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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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"explorer.fileNesting.expand", | |
"explorer.fileNesting.patterns", | |
"files.insertFinalNewline", | |
"files.trimFinalNewlines", | |
"files.eol", | |
"files.autoSave", | |
"files.hotExit", | |
"search.exclude", | |
"terminal.integrated.tabs.location", | |
"", | |
"debug.toolBarLocation", | |
"debug.terminal.clearBeforeReusing", | |
"breadcrumbs.enabled", | |
"emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation", | |
"telemetry.telemetryLevel", | |
"files.associations", | |
"[properties]", | |
"[jsonc]", | |
"[gitconfig]", | |
"[dockerfile]", | |
"[dockercompose]", | |
"[json]", | |
"[css]", | |
"[postcss]", | |
"[markdown]", | |
"[html]", | |
"[python]", | |
"[java]", | |
"[javascript]", | |
"[typescript]", | |
"[typescriptreact]", | |
"extensions.ignoreRecommendations", | |
"npm.packageManager", | |
"npm.fetchOnlinePackageInfo", | |
"git.autofetch", | |
"git.confirmSync", | |
"eslint.debug", | |
"biome.enabled", | |
"prettify-ts.typeIndentation", | |
"prettify-ts.maxProperties", | |
"prettify-ts.maxDepth", | |
"prettify-ts.maxUnionMembers", | |
"prettify-ts.maxSubProperties", | |
"code-runner.executorMap", | |
"redhat.telemetry.enabled", | |
"console-ninja.featureSet", | |
"todo-tree.highlights.enabled", | |
"symbols.hidesExplorerArrows", | |
"symbols.files.associations", | |
"symbols.folders.associations", | |
"prettier.enableDebugLogs", | |
"prettier.useEditorConfig", | |
"prettier.experimentalTernaries", | |
"prettier.singleQuote", | |
"prettier.endOfLine", | |
"prettier.quoteProps", | |
"jupyter.interactiveWindow.textEditor.executeSelection", | |
"java.edit.smartSemicolonDetection.enabled", | |
"java.format.settings.url", | |
"java.configuration.runtimes" | |
] | |
} |
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