You will be adding new social media icons (not available in default theme) to your footer:
Open the Config/settings_schema.json file and just after the field for Fancy, which ends around line 1947, add the following:
// handlelize in liquid: | |
// how to handlelize in js: | |
function handlelize (str) { | |
str = str.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '') // Remove accents | |
.replace(/([^\w]+|\s+)/g, '-') // Replace space and other characters by hyphen | |
.replace(/\-\-+/g, '-') // Replaces multiple hyphens by one hyphen | |
.replace(/(^-+|-+$)/g, '') // Remove extra hyphens from beginning or end of the string | |
.toLowerCase(); // To lowercase |
@font-face { | |
font-family: 'Proxima Nova'; | |
src: url('') format('woff2'), | |
url('') format('woff'); | |
font-weight: 400; | |
font-style: normal; | |
font-display: swap; | |
} | |
@font-face { |
<script src=""></script> | |
{% if customer %} | |
<div | |
id="swell-customer-identification" | |
data-authenticated="true" | |
data-email="{{ }}" | |
data-id="{{ }}" | |
data-tags='{{ customer.tags | json }}' | |
style="display:none;" |
/* | |
* 1. Create the filter by price Facet: | |
* - Set "Facet type" to "Checkboxes" | |
* - Set "Data source" to "Price" | |
* - Set "Sort by" to "Raw Value" | |
* 2. Set $price_facet_name to the name of the crewated facet | |
*/ | |
function index_custom_price_range( $params, $class ) { |