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Created June 12, 2016 05:55
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A python script to format fortran codes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jun 11 03:14:20 2016
A python script to format fortran codes including:
1) separate miltiple-variable declaration so each line only contain one varaible
2) lower all the fortran keywords
3) automatically indent
n_indent -- number of spaces for each indention
f90old -- file path of the fortran code
f90new -- file path of the output fortran code
@author: Michael
from string import *
n_indent = 2
f90old = r'D:\Cloud\Dropbox\postdoc\unswat\scr\unswat\sol_scr\solflw-ross.f90'
f90new = r'D:\Cloud\Dropbox\postdoc\unswat\scr\unswat\sol_scr\'
#f90old = r'/home/mgou/Dropbox/postdoc/unswat/scr/unswat/sol_scr/solflw-ross-mod.f90'
#f90new = r'/home/mgou/Dropbox/postdoc/unswat/scr/unswat/sol_scr/'
# fortran keywords
f77keys = 'assign, backspace, block data, call, close, common, continue, data, dimension, do, else, else if, end, endfile, endif, entry, equivalence, external, format, function, goto, if, implicit, none, inquire, intrinsic, open, parameter, pause, print, program, read, return, rewind, rewrite, save, stop, subroutine, then, write'
f90keys = 'allocatable, allocate, case, contains, cycle, deallocate, elsewhere, exit, include, interface, intent, module, namelist, nullify, only, operator, optional, pointer, private, procedure, public, recursive, result, select, sequence, target, type, use, while, where'
f95keys = 'elemental, forall, pure'
f03keys = 'abstract, associate, asynchronous, bind, class, deferred, enum, enumerator, extends, final, flush, generic, import, non_overridable, nopass, pass, protected, value, volatile, wait'
f08keys = 'block, codimension, do concurrent, contiguous, critical, error stop, submodule, sync all, sync images, sync memory, lock, unlock'
fkeys = f77keys + ', ' + f90keys + ', ' + f95keys + ', ' + f03keys + ', ' + f08keys
fkey = []
for k in fkeys.split(','): fkey.append(k.strip())
block_keys_begin = ['do','if','where','select','while','associate','abstract','subroutine','function','module','forall','type ']
block_keys_middle = 'else,case,type is,typeis'
block_keys_end = 'end'
declaration_keys = ['integer','character','real','doubleprecision','double precision','logical','complex','type(','use']
def indent_space(indent):
return ' '*n_indent*indent
def endswithfirstbracketpair(line):
s = line.strip()
l = s.rfind('(')
r = s[l:].find(')')+l+1
while r < len(s) - 1 and r > -1:
s = s[:l]+'_'+s[l+1:r-1]+'_'+ s[r:]
l = s.rfind('(')
r = s[l:].find(')')+l+1
return r == len(s)
def lowerkeywords(line):
for key in fkey:
loc = line.lower().find(key)
if loc >= 0:
if loc > 0:
if line[loc-1] in ascii_letters or line[loc-1] == '_': continue
if loc + len(key) < len(line):
if line[loc+len(key)] in digits or line[loc+len(key)] in ascii_letters or line[loc+len(key)] == '_': continue
line = line[:loc] + key + line[loc+len(key):]
return line
indent = 0
linemax = 0
continueline = 0
fold = open(f90old, 'r')
fnew = open(f90new, 'w')
for line in fold:
if line.startswith('#'):
## get the indent space
head = indent_space(indent+continueline)
## split code and comment
line = line.strip() ## remove leading space and line break at the end
if (len(line) == 0):
commentLoc = line.find('!')
if commentLoc >= 0:
if commentLoc == 0:
comments = line[commentLoc:]
comments = ' ! ' + line[commentLoc+1:].lstrip()
line = line[:(commentLoc)].rstrip()
comments = ''
line = lowerkeywords(line)
## check block name
words = line.split()
blockName = ''
if len(words) > 2:
if words[0].count(':') + words[1].count(':') == 1 and words[0].count('(') == 0 and words[1].count('(') == 0:
blockLoc = line.find(':')
blockName = line[:(blockLoc+1)] + ' '
line = line[(blockLoc+1):].lstrip()
## check continuation
if (line.endswith('&')):
continueline = 1
continueline = 0
## check indention
# if indent block, check if it's an one-liner
lowerline = line.lower()
## check if it's variable declaration
#for key in block_keys_begin:
# blocks that must end with 'end'
if lowerline.count('subroutine') > 0 and (not lowerline.startswith('end')): indent += 1
if lowerline.count('function') > 0 and (not lowerline.startswith('end')): indent += 1
if lowerline.count('interface') > 0 and (not lowerline.startswith('end')): indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('select') and lowerline.count('end') == 0: indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('associate') and lowerline.count('end') == 0: indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('abstract') and lowerline.count('end') == 0: indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('do ') and lowerline.count('end') == 0: indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('module') and lowerline.count('end') == 0: indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('if') and lowerline.endswith('then'): indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('where') and endswithfirstbracketpair(lowerline): indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('forall') and endswithfirstbracketpair(lowerline): indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('type '):
if lowerline.startswith('type is'):
head = indent_space(indent-1)
indent += 1
if lowerline.startswith('else'): head = indent_space(indent-1)
if lowerline.startswith('case'): head = indent_space(indent-1)
if lowerline.startswith('typeis'): head = indent_space(indent-1)
if lowerline.startswith('end'): indent -= 1; head = indent_space(indent)
## check if it's variable declaration
for key in declaration_keys:
## variable-type,intent(xxxxx),parameter,dimension(xxx),allocatable,pointer
if lowerline.startswith(key):
# split definition and name
if line.startswith('use'):
if line.count('only')>0:
sep = ':'
sep = '::'
nameLoc = line.find(sep)
if nameLoc < 1:
print('No :: at line: ' + line)
names = line[nameLoc:]
line = line[:(nameLoc)]
# divide declaration
words = line.split(',')
line = words[0].strip().ljust(19)
for word in words[1:]:
line = line + ',' + word.strip().ljust(19)
# check the variiable name
if names.startswith(sep): names = names[len(sep):].strip()
# check if it has multiple variables
newline = ''
for nam in names.split(','):
varname, eq, varval = nam.partition('=')
newline = (head + line).rstrip().ljust(60) + sep.ljust(3) + (varname.strip().ljust(10) + eq + ' ' + varval.strip()).ljust(20) + comments
if not newline.endswith('\n'): newline = newline + '\n'
printed = True
if not printed:
line = line + comments
if not line.endswith('\n'): line = line + '\n'
fnew.write(blockName + head + line)
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