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Created September 28, 2018 07:24
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How to configure CharlesProxy 4.2.7 on Ubuntu 16.04
Proxy settings have not been autoconfigured by default. You need to configure Proxy settings manually
On windows, it's automatically configured. This issue troubled me for few days. Here's how I solved it
There are two approaches to configure proxy setting on ubuntu
By terminal
step 1: run nano .bashrc
step 2: add the following two env at the end of the bashrc file
export http_proxy='http://<ip>:<port>'
export https_proxy='https://<ip>:<port>'
Where the ip and port you can retrieve it by running
netstat -peanut
and you will able to see what ip address and port the charlesProxy is listening
step 3: save bashrc
By GUI approach
step 1: Open network setting
step 2: Click network proxy and fill up ip address and port on both http proxy and https proxy
step 3: Click apply system wide
Now, you should able to see network traffic recorded by charlesproxy.
Note, if you are using chrome, you dont need to import charles root certificate on chrome
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