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padeoe /
Last active February 27, 2025 16:25
CLI-Tool for download Huggingface models and datasets with aria2/wget: hfd

🤗Huggingface Model Downloader


(2025-01-08) Add feature for 🏷️Tag(Revision) Selection, contributed by @Bamboo-D.
(2024-12-17) Add feature for ⚡Quick Startup and ⏭️Fast Resume, enabling skipping of downloaded files, while removing the git clone dependency to accelerate file list retrieval.

Considering the lack of multi-threaded download support in the official huggingface-cli, and the inadequate error handling in hf_transfer, This command-line tool leverages curl and aria2c for fast and robust downloading of models and datasets.


  • ⏯️ Resume from breakpoint: You can re-run it or Ctrl+C anytime.
padeoe /
Last active April 11, 2022 07:06
unofficial ddns for domain on

DDNS for Domain on

NAME.COM provide the API to create/update DNS record, we can implement DDNS without depending on any third party DDNS service.

  • Python 3.8+ (because I used the latest := operator in 3.8, if you use 3.6 or others, you can modify the codes, very easy)
  • v4 REST API of
  • Use to get public IP

Step 1: Prepare a Proxy (Static IP)

Since we would like to setup DDNS, which means our server doesn't have a fixed IP, but the API of requires the caller's IP whitelisted in advance, which means the caller's IP need to be fixed or limited in the number. However, the dynamic from ISP is not stable. So, a proxy server is required to solve the problem.

padeoe / 南大P.NJU自动登陆.md
Created June 19, 2020 09:06
每隔 5 分钟执行一次在线检测,如果不在线则登录上线


每隔 5 分钟执行一次网络系统登录检测,检查当前是否在线,如果不在线则登录上线。

  • 定时检测
  • 保存登录日志
  • 用户名密码参数化

依赖 Python 3.

1. 创建登陆脚本

padeoe / iplist.json
Last active July 31, 2020 07:50
"domain": [
padeoe /
Last active January 22, 2025 16:33
Show Username & full process command with nvidia-smi

For typical use cases, I prefer using nvitop to view detailed information. This script offers a dependency-free implementation.

The script enhances the functionality of nvidia-smi and provides the following info:

  • Username
  • full process Command
  • GPU ID
  • PID

This is useful on multi-user servers and can be used to quickly identify which user is using the GPU and running what kind of program.

padeoe / Pytorch-env.Dockerfile
Last active May 22, 2019 03:20
a Pytorch docker script for human
FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7.5-devel
# use local apt mirror
RUN sed -i 's/;s/' /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update
# use local pip mirror
RUN mkdir ~/.pip \
&& printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n' '[global]' 'trusted-host =' \
'index-url ='>> ~/.pip/pip.conf
padeoe /
Last active April 3, 2023 10:06
[Script]Renew letsencrypt wildcard ssl cert for domain on

[Script] Auto-Renew Wildcard Letsencrypt Certs for

This tutorial can Auto-Renew wildcard letsencrypt certs for domain on

Wildcard certificates issued by need DNS TXT record to challenge, we can add TXT record manually when you apply the cert. If we want to automate it, we need to write a script that use the API of DNS provider to add TXT record. certbot has provided command argument --manual-auth-hook to pass the script.

Step 1: Get a API token

Get your own api token provided by

padeoe /
Last active January 11, 2019 02:10
gitlab docker check update script
# pull the latest image
check_update=`docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest`
# Check if newer image pulled
if [[ $check_update == *"Image is up to date for gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest"* ]]
echo 'Gitlab is already up to date!'
echo 'Start to update Gitlab...'
padeoe / tensorflow-gpu-py3.Dockerfile
Last active May 22, 2019 03:03
docker tensorflow-gpu-py3使用阿里云软件源
FROM tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3
# 修改apt源
RUN sed -i 's/;s/' /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update
# 修改pip源
RUN mkdir ~/.pip \
&& printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n' '[global]' 'trusted-host =' \
'index-url ='>> ~/.pip/pip.conf
void insertion_sort(int a[], int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (a[i] < a[j]) {
int tmp = a[j];
a[j] = a[i];
a[i] = tmp;