#!/bin/bash |
# |
# @@@@@@@ |
# git clone https://gist.github.com/1602c3b520d4595a41df59f8673d019c.git pve-fp |
# cd pve-fp; |
# chmod+x proxmox-frontpage.sh |
# ./proxmox-frontpage.sh |
# @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |
# https://gist.github.com/pacmac |
# I created this for my own use but decided to share it, use entirely at your own risk. |
# If your server is public facing or you don't trust any of your nodes then don't do it. |
# CORS policies have been circumvented in the add_header X-Frame-Options for the iframe to load the frontpages. |
# After each change please test thye configuration with "nginx -t" |
# and restart the nginx service: systemctl restart nginx |
# It would be nice to see this as an enhancement properly built into proxmox. |
# @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |
function _help { |
echo " ##################### |
## Example node entry |
##################### |
> For Each CT/VM node, add a new entry into the /etc/nginx/conf.d folder: |
> The listen port needs to be the Node ID + 8000 |
> So in this example, the node id is 101 so the listen port is 8101 |
> either use the local dns host name or the ip address and port. |
nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/8101_plex.conf |
server { |
include snippets/pveprox.conf; |
listen 8101 ssl; |
location / { |
proxy_pass http://plex.local:32400/; |
} |
} |
> Then test & restart nginx |
nginx -t |
systemctl restart nginx; |
##################### |
" |
} |
### Check for previous install & backup |
function _check { |
if [ -f "/usr/share/pve-manager/index.html.tpl.bak" ];then |
echo "@@@ This installer has already been run once." |
echo "@@@ Quitting." |
exit 0; |
else |
echo "OK First Run, proceeding with install..." |
cp -p /usr/share/pve-manager/index.html.tpl /usr/share/pve-manager/index.html.tpl.bak |
fi |
} |
### Install nginx |
function _install { |
echo "Updaing repos & installing nginx..." |
apt update && apt -y install nginx; |
} |
### Remove existing nginx defaults |
function _ngclean { |
rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default |
rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/default |
rm -f /etc/nginx/snippets/*.conf |
rm -f /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf |
} |
### insert proxmox.conf into /etc/nginx/conf.d |
function _pmproxy { |
pmox="upstream proxmox { |
server "proxmox.local"; |
} |
server { |
listen 80 default_server; |
rewrite ^(.*) https://\$host\$1 permanent; |
} |
server { |
listen 443 ssl; |
server_name _; |
ssl_certificate /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.pem; |
ssl_certificate_key /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key; |
proxy_redirect off; |
location / { |
proxy_http_version 1.1; |
proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade; |
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; |
proxy_pass https://localhost:8006; |
proxy_buffering off; |
client_max_body_size 0; |
proxy_connect_timeout 3600s; |
proxy_read_timeout 3600s; |
proxy_send_timeout 3600s; |
send_timeout 3600s; |
} |
} |
" |
echo "$pmox" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/proxmox.conf |
} |
## insert pveprox.conf include file into /etc/nginx/snippets |
function _snippets { |
echo "server_name _; |
ssl_certificate /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.pem; |
ssl_certificate_key /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key; |
proxy_redirect off; |
proxy_http_version 1.1; |
proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade; |
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; |
proxy_set_header Host \$host; |
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host \$server_name; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; |
proxy_hide_header X-Frame-Options; |
add_header X-Frame-Options \"ALLOWALL\";" > /etc/nginx/snippets/pveprox.conf |
} |
### append <script> to index.html.tpl |
function _index { |
FN="/usr/share/pve-manager/index.html.tpl" |
## Backup the file |
if [ ! -f "$FN.bak" ];then |
cp -rp $FN "$FN.bak"; |
fi |
if [ ! "$(cat $FN | grep frontpage.js)" ];then |
echo "Inserting into $FN"; |
sed -i '/<\/head>/i <script type="text/javascript" src='\''/pve2/js/frontpage.js'\''></script>' $FN; |
fi; |
} |
### Copy frontpage.js to pve folder |
function _cpjs { |
cp -rp ./frontpage.js /usr/share/pve-manager/js/frontpage.js |
} |
## restart nginx |
function _restart { |
nginx -t |
systemctl restart nginx; |
} |
## MAIN |
_check; |
_install; |
_ngclean; |
_pmproxy; |
_snippets; |
_index; |
_cpjs; |
_restart; |
_help; |