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Created February 21, 2017 08:02
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redux dev tools
const asap = require('asap') as (func: Function) => void
const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep') as <T>(obj: T) => T
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, Store } from 'redux'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject'
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject'
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of'
import 'rxjs/add/observable/from'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/concatMap'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/take'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mapTo'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/scan'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise'
import { Action, Next, ValueOrResolver, PartialValueOrResolver, RecursiveReadonly, LoopType, StoreOptions, deepFreeze } from './common'
import { IReactiveStore } from './interfaces'
import './add/operator/all'
export const latestUpdatedKey = '__latest__'
export class ReactiveStore<T> implements IReactiveStore<T> {
private _dispatcher$ = new Subject<Action>()
private _provider$: BehaviorSubject<T | RecursiveReadonly<T>>
private _concurrent: number
private _loopType: number
private _output: boolean
private _ngZone: any // (NgZone | null) for Angular 2+
private _testing: boolean
private _useFreeze: boolean
private _initialState: T
private _reduxStore: Store<any>
constructor(initialState: T, options?: StoreOptions) {
const o = options || {}
this._concurrent = o.concurrent || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
this._loopType = o.loopType || LoopType.asap
this._output = o.output || false
this._ngZone = o.ngZone && 'run' in o.ngZone ? o.ngZone : null
this._testing = o.testing || false
this._useFreeze = o.useFreeze || false
console.log('initialState:', initialState)
const state: any = initialState || {}
this._initialState = cloneDeep(state)
this._provider$ = new BehaviorSubject<T>(cloneDeep(state))
private createStore(): void {
const queue$ =
.mergeMap(action => { // execute outer callback.
if (action.value instanceof Function) {
return this.getter().take(1)
.map(state => {
const temp =, state[action.key], state)
if (temp instanceof Function || temp instanceof Promise || temp instanceof Observable) {
action.value = temp
return action // action.value instanceof Function or Promise or Observable
} else {
return action // action.value instanceof Function
} else {
return Observable.of(action)
.mergeMap(action => { // resolve async(Promise or Observable).
if (action.value instanceof Promise || action.value instanceof Observable) {
return Observable.from(action.value)
.map(value => Object.assign(action, { value }) as Action)
} else {
return Observable.of(action)
}, this._concurrent)
const reduced$ =
.scan((state, action) => {
let temp: any
if (action.value instanceof Function) { // execute inner callback.
temp =, state[action.key], state)
} else {
temp = action.value
if (temp instanceof Object && !(temp instanceof Array)) { // merge if value is Object.
// state[action.key] = Object.assign({}, state[action.key], temp)
state[action.key] = { ...state[action.key], ...temp } // momery-reference is changed.
} else if (temp instanceof Array) {
state[action.key] = [...temp] // momery-reference is changed.
} else {
state[action.key] = temp
state[latestUpdatedKey] = action.key
// const newState: T = Object.assign({}, state)
const newState: T = { ...state as any }
const nextObj: Next<T, any> = Object.assign({}, {
state: newState,
value: newState[action.key],
if (this._loopType === LoopType.asap) {
asap(() =>
} else if (this._loopType === LoopType.setimmediate) {
setImmediate(() =>
} else {
setTimeout(() =>
return newState
}, cloneDeep(this._initialState) as T)
.subscribe(newState => {
/* useFreeze option takes much more processing cost. */
const frozenState = this._useFreeze ? deepFreeze(cloneDeep(newState)) : newState
if (this._output) {
console.log('newState:', frozenState)
if (this._ngZone) { => { // for Angular 2+
} else {
private effectAfterReduced(state: T): void {
if (this._reduxStore) {
const key = state[latestUpdatedKey]
const value = state[key]
this._reduxStore.dispatch({ type: key, payload: value })
private applyEffectors(): void {
this._reduxStore = createStore(
() => this._provider$.getValue(),
* To set a new value to the specified key.
setter<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: ValueOrResolver<T, K>): Promise<void | Next<T, K>> {
const subject = new Subject<Next<T, K> | RecursiveReadonly<Next<T, K>>>()
this._dispatcher$.next({ key, value, subject })
return subject.take(1)
.mapTo(void 0) // experimental
* To set a new partial value to the specified key. Partial value will be merged.
setterPartial<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: PartialValueOrResolver<T, K>): Promise<void | Next<T, K>> {
const subject = new Subject<Next<T, K> | RecursiveReadonly<Next<T, K>>>()
this._dispatcher$.next({ key, value, subject })
return subject.take(1)
.mapTo(void 0) // experimental
* To reset the value under the specified key.
resetter<K extends keyof T>(key: K): Promise<void | Next<T, K>> {
const subject = new Subject<Next<T, K> | RecursiveReadonly<Next<T, K>>>()
const value = this._initialState[key]
this._dispatcher$.next({ key, value, subject })
return subject.take(1)
.mapTo(void 0) // experimental
* To get all of the current state as Observable.
getter(): Observable<T> {
return this._provider$
* To get all of the current state as Promise.
getterAsPromise(): Promise<T> {
return this._provider$.take(1).toPromise()
* To reset to the initial state just for testing.
forceResetForTesting(): Promise<void> | never {
if (this._testing) {
if (this._output) {'***** RESET ALL STATE FOR TESTING *****')
const promises = Object.keys(this._initialState)
.map((key: keyof T) => {
return this.resetter(key)
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(() => void 0)
.catch(err => { throw err })
} else {
throw new Error('resetForTesting is not invoked because testing option is not set to true.')
* To complete and stop streams just for testing.
forceCompleteForTesting(): Promise<void> | never {
if (this._testing) {
return new Promise(setTimeout)
} else {
throw new Error('forceCompleteForTesting is not invoked because testing option is not set to true.')
* To get initial state synchronously.
get initialState(): T {
const state = cloneDeep(this._initialState)
const frozenState = this._useFreeze ? deepFreeze(state) : state
return frozenState
* To get current state synchronously.
get currentState(): T {
const state = cloneDeep(this._provider$.getValue())
const frozenState = this._useFreeze ? deepFreeze(state) : state
return frozenState as T
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