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Created December 7, 2023 18:39
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Laravel Mix Asset Resolver
namespace Webikon;
* Class AssetResolver
* This utility class resolves URIs to built assets in the /dist directory of our theme. Built assets have a version
* hash within their file name – each time the file changes, this hash will change which changes the file name.
* This class provides the functionality to resolve the file name using the generated manifest at
* /dist/mix-manifest.json without having to specify the version hash.
* Source:
class AssetResolver
* @var array
private static $manifest = [];
* @param $path
* @return string
public static function resolve($path)
if ($map = self::get_manifest()) {
$path = self::leading_slash_it($path);
if (isset($map[$path])) {
return get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/dist' . self::leading_slash_it($map[$path]);
return '';
* @return array|mixed|object
private static function get_manifest()
if (!self::$manifest) {
$manifest = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/dist/mix-manifest.json';
if (
$map = file_get_contents($manifest) and
is_array($map = json_decode($map, true))
) {
self::$manifest = $map;
return self::$manifest;
* @param $string
* @return string
private static function leading_slash_it($string)
return '/' . ltrim($string, '/\\');
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