First of all install update and upgrade your system:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
Then, install required libraries:
import tensorflow as tf | |
def get_frozen_graph(graph_file): | |
"""Read Frozen Graph file from disk.""" | |
with tf.gfile.FastGFile(graph_file, "rb") as f: | |
graph_def = tf.GraphDef() | |
graph_def.ParseFromString( | |
return graph_def | |
# The TensorRT inference graph file downloaded from Colab or your local machine. |
#!/bin/bash | |
# A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories. | |
# NOTE: if you have more than 100 repositories, you'll need to step thru the list of repos | |
# returned by GitHub one page at a time, as described at | |
GHBU_BACKUP_DIR=${GHBU_BACKUP_DIR-"github-backups"} # where to place the backup files | |
GHBU_ORG=${GHBU_ORG-"<CHANGE-ME>"} # the GitHub organization whose repos will be backed up | |
# (if you're backing up a user's repos instead, this should be your GitHub username) | |
GHBU_UNAME=${GHBU_UNAME-"<CHANGE-ME>"} # the username of a GitHub account (to use with the GitHub API) |
#!/bin/bash | |
## thanks to for the perfect Idea | |
## put it in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post so it gets run after every renewal. | |
# parameters | |
USERNAME="maybe empty" | |
PASSWORD="fritzbox-password" | |
CERTPATH="path to cert eg /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.tld/" | |
CERTPASSWORD="cert password if needed" | |
The git command-line utility has plenty of inconsistencies
A GUI like is often helpful, but staying on the command line usually quicker. This is a list of the commands I use most frequently, listed by functional category:
git status
list which (unstaged) files have changed
When you are unable to login to the unifi controller or forgot admin password, you can restore access using SSH and manipulating mongodb directly.
Do not uninstall unifi controller - most of the data is not stored in mongodb. In case you thought a mongodb backup would be sufficient, you may have fucked up already, just like me. However I managed to write this "tutorial" for anyone to not run into the same trap.
import qrcode | |
def createQr(vwz,iban,bic,recipient,amount,filename="epc_qr"): | |
# The docs can be found here: | |
qr = qrcode.QRCode(error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_M) | |
qr.add_data("BCD\n") | |
qr.add_data("002\n") | |
qr.add_data("1\n") | |
qr.add_data("SCT\n") |
By default Linux ignores Broadcast and Multicast ICMP messages. That's why you need to enable it first:
sysctl -w net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=0
To join any mutlicast address (e.g.
) just add it to your active interface (e.g. eth0
) and append the keyword autojoin
at the end: