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def rgb(r, g, b)16+(r.to_i*36)+(g.to_i*6)+b.to_i end | |
def colorize(s, fg, bg = nil) "#{fg ? "\x1b[38;5;#{fg}m" : ''}#{bg ? "\x1b[48;5;#{bg}m" : ''}#{s}\x1b[0m" end | |
def rainbow(n)f,w,o=5.0/n,3,3; (0...n).map{|i| rgb(Math.sin(f*i+0)*o+w, Math.sin(f*i+2)*o+w, Math.sin(f*i+4)*o+w)} end | |
def display(board, goal=2048) | |
@palette ||= rainbow(Math.log2(goal)) | |
puts board.map{|r| r.map{|c| colorize((c==0 ? ?. : c).to_s.center(6), @palette[Math.log2(c+1)])}.join}.join("\n\n") | |
end | |
def compress(board, direction) | |
t=->(a){z=0;a.reduce([]){|s,e| z+=e==s[-1]? (s[-1]+=e;1): e>0? (s<<e;0): 1;s}+Array.new(z,0)} # trivial case: 1D array to the left | |
case direction | |
when :l; board.map{|e| t[e]} # 2D array to the left | |
when :r; board.map{|e| t[e.reverse].reverse} # 2D array to the right | |
when :u; board.transpose.map{|e| t[e]}.transpose # 2D array upwards | |
when :d; board.transpose.map{|e| t[e.reverse].reverse}.transpose # 2D array downwards | |
else board | |
end | |
end | |
def add(board) | |
free = board.each_with_index.reduce([]){|s,(e,i)| s+e.each_with_index.select{|d,j| d==0}.map{|k| [i,k[1]]}}.sample | |
(puts 'Game over!'; exit) unless free | |
board[free[0]][free[1]] = rand > 0.8 ? 4 : 2 | |
board | |
end | |
def won?(board, goal=2048)board.flatten.any?{|e| e==goal}end | |
def key | |
state = `stty -g`.chomp | |
system 'stty raw -echo' | |
char = STDIN.getc | |
char << STDIN.getc << STDIN.getc if char==0x1b.chr | |
char[-1] | |
rescue; warn $!.message, $!.backtrace | |
ensure; system 'stty', state | |
end | |
# optional args are -w,-h for board size, -g for goal. defaults are 4,4,2048 | |
args = Hash[ARGV.each_slice(2).to_a.map{|k,v| [k[1..-1].downcase.to_sym,v.to_i]}] | |
board = Array.new(args[:h]||4){Array.new(args[:w]||4, 0)} | |
board = add(board) | |
STDIN.reopen('/dev/tty') | |
loop do | |
system 'clear' | |
display(board,args[:g]||2048) | |
(puts 'You won!';exit) if won?(board, args[:g]||2048) | |
direction = case key | |
when ?D,?a,?h; :l # use either arrow keys or wsad or hjkl | |
when ?B,?s,?j; :d | |
when ?A,?w,?k; :u | |
when ?C,?d,?l; :r | |
when ?\C-c,?\C-x,?x,?q; exit | |
else next | |
end | |
board = add(compress(board, direction)) | |
end |
Does not work on: ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]
This is the version of Ruby included in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
@mevdschee: That's probably because it doesn't understand the new lambda syntax in line 10? You could replace the "->" with "lambda". And I don't know if in 1.8.7 it can be called usind "[ ]", maybe you need to say t.call(...).
Anyways. 1.8.7 is ancient history :) I suggest you use RVM or RBENV and get yourself something modern :)
When there are no moves in one direction (left, for example), the original game locks up, while yours creates a new piece every time. Its hard to explain, but when there are no pieces to be combined when moving left, left is therefore not supposed to be a valid move.
@williamtguerra fixed that
works ok on ruby 1.9.3p392 (2013-02-22 revision 39386) [x86_64-linux]