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Created October 29, 2012 03:39
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Scheduling in Coldfusion without cfschedule, server access, or the Coldfusion Administrator
component { = "testingApp";
public function onApplicationStart() {
// counter to prove the cron.cfm is firing
application.counter = 0;
public function onRequestEnd() {
// specify an index for the cache
local.cacheIndex = "cron_process";
// grab an item from the index
local.cache = cacheGet(local.cacheIndex);
// cacheGet returns null, so if nothing is in the cache local.cache will not exist
if (!StructKeyExists(local, "cache")) {
// we must put the item in the cache BEFORE running the cfhttp, otherwise the cfhttp will trigger another cron hit and we'll be in an infinite loop
cachePut(local.cacheIndex, "ran at #now()#", CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,10));
// send off the cron job to wherever you desire
local.http = new http(url = "", timeout = 1);
local.http.addParam(type = "header", name = "connection", value = "keep-alive");
<!--- increment the counter --->
<cfset Application.counter++>
<!--- check the status of the counter --->
<!--- restart the application to clear the timer --->
<cfset ApplicationStop()>
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