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Created September 18, 2020 16:30
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mtcars_cor <- (cor(mtcars))^2
mtcars_cor <- (-1) * mtcars_cor
g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mtcars_cor, weighted = TRUE,
mode = "undirected", diag = FALSE)
g_mst <- mst(g, algorithm = "prim")
threshold <- 0
avg_links_n <- FALSE
avg_links <- 4
tolerance <- 0.05
simplify_g <- function() {
while (avg_links_n == FALSE) {
if (threshold < 1) {
message(sprintf("%s threshold...", threshold))
g_not_in_mst <- delete.edges(g, which(abs(E(g)$weight) <= threshold))
g_not_in_mst <- graph.difference(g_not_in_mst, g_mst)
g <- graph.union(g_mst, g_not_in_mst)
E(g)$weight <- pmin(E(g)$weight_1, E(g)$weight_2, na.rm = T)
g <- remove.edge.attribute(g, "weight_1")
g <- remove.edge.attribute(g, "weight_2")
avg_links_n <- ifelse(mean(degree(g)) <= avg_links, TRUE, FALSE)
threshold <- threshold + tolerance
if (avg_links_n == TRUE) {
message(sprintf("%s threshold achieves the avg number of connections", threshold))
E(g)$weight <- (-1) * E(g)$weight
} else {
warning("no threshold achieves the avg number of connections\nreturning maximum spanning tree")
avg_links_n <- TRUE
E(g_mst)$weight <- (-1) * E(g_mst)$weight
g_mst_2 <- simplify_g()
ggraph(g, layout = "fr") +
geom_edge_link(edge_colour = "#a8a8a8") +
geom_node_point(aes(size = 5), color = "#86494d") +
geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size = 2, vjust = 2.2) +
ggtitle("Full g") +
ggraph(g_mst_2, layout = "kk") +
geom_edge_link(edge_colour = "#a8a8a8") +
geom_node_point(aes(size = 5), color = "#86494d") +
geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size = 2, vjust = 2.2) +
ggtitle("g with avg of 4 links") +
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