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Algorithm W
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## Principal type-schemes for functional programs | |
**Luis Damas and Robin Milner, POPL '82** | |
> module W where | |
> import Data.List | |
> import Data.Maybe | |
> import Data.Function | |
## Terms | |
Here is our term language. Binders are labelled by integers (innermost terms first) and introduced by | |
lambda abstractions and let bindings. | |
For example: | |
Lam 1 (Var 1) | |
represents the identity function. | |
> type Binder = Integer | |
> | |
> data Expr | |
> = Var Binder | |
> | App Expr Expr | |
> | Lam Binder Expr | |
> | Let Binder Expr Expr | |
> deriving (Show, Eq) | |
## Syntactic Sugar | |
Here are some convenience functions for building terms in a HOAS style. We generate binders lazily assuming | |
the outermost abstraction binds the freshest name: | |
> lam :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr | |
> lam f = Lam b e | |
> where | |
> b = maxVar e + 1 | |
> e = f (Var b) | |
> | |
> maxVar (Lam b _) = b | |
> maxVar (Let b _ _) = b | |
> maxVar (Var b) = 0 | |
> maxVar (App e1 e2) = max (maxVar e1) (maxVar e2) | |
> | |
> ($$) = App | |
Now we can introduce terms more naturally as follows: | |
W> lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> x $$ y | |
Lam 2 (Lam 1 (App (Var 2) (Var 1))) | |
## Types | |
Next, here is the type language, consisting of primitive types (named by strings), variables and functions. | |
Type schemes are rolled into the same representation for simplicity. | |
> type Prim = String | |
> | |
> data Ty | |
> = P Prim | |
> | V Binder | |
> | Ty :~> Ty | |
> | S [Binder] Ty | |
> deriving (Show, Eq) | |
## Substitutions | |
Substitutions are just mappings from binders to types, represented here using association lists: | |
> type Subst = [(Binder, Ty)] | |
> | |
> apply :: Subst -> Ty -> Ty | |
> apply s = go | |
> where | |
> go (V b) = V b `fromMaybe` lookup b s | |
> go (t1 :~> t2) = go t1 :~> go t2 | |
> go other = other | |
To combine two substitutions, we need to make sure all variables are fully applied, by applying the | |
first substitution to types in the second: | |
> combine :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst | |
> combine s1 s2 = [ (b, apply s1 ty) | (b, ty) <- s2 ] ++ s1 | |
## Unification | |
Unification is defined by zipping two types until we hit unification variables. At that point, we grow | |
the substitution to assert the appropriate equalities. If we encounter two inconsistent types, we raise an | |
error. | |
The occurs check is necessary to ensure we don't generate infinite types: | |
> occursIn :: Binder -> Ty -> Bool | |
> b `occursIn` V b1 = b == b1 | |
> b `occursIn` (t1 :~> t2) = (b `occursIn` t1) || (b `occursIn` t2) | |
> b `occursIn` S bs t = (b `occursIn` t) && (b `notElem` bs) | |
> _ `occursIn` _ = False | |
> | |
> unify :: Ty -> Ty -> Subst | |
> unify (P p1) (P p2) | p1 == p2 = [] | |
> unify (V b) t | b `occursIn` t = error "Occurs check failed!" | |
> | otherwise = [(b, t)] | |
> unify t (V b) = unify (V b) t | |
> unify (t1 :~> t2) (t3 :~> t4) = unify t1 t3 `combine` unify t2 t4 | |
> unify _ _ = error "Unification failed" | |
## Instantiation | |
To instantiate a type scheme, we replace all of the abstracted type variables by fresh unification variables: | |
> instantiate :: Fresh -> Ty -> (Ty, Fresh) | |
> instantiate fr (S bs t) = (s `apply` t, fr1) | |
> where | |
> (s, fr1) = makeFresh fr bs | |
> | |
> makeFresh :: Fresh -> [Binder] -> (Subst, Fresh) | |
> makeFresh fr [] = ([], fr) | |
> makeFresh fr (b:bs) = ((b, V fr):s, fr1) | |
> where | |
> (s, fr1) = makeFresh (fr + 1) bs | |
> instantiate fr ty = (ty, fr) | |
## Generalization | |
To generalize a type to a type scheme, we collect the free variables occurring in a type and abstract | |
over them using S: | |
> freeVars :: Ty -> [Binder] | |
> freeVars (V b) = [b] | |
> freeVars (t1 :~> t2) = freeVars t1 ++ freeVars t2 | |
> freeVars (S bs t) = freeVars t \\ bs | |
> freeVars _ = [] | |
> | |
> generalize :: Subst -> Ty -> Ty | |
> generalize ctx ty = S free ty | |
> where | |
> free = nub $ freeVars ty \\ map fst ctx | |
## Algorithm W | |
Now we can assemble algorithm W. We proceed bottom up over the syntax of terms, growing the input substitution | |
by asserting the type equalities which are forced on us by the typing rules for the current term. | |
We keep a fresh name supply, so that we can instantiate type schemes and generate fresh unification variables for | |
the types of function arguments and let bound names. | |
This implementation is a direct translation of the description in the paper. | |
> type Fresh = Binder | |
> | |
> w :: Expr -> Ty | |
> w = uncurry generalize . fst . go 0 [] | |
> where | |
> go :: Fresh -> Subst -> Expr -> ((Subst, Ty), Fresh) | |
> go fr a (Var b) = (([], t), fr1) | |
> where | |
> (t, fr1) = maybe (error "Unbound name") (instantiate fr) mt | |
> mt = lookup b a | |
> go fr a (App e1 e2) = ((v `combine` s2 `combine` s1, apply v b), fr2) | |
> where | |
> ((s1, t1), fr1) = go (fr + 1) a e1 | |
> ((s2, t2), fr2) = go fr1 (s1 `combine` a) e2 | |
> b = V fr | |
> v = unify (apply s2 t1) (t2 :~> b) | |
> go fr a (Lam x e1) = ((s1, apply s1 b :~> t1), fr1) | |
> where | |
> b = V fr | |
> ((s1, t1), fr1) = go (fr + 1) (remove x a ++ [(x, b)]) e1 | |
> go fr a (Let x e1 e2) = ((s2 `combine` s1 `combine` a, t2), fr2) | |
> where | |
> ((s1, t1), fr1) = go fr a e1 | |
> ((s2, t2), fr2) = go fr1 ((s1 `combine` remove x a) ++ [(x, generalize (s1 `combine` a) t1)]) e2 | |
> | |
> remove :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] | |
> remove a = filter ((/= a) . fst) |
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