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SoonKhen OwYong owyongsk

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owyongsk / cf_chameleon.js
Last active February 14, 2025 21:25
A quick way to have Dropbox Public Folder for free using Cloudflare Workers! Inspired by
1. Create an app on your, choose "Dropbox API",
set permissions to "Apps folder", generate a token Refresh until image loads
2. Deploy this code to Cloudflare Workers.
3. Set your token as env variable DROPBOX_TOKEN in Cloudflare worker
4. Move all your files to your ~/Dropbox/Apps/'dropbox-app-name-earlier' folder
5. Look at your file at if you have a
file ~/Dropbox/Apps/'dropbox-app-name-earlier'/path/to/file.html
owyongsk / uob.js
Last active October 19, 2020 09:12
Automatically add transactions to
//* 1. Change the text below by pasting each line from the email you receive
//* 2. Then open the console, and copy and paste the whole file and press enter
text = `
Order matched – Bought 30000 units of MTAG (0213) at RM 0.580000 on (2020-07-30 12:12:38). Login to UTRADE for more information.
Order matched – Bought 13000 units of HEXZA (3298) at RM 1.330000 on (2020-07-30 12:14:27). Login to UTRADE for more information.
owyongsk /
Created November 21, 2019 09:18
Prank Redirect
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
import random
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
class Redirect(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
term = parse_qs(urlparse(self.path).query)['q'][0]
owyongsk /
Last active June 6, 2018 04:35
A Google Form which sends all the data, including attachment to a URL of your choice via webhooks.
* Inspired by
* Please keep the source code updated with this gist at
* There's no way to have a gist owned by an organization
var webhook_url = "https://your.own/webhook/path";
owyongsk /
Last active June 26, 2016 08:03 — forked from jimsynz/
I use this to install Elixir on Codeship.
# I use this to install Elixir on our codeship instances for testing. YMMV.
# cd ~
# curl -O
# . ~/
# cd ~/clone
# You can override your Elixir and Erlang versions from your shell when you call ./