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Last active March 10, 2019 15:12
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AWS Lambda Limits
AWS Lambda limits the amount of compute and storage resources that you can use to run and store functions.
The following limits apply per-region and can be increased. To request an increase, use the Support Center console.
Resource Default Limit
Concurrent executions: 1000
Function and layer storage: 75 GB
For details on how Lambda scales your function concurrency in response to traffic, see Understanding Scaling Behavior.
The following limits apply to function configuration, deployments, and execution. They cannot be changed.
Resource Limit
Function memory allocation: 128 MB to 3008 MB, in 64 MB increments.
Function timeout: 900 seconds (15 minutes)
Function environment variables: 4 KB
Function resource-based policy: 20 KB
Function layers: 5 layers
Invocation payload (request and response)
synchronous 6 MB
asynchronous 256 KB
Deployment package size
zipped, for direct upload 50 MB
unzipped, including layers 250MB
console editor 3 MB
Test events (console editor): 10
/tmp directory storage: 512 MB
File descriptors: 1024
Execution processes/threads: 1024
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