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Paul Adenot padenot

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why doesn't radfft support AVX on PC?

So there's two separate issues here: using instructions added in AVX and using 256-bit wide vectors. The former turns out to be much easier than the latter for our use case.

Problem number 1 was that you positively need to put AVX code in a separate file with different compiler settings (/arch:AVX for VC++, -mavx for GCC/Clang) that make all SSE code emitted also use VEX encoding, and at the time radfft was written there was no way in CDep to set compiler flags for just one file, just for the overall build.

[There's the GCC "target" annotations on individual funcs, which in principle fix this, but I ran into nasty problems with this for several compiler versions, and VC++ has no equivalent, so we're not currently using that and just sticking with different compilation units.]

The other issue is to do with CPU power management.

last updated on 21/12/2011
Tim Starling Fix the reset bug (Thanks Tim)
#include "LiquidCrystal_I2C_Bela.h"
// When the display powers up, it is configured as follows:
jsantell /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Firefox Developer Tools' Web Audio Editor scratchpad

Originally from etherpad

The Web Audio Editor in Firefox Developer Tools is still a work in progress. A lot of love is needed in its current state, and once the basic features are working, here are some dream features, and future planning.
