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Last active February 7, 2018 13:08
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A script to help using ymgve's script
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script is meant to be used with fbtcclaimer:
# The outputs of this script are the inputs to the other script.
# Python 2.x is required
import urllib2, json
block = 501225
# You can either insert your FBTC address below or find/replace after running the script
addr_fbtc = "YOUR_FBTC_ADDRESS"
# Insert your BTC addresses below, one per line
addresses = """
addr_list = addresses.strip().split("\n")
valid = []
addresses_with_btc = {}
for addr in addr_list:
a = urllib2.urlopen("" + addr).read()
txs = json.loads(a)["txs"]
total_btc = 0
txs_before_fork = [tx for tx in txs if tx.has_key("block_height") and tx["block_height"] <= block]
valid_txs = txs_before_fork[:]
for txid in valid_txs[:]:
for tx in txs_before_fork:
for input_tx in tx["inputs"]:
if input_tx["prev_out"]["tx_index"] == txid["tx_index"] and input_tx["prev_out"]["addr"] == addr:
except ValueError:
pass # Was probably removed before. Skipping.
for tx in valid_txs:
for tx_out in tx["out"]:
if addr == tx_out["addr"]:
total_btc += tx_out["value"]
if total_btc >= 1:
addresses_with_btc[addr] = total_btc
for addr, btcs in addresses_with_btc.viewitems():
print " python " + ("PRIV_KEY_OF_" + addr) + " " + addr + " " + addr_fbtc + " " + str(btcs)
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