochaHandler = process.listeners('uncaughtException').pop();
agent = helper.loadMockedAgent();
var disruptor = agent.tracer.transactionProxy(function () {
domain = agent.getTransaction().trace.domain;
active = process.domain;
active.once('error', function (e) {
json = agent.errors.errors[0];
return done();
// trigger the domain
throw new Error('sample error');
after(function () {
// ...but be sure to re-enable mocha's error handler
process.on('uncaughtException', mochaHandler);
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