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Last active August 31, 2022 06:49
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Simple python script for trading currency pair on
from gcapi import GCapiClient # From
from gcapi.gcapi_tools import format_date # From
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
import numpy
def check_sell_criteria(prices):
# TODO: Write your algorithm to detect sell condition here
return False
def check_buy_criteria(prices):
# TODO: Write your algorithm to detect buy condition here
return False
# Current time
now =
dt_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
print("Program started at:", dt_string)
api = GCapiClient(username='YOUR_USERNAME', password='YOUR_PASSWORD',
appkey='YOUR_APP_KEY', proxies=None)
print("Authenticated successfully...")
print("Getting account information...")
response = api.get_account_info(get=None)
account_id = response['TradingAccounts'][0]['TradingAccountId']
print("Requesting information on currency pair...")
currency_pair = 'USD/CNH' # Currency pair we are going to trade
market_id = api.get_market_info(currency_pair, get=None)['Markets'][0]['MarketId']
print("Trading %s of id %s" % (currency_pair, market_id))
# Trading loop
while 1:
# API endpoints may fail every once in a while and it should not stop code from looping again
# Period of trading loop. In this case, runs every 10 seconds
now =
dt_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
print("Starting loop at:", dt_string)
# We don't trade on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays
if now.weekday() not in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
print("Not a trading day. Restarting loop...")
# Get a specified number of past price points
response = api.get_prices(market_id=market_id, num_ticks=50)
# Extract price points from response
price_data = list(map(lambda p: p['Price'], response['PriceTicks']))
price_current = price_data[-1]
price_mean = numpy.mean(price_data)
price_std = numpy.std(price_data)
print('Current price is %s with mean %1.5f and std %1.5f. Timestamp from request %s.' % (
price_current, price_mean, price_std, response['PriceTicks'][-1]))
# Check our open positions
response = api.list_open_positions(trading_acc_id=account_id)
open_positions = response['OpenPositions']
# This code is made to work with a single open position at a time.
# If there is more than one open position, you will need to close it manually.
if len(open_positions) > 1:
print("ERROR! We have more than one open position...")
elif len(open_positions) == 1:
price_open_position = open_positions[0]['Price']
# We should ONLY ever have 1 open position at a time
"Already have open position. Checking if sell criteria has been met...")
# Place a SELL order if criteria is met
if check_sell_criteria(price_data):
response = api.trade_order(1000, price_current, 'sell', trading_acc_id=account_id,
market_id=market_id, market_name=currency_pair)
print('SELL order has been placed!')
# Place a BUY order if criteria is met
elif check_buy_criteria(price_data):
# Set acceptable bounds for take profit (automatic sell if price exceeds threshold)
# and stop loss (automatic sell if price drops below threshold).
price_stop_loss = price_current * 0.995
price_take_profit = price_current * 1.005
response = api.trade_order(1000, price_current, 'buy', trading_acc_id=account_id, market_id=market_id,
market_name=currency_pair, stop_loss=price_stop_loss, take_profit=price_take_profit)
print('BUY order has been placed!')
except Exception as e:
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