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Last active February 18, 2021 05:03
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// 驼峰命名法转蛇形命名法
function camel2snake ($camel) {
if (false !== strpos($camel, '_')) {
return $camel;
$capitalLetters = range('A', 'Z');
for ($i=1; $i < strlen($camel) - 1; $i++) {
if (in_array($camel[$i], $capitalLetters)) {
$camel = str_replace($camel[$i], '_' . strtolower($camel[$i]), $camel);
return $camel;
// 蛇形命名法转驼峰命名法
function snake2camel ($snake, $lowerCamelCase = false) {
// 非下划线变量返回原值
if (false === strpos($snake, '_')) {
return $snake;
$snakeTitle = ucwords($snake, '_');
$upperCamelCase = str_replace('_', '', $snakeTitle);
return $lowerCamelCase ? lcfirst($upperCamelCase) : $upperCamelCase;
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