These courses are for freshers to machine learning. One of these courses is enough to get you acquainted to machine learning and its terminologies
Machine Learning course by Andrew NG coursera course:
Includes detailed introduction and a full-fledged course to machine learning with proper mathematical concpets that help to understand advanced machine learning course.
Neural Networks for Machine Learning course by Geoffrey Hinton coursera course:
Starts with introduction and detailed working of feed-forward and recurrent neural network. Then deviates to other important subtopic of machine learning.
Neural Networks course by Hugo Larochelle Neural networks class - Université de Sherbrooke youtube playlist:
This lecture includes concepts of neural network with emphesis on mathematical foundation related to it.
Machine Learning course by Nando de Freitas Machine Learning youtube playlist
Those familier with machine learning fundamentals or completed any of the above videos can start with deep learning.
Introduction to Deep Learning course by Nando de Freitas youtube playlist:
Explains basic deep learning concepts in a simplified and easy way. Less emphisis on math(for those who hate it).
Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED course by DeepLearningTV youtube playlist :
This video series has few general conecpts and lot of information as to where you might go wrong while building your own deep learning model.
Deep Learning course by Nervana youtube playlist:
This video teaches practical implementation stuff for Neon framework. Very infromative and must watch
For those who are familier with deep learning or machine learning and want to use Tensorflow as training and deployment framework.
This is the best place to start learning tensorflow. There is basic introduction documentation with code and documentation for complicated deep learning models.
TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017 by Google Developers TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017:
Tensorflow Dev Summit 2017 is the start of Tensorflow 1.0 i.e ready for production quality. These videos give detailed understading of tensorflow usage, models available and further changes and support in the future.
Tensorflow Tutorials by Morvan youtube playlist:
A good course to start with Tensorflow.
Tensorflow Lecture by Sherry Moore youtube link