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Last active February 12, 2018 19:12
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cvim config
" Settings
let barposition = "bottom"
" alias ':g' to ':tabnew google'
command g tabnew google
let completionengines = ["google", "amazon", "imdb"]
let searchalias g = "google" " Create a shortcut for search engines.
" For example, typing ':tabnew g example'
" would act the same way as ':tabnew google example'
let blacklists = ["*", "*://*", "@*", "https://**","https://**","*","*"]
" blacklists prefixed by '@' act as a whitelist
set nosmoothscroll
let mapleader = ","
"""" Search engines
let searchengine im = ""
let searchalias g = "google"
let completionengines = ["google", "amazon", "imdb"]
""""""""""""" Mappings
map <Leader>r reloadTabUncached
map s nextTab
map a previousTab
map d closeTab
map gb goToTab
map u lastClosedTab
map <C-h> :set hud!<CR>
map <C-u> rootFrame
map <C-d> scrollPageDown
map <C-e> scrollPageUp
"iunmap <C-y> deleteWord
"imap <C-m> deleteWord
""" blacklists
site '*://**' {
unmap j
unmap k
site '*://**' {
unmap t
unmap ?
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