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Created May 5, 2020 02:16
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  • Save p4ul/5bce671b7eeaf157dfb35b3b44a09a9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save p4ul/5bce671b7eeaf157dfb35b3b44a09a9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
standard commits test


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

1.1.0 (2020-05-05)

Bug Fixes

  • works 6 7bbab1a
  • all: works 4 0fc1a1e
  • all: works 5 141bcd0


  • works 3 77be1f1
  • bff: works 1 2bb39ba
  • bff,bfd: works 2 ec87400

Performance Improvements

  • all: works 8 a787c8f


  • all: works 7 62566a4
mkdir testChangeLog
cd testChangeLog
echo "Create some commits for testing"
git init
yarn init -y
yarn add conventional-changelog-angular
touch x
git add x
git commit -a -m "Initial Commit";
echo "Create some commits for testing"
echo "these WILL show in CHANGELOG"
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "feat(bff): works 1";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "feat(bff,bfd): works 2";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "feat: works 3";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "fix(all): works 4";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "fix(all): works 5";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "fix: works 6";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "revert(all): works 7";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "perf(all): works 8";
echo "these won't show in CHANGELOG"
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "no(good): shouldn't show up";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "docs(all): shouldn't show up";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "style(all): shouldn't show up";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "test(all): shouldn't show up";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "build(all): shouldn't show up";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "chore(all): shouldn't show up";
uuid > x & git commit -a -m "refactor(all): shouldn't show up";
npx standard-version --preset conventional-changelog-angular
cd ..
sudo rm -r testChangeLog
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