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Last active March 11, 2024 06:11
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personal vim cheat sheet

Vim Bindings

  • command + count + motion

- h,j,k,l

- w: word start (...W)
- e: word end (...E)
- b: backwards word (...B)
- ge: end of previous word

- gg: page top
- G: page bottom

- 0: beginning of the line index
- $: end of the line (trick: use "A" for the end of line + insert mode.)
- _: beginning of the line content (trick: use "I" for the beginning of line + insert mode.)

- {: move a block of lines up
- }: move to a block of lines down
- %: goto other pair of the parenthesis

- *: occurrence of the word

- y: yank
- d: delete (...D)
- p: paste
- x: delete letter (...X)
- c: change (...C)
- f: find letter and place cursor on it (...F) + ";" to goto next instance.
- t: find letter and place cursor before it (...T) + ";" to goto next instance.
- r: replace letter

- yy: copy line
- dd: delete line

- u: undo
- Ctrl + r: redo

- i: insert mode - before cursor  
- a: insert mode - after cursor (append)

- o: new line below & insert mode
- O: new line above & insert mode

- I: insert at the beginning of the line
- A: append at the end of the line

- v: visual mode
- V: visual line mode

- z: bring the line view to center
- ~: to toggle between upper and lower case
- .: to execute last command
- >>: indent right 
- <<: indent left

Esc - exit mode or reset the command
: - command mode
:39: jump to line number 39
:w - write file
:q - quit file
:q! - quit without saving
:wq - write and quit

macros: combination of commands you wanna store in a letter for later execution (just like "." but on steroids)

- q


  • First master motions and essentials commands only, later expand your expertise to niche commands
  • Use relative line numbers in editor
  • Disable long press for accent characters (i.e. long-press k should give kkkkkk and not ķ)
  • Don't stay inside insert mode for long because bindings won't work (get back to normal mode asap)
  • Learn and practice via game (if not via actual projects!)
  • Recommended pre-requisite (optional): learn touch typing!
  • If you're really going keyboard native, i'd recommend vimium - use browser with vim bindings


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