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Created February 20, 2014 04:21
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Example showing async.waterfall which functions semantically the same as promises.

<script src=""></script>

	// waterfall wrapper to try/catch each method in a waterfall
	var catchWaterfall = function(arr, cb) {
		var calls = [];
		arr.forEach(function(val) {
			calls.push(function() {
				try {
					val.apply(val, arguments)
				} catch(err) {
					arguments[arguments.length - 1](err);
		async.waterfall(calls, cb);

	// Complete task using async
	var asyncTask = function(cb) {
			function(cb) {
				cb(null, "async foo");
			function(data, cb) {
				cb(null, data + " bar");
		], function(err, result) {
			cb(err, result);
	asyncTask(function(err, data) {
		if (err) {
			// if err handle err
		// foo bar
	// Complete task using native Promise
	var promiseTask = function(cb) {
		return Promise.resolve("promise foo").then(function(data) {
			return data + " baz";

	promiseTask().then(function(data) {
		// foo bar
	}, function(err) {
		// if err handle err
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