Generate some ancient sacred text curse in style of Long-Term Nuclear Waste Warning Messages Here is a sample ancient sacred text curse in the style of a long-term nuclear waste warning message:
"Beware, ye who disturb the sacred ground. For within this tomb lies a poison unlike any other, a curse that will endure for time immemorial. Its wickedness shall seep into the earth, polluting all that it touches. Its wrath will be felt by those who dare to defile the sacred, and the curse shall be passed down through the ages, to haunt their descendants for generations to come.
"Let this be a warning to all who come after us. Do not disturb the dead or the cursed relics that lie within. Turn away and leave this place, lest you suffer the fate of those who have gone before you. The spirits of the ancients shall rise up to defend their resting place, and woe betide those who dare to cross them.
"Heed this warning, and keep far away. The curse of the ancients shall be upon you, should you dare to defy their will.