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Last active December 22, 2024 13:10
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Output SpiceDb schema differences on a Azure DevOps pipeline (omitted go.mod and go.sum for brevity)
package main
import (
func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 3 {
log.Fatal("Usage: go run main.go <schema1> <schema2>")
prevSchema, currSchema := os.Args[1], os.Args[2]
diffedSchemas, err := compareSchemasFromStrings(prevSchema, currSchema)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error comparing schemas: %v", err)
changes := analyzeSchemaChanges(diffedSchemas)
if changes.hasChanges() {
fmt.Printf("##vso[task.setvariable variable=hasDifferences;isOutput=true]true\n")
} else {
fmt.Println("No changes detected between the schemas.")
fmt.Printf("##vso[task.setvariable variable=hasDifferences;isOutput=true]false\n")
func compareSchemasFromStrings(schemaStr1, schemaStr2 string) (*diff.SchemaDiff, error) {
compiledSchema1, _, err := development.CompileSchema(schemaStr1)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error compiling schema1: %w", err)
compiledSchema2, _, err := development.CompileSchema(schemaStr2)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error compiling schema2: %w", err)
diffableSchema1 := diff.NewDiffableSchemaFromCompiledSchema(compiledSchema1)
diffableSchema2 := diff.NewDiffableSchemaFromCompiledSchema(compiledSchema2)
diffedSchemas, err := diff.DiffSchemas(diffableSchema1, diffableSchema2)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error diffing schemas: %w", err)
return diffedSchemas, nil
type schemaChanges struct {
addedNamespaces []string
removedNamespaces []string
changedNamespaces map[string][]namespace.Delta
func (sc schemaChanges) hasChanges() bool {
return len(sc.addedNamespaces) > 0 || len(sc.removedNamespaces) > 0 || len(sc.changedNamespaces) > 0
func analyzeSchemaChanges(diffedSchemas *diff.SchemaDiff) schemaChanges {
changes := schemaChanges{
addedNamespaces: diffedSchemas.AddedNamespaces,
removedNamespaces: diffedSchemas.RemovedNamespaces,
changedNamespaces: make(map[string][]namespace.Delta),
for nsName, nsDiff := range diffedSchemas.ChangedNamespaces {
changes.changedNamespaces[nsName] = nsDiff.Deltas()
return changes
func printSchemaChanges(changes schemaChanges) {
fmt.Println("\nDetailed JSON output of changed Namespaces:")
changedNsDeltasJSON, err := json.MarshalIndent(changes.changedNamespaces, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error marshaling changed namespaces to JSON: %v", err)
func prettyPrintSchemaChanges(changes schemaChanges) {
fmt.Print("Schema Changes Summary:")
fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("=", 30))
fmt.Printf("Added Namespaces (%d):", len(changes.addedNamespaces))
for _, ns := range changes.addedNamespaces {
fmt.Printf(" + %s\n", ns)
fmt.Printf("Removed Namespaces (%d):", len(changes.removedNamespaces))
for _, ns := range changes.removedNamespaces {
fmt.Printf(" - %s\n", ns)
fmt.Printf("Changed Namespaces (%d):", len(changes.changedNamespaces))
for nsName, deltas := range changes.changedNamespaces {
fmt.Printf(" * %s:\n", nsName)
for _, delta := range deltas {
actionStr := "-"
switch {
case strings.Contains(string(delta.Type), "added"):
actionStr = "+"
case strings.Contains(string(delta.Type), "removed"):
actionStr = "-"
case strings.Contains(string(delta.Type), "changed"):
actionStr = "~"
fmt.Printf(" %s %s: %s\n", actionStr, delta.Type, delta.RelationName)
trigger: none
- job: RunComparison
- task: GoTool@0
version: '1.23.4'
- script: |
CURRENT_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
PREVIOUS_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD~1)
CURRENT_CONTENT=$(git show $CURRENT_COMMIT:./schema.zed)
PREVIOUS_CONTENT=$(git show $PREVIOUS_COMMIT:./schema.zed)
name: goRunDiff
displayName: 'Compare Schema versions'
- script: |
echo "The value of hasDifferences is: $(goRunDiff.hasDifferences)"
displayName: 'Print hasDifferences Variable'
- job: ManualValidation
dependsOn: RunComparison
pool: server
condition: eq(dependencies.RunComparison.outputs['goRunDiff.hasDifferences'], 'true')
- task: ManualValidation@0
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