# You can simply type
> emptyfile.txt
# This will create a empty text file with name "emptyfile"
# This same as doing
echo "" > emptyfile.txt
Save palashmon/5bd57c75c9b2b1b8af5d5968f13c9da9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
touch emptyfile.txt
what is the touch command?
what is the touch command?
the command touch can also create multiple files:
$ touch locator.py page.py
Can I use the touch command in windows prompt?
if you use Git Bash terminal - yes. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36126269/touch-is-not-recognized-as-an-internal-or-external-command-operable-program-o
Touch does work on Windows and MAC.
touch: cannot touch 'first.html': No such file or directory
I need solution
touch: cannot touch 'first.html': No such file or directory
I need solution
Where did you run it ?
same here. touch doesn't work
how to add a folder in git repo ?
how to add a folder in git repo ?
mkdir foldername
it will do it
same here. touch doesn't work
It may be your antivirus. If you use windows security, for instance, there is ransomware protection with the option of controlled folder access. If It is on, It will prevent git from creating the file, even if you make git an exception to the rule.
how to make file.md in a repos in git bash?
how to make file.md in a repos in git bash?
You can use the "touch" command to create any file inside git bash
touch file.md
once i am in txt file how to get out of it?
How do we create a folder in Windows for that command we want to pass in git bash ?
This is for windows command
To create a folder : mkdir foldername(example - docs)
To create a file inside a folder : echo filename(example - index.html )
they tell me it doesn't exist
Can I use the touch command in windows prompt?
yes you
touch: cannot touch 'first.html': No such file or directory
I need solution
are you working in bit bash or command prompt??
what is the touch command?