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Last active June 18, 2020 01:55
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Digital Designer 60,000 Asian, Pacific Islander Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-Time 1 2 0 0 yearly bonus Starting salary at $60,000, was low-balled because I just graduated
Research Analyst 61,800 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0
Editor $77,500 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 5 0 0 0 Starting salary $75,000, one 2% raise
Video Editor/Animator 80,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-Time 4 4 10% bonus
Product Designer $110,000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full time 1 5 0 0 $500 one time bonus
Sales Planner $58,500 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 1.5 0 0 N/A Yearly Bonus
Producer $80,000 Afro-Latinx Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 4 10% bonus
Marketing Manager $87,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 Bonus: 3k Countered twice during negotiations.
Senior Manager $110,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 10 1 0 100,000 base, 10,000 bonus
Sales Associate $42,000 Hispanic/Latinx Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 2 0 0 none starting salary: $40,000
Associate Manager, Brand Marketing $58,500 Caucasian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 4 0 0 N/A Started as freelance on Edit team on an hourly minimum wage for 9 months. Moved to Marketing team with starting salary was $35k as an associate (less than I was making on edit). Stayed in role for 1.5 years with 1x $1000 raise until Conde's re-org and was promoted (with delayed salary raise) to Associate Manager. Have been in new role for 1.5 years with a verbal promise of promotion.
Ad Ops Specialist $65,000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 1200 bonus
Sales Director $160,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 9 11 $40,000 Started at $50k (went to non-fancy school) was overworked and quit after only increasing to $67k after 3.5 years. Hired by competitor for 40% more. Hired back by CN 45 days later at 30% increase. Biggest salary increase came when I was hiring for a manager position to report into me (I was at director level) and the budget for that position was $20k more than my own salary, so I received a 25% increase.
Analyst $65,000 White Non-Binary Queer Full-time 1 3 0 0 None
Senior Social Media Manager $75,000 Asian/white Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 8 0 0 n/a I was in my previous role at another CN brand for 3 years, and when trying to negotiate for a higher salary at my current role they basically told me they couldn't go any higher percentage-wise because they knew what my previous salary was. I strongly believe an outside hire would have been able to pull a higher salary.
Marketing Manager $85,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 4 None
Editorial Coordinator $50,000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 1 Overtime Eligible
Senior Editor $103,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 10 2 1 Paid for branded video Starting salary: $95,000 (negotiated +$5k after making a lateral move from another company). Annual merit increases/cost of living.
Associate Manager $87,500 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 10 0 0 none job and interview were for manager position, was lowballed with title and salary upon offer
Senior Manager $110,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 10 1 3 None Starting salary was 105K... asked for an additional 10k but was told 5k was the most they could do. Current salary is 10k less than I made at my prior role with the same job title at an equally large company in a smaller city. Was told I was hired in at too low of a job title but that I'm not up for promotion yet because I've only now been here for a year.
Sales Associate $42,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 2 0
Editorial Assistant $40,500 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 none
Senior Analyst $70,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 0 n/a
Marketing Director $115,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 8 0 0 5,000 40K starting salary, latest and largest salary increase (w/in Conde), was helped by knowledge of others salary in this role
Manager, Social Media $68,000 black american Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 0 0 N/A i started at condé in 2017 as an associate social media manager making $48K and by the end of the year i received a COLA adjustment that brought my salary to ~$52K. in 2018, i received a 10% merit raise and that december i was promoted to social media manager with a new salary of $60K. in june of 2019 i got a job offer elsewhere, brought it to management and the best they could do was $68K.
Research Manager $95,000 Hispanic/Latinx Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 0 0 10% annual bonus Originally offered a base of 90k. Negotiated for 5,000 more to meet the lowest end of my salary requirements that we agreed to at the start of my interview.
Staff Reporter $75,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 0
Senior Editor $89,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 7 None I've been consistently told that additional financial compensation is "not possible right now" despite positive reviews and a job description that significantly expanded.
Sales Planner $58,500 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 3 2 Sales Planner Bonus
Associate Editor $65,000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 4 Don't remember... Negotiated up from $55k if I'm remembering correctly
Sales & Product Director 135000 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 6 1 0 Quarterly commission I work in a niche, male-dominated field and CN pays me more than market competitors – I believe bc of my subject area knowledge.
Assistant Editor 39500 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 4 0 0 "overtime" lol not much
Analyst 70000 Asian Non-Binary Lesbian Full-time 1 2 0 0 Bonus based on performance beginning 2021max payout of 12k I was advised to low-ball to obtain an offer, but then my recruiter re-upped my final offer.
Ad Operations Specialist 69700 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 0 0 $1,500 annual discretionary bonus Starting salary: $55k
Sales Planner 58500 Afro Latinx Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 1 0 half year bonus none
Senior Editor 85000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 8 none
Creative Director, Branded 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Contract 1 8 Benefits
articles editor 120000 Asian, Pacific Islander Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 10 0 2 none
Entertainment Associate 45000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 1 0 0 overtime
Junior Designer 60000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 4 0 0 none I was promoted into this role from an entry-level position. I strongly believe an outside hire would have been able to leverage a higher offer.
Manager 77000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 0 0 none Originally offered $70k for the role, but asked for an additional $5k, which was accepted. Received one, 3% merit raise last year
Director, Revenue Org 130000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 12 5 5 Up to $30k bonus based on rev. goal performance Please allow managers visibility and participation in salary discussions for their direct and indirect reports. Without this, visibility to pay disparities is limited to only a few.
Social Media Manager 60000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 5 n/a
Senior Social Media Manager 75000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 4 1 0
Software Engineer 2 120000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 4 10% bonus Previous field-relevant experience
Editorial Assistant 42000 Mixed (white, east asian) Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 This was my starting salary. I've not received a raise nor a title change since joining CNP!
Associate Director, Brand Marketing 87000 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 7 0 0 0 Tried to have a conversation about a raise two different times after the one year mark. The first time, my supervisor told me that we were on the verge of a reorganization and no raises would be given prior to that. After the reorganization, I was told that it wasn't worth having the conversation because there wasn't any money after the re-org. Several weeks later, that division spent $120K to throw an awards ceremony for the marketing dept.
Creative Strategist 86500 White Man (cisgender) Straight I left the company last August 3 4 0 0 $5000 / half year bonus ($2500 in Q2, $2500 in Q4) When I got my first raise/promotion at Conde, my boss failed to properly communicate my promotion and salary with HR, and it took SEVEN months for me to finally get paid correctly. They ended up having to back pay me, which fucked up my taxes. My boss blamed it on me and said that I "should've noticed sooner." She still works there. She also "unknowingly" publicly created a google doc with my entire team's salary breakdown, including personal notes for everyone on her team.
Product Designer 90000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 0 0 negotiated once from initial offer of 85k
Staff writer 64000 Whte Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 0
Senior Social Media Manager 75000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 8 1 0 0 Starting salary was 55,900 and had an extremely emotionally abuse manager for years who I continually reported to my manager, my manager's manager, HR, and more. Nothing came of that.
Fact Checker 57800 Chinese-American Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 1 0
Photo Editor / Director 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 10 20 or more 2 none Started first job at Conde - which I am not counting here - at $55K - which was about 25 years ago
Product Manager 130000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 0 Was told at hiring that I would be eligible for a yearly bonus at manager's discretion, then found out they had to "put me in the bonus pool" which is a small subset of people in the company, and I wasn't in that pool.
Features director 110000 white Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 3 6 0 2 0 Started at 105K (was offered 100k, asked for 110k, 105k was the counter and final that I accepted) and got a bump to my current salary when I was promoted after one year in starting job (which was food and fitness director). Thanks for doing this, whoever you all are!
Channel Manager 80000 White Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 4 0 5 Eligible for 5% bonus Cost of living increase (I think like 1-2% at end of the year)
Associate Editor 65000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 I'm also paid separately for my writing. (Usually around $1200/piece pre-taxes.) Was promoted from an EA job and offered 58K to take on this Associate Editor role. Negotiated up to 65K.
Associate Producer 60000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 0 0 Freelanced 6 months before becoming staff
Senior Web Producer 59500 Latinx Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 20 or more 0 0 none
Senior writer 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 8 0 0 None
Photo Editor 44500 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 3 none had a competing job offer and tried to negotiate but was told my salary was non-negotiable
Senior graphic designer 50000 Hispanic/Latinx Non-Binary Queer Full-time 1 9 3 1 $500 bonus Location: Texas. NYC pay will be different from Oklahoma City, so I think it’s important to take this into account.
Senior Manager 95000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 8 0 1 10000 My salary is low because I have been at Conde Nast for over 7 years.
Product Manager 120000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 0 0 none
UX Researcher 110000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 3 None Had a high salary in Boston so took the job if the adjustment made sense to NYC
Manager, Strategy & Analytics 76000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 5 0 0 Quarterly bonus Work in a unique/niche position and started out as an associate manager where I was offered $60K and countered receiving $65K, have been promoted once.
Digital Account Manager 75000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 6 2 0 $10K Bonus
Producer 78000 Asian American Woman (cisgender) Prefer Not to Say Freelance 1 3 none Rate is $1500/wk so I don't get paid certain weeks of the year, etc. so yearly salary is lower.
Producer 75000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 6 none
Video Associate Producer 65000 black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 10% annual bonus minimum
Senior Editor 75000 white Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 3 8 0 0 N/A
Manager 95000 Black Woman (cisgender) Lesbian Full-time 2 2 3 0 10% bonus I started at $65k in the data division and have been promoted twice.
Associate Editor 65000 Afro-Latinx Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 10 1 1 none Was low-balled for this salary after having a much higher salary and title in my last staff position at Conde, and when asked if they weren't supposed to match what I made the last time they told me they were matching what I was making in my last position with them, which was freelance. I also got much less that the editor before me.
Social Video Producer (but lol haven't had an official title change from "community manager" 5 yrs ago) 67000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 8 0 0 annual bonus ~$4K I think Started at $50K in 2015 at CNE to social manage The Scene (lol), got a bump and "associate editor of The Scene" title (that apparently never changed in the system) to $66K in 2016. Since then, I've taken on multiple roles and responsibilities, ranging from sr social manager (at the time, an integral part of an entire new brand launch at CN), newsletter writer, video director and producer, social marketing strategist, temp. senior social manager for Allure and Glamour (between managers, included onboarding new junior staff), and now social video producer. My title has NEVER been officially changed — Workday still lists me as a community manager — and every time I've brought that up + salary and asked for an official promotion, I've been dangled along with "do this and you'll get it" or "well we can't put in for it until March."
Marketing Manager 82500 Asian Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 5 1 1 7500
Research Manager 93000 Black Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 5 10% Bonus My starting salary was 90K, which was way below market value. I was told I couldn't negotiate higher but was promised rapid growth in the company. Other than the yearly inflation increase, I haven't received any raise or promotion
Data Analyst 65000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 1 $5000 bonus based on performance
Senior Manager, Marketing 105000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 9 10% annual bonus
Manager, Analytics 84150 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 4 0 1 Up to $12k in the beginning of the following year Starting salary: $82,500 with a 2% cost of living raise. Promotion has been put off twice
Visuals Research Editor 40000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Contract 2 6 0 0 Overtime pay I was actually "let go" of my contract when I asked for a raise after being there for more than two years and taking over a manager role after the previous manager left and felt I should have had my salary increased since my responsibilities increased. Instead my contract was terminated after a month of having my one on one with my director for a salary increase. I was let go via email and not in person.
Marketing Manager 90000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 5% bonus Negotiated for some of the bonus to be put into base salary instead
Analyst 65000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 0 0
Senior Software Engineer 120000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 4 3 1 10% bonus Started at 100k one level below. Promoted after 1.5 years when I explicitly asked for one. I think my initial salary ask was below the range for the role because they offered me more than I asked for.
Sales Planner 58000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 1 0 0 bonus of $800
Associate 45000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 1 0 0 Eligible for overtime Starting salary offer: $40k, negotiated with competing offer, first full-time job out of college
Producer 58500 Black/African-American Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 4 N/A Worked two years as a permalancer assistant, then was promoted to my current staff position. My original salary was $35K
Senior Marketing Manager 105000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 6 0 0 none Previous company with same title $68k. CN Marketing Manager starting was $95k. Many marketers have bonus included, I have not been able to get added.
Editor and Project Manager 110000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 15 0 0 Also earn 20K+ annually doing freelance work for other CN teams on nights and weekends.
Editorial Producer 63240 Latinx Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 7 0 0 none negotiated twice to bump the salary + ensure cost of living increase, would not have been possible without union representation
Editorial Coordinator 42000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 5 0 1 Occasionally paid separately for writing (rate varies). Started part-time (contracting) at an hourly rate ($10.75/hr, 1 day/week) in 2016; hired into current full-time position in 2017 at $36k. I have a relevant advanced degree in addition to my work experience.
Manager 62000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 4 2 0
Assistant Photo Editor 45000 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 1 0 0 n/a Started freelance, offered 39,000 (much lower than freelance rate) negotiated up to 45,000
Editorial Assistant 42000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 None Asked for a raise / promotion before pandemic, and there was a general consensus that it should happen, but that has been postponed indefinitely. No cost-of-living or other salary adjustments.
Manager, Social 75000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 0
Senior Editor 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 18 2 3 0 I've been in my current role 2 years, but I've been with my brand for 15 years, and held (I believe) 5 different positions before the one I have now.
Supervising Producer 120000 East Asian / Arab Woman (cisgender) Queer Freelance 1 11 3 5 none originally applied for a FT position but was offered freelance
Research Editor 60000 Biracial (White, Indian) Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 3 5 0 0 0 I was a GES freelancer for two years before I can on board as a staffer
Senior Designer 115000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 7 0
Analytics Managaer 87500 Hispanic/Latinx Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 1 0 None, but I have been told that Management level and higher there is a bonus that is offered - I,however, am not inclued I was overlooked for the senior role that was open on my team after asking to interview for it (VP decided to hire a white Man peer and I was not given the chance to interview) - my promotion then got dragged on for a few months and had to threaten to leave and take my promotion without pay - eventually I was offered 5k more to be a manager.
Marketing Manager 115000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 4 0 0 None
Software Engineer 2 145000 White Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 4 10 0 0 10% bonus
Anlyst 60000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 N/A
Senior Director 120000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 10 15 5k bonus 5k promotions are not realistic with the amount of increased of responsibilities.
Associate Director, Brand Marketing 110000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 8 0 0 4K Bonus based upon performance Started my career at CN making $32K as an Associate. Left for a competitor, came back years later and negotiated heavily to where I'm at now. Was on track for a promotion pre-COVID, albeit the conversations were in play for 3 months at that point.
Staff Writer 80000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 0 20K raise after receiving competing offer
Ad Specialist 68000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 NA
Senior Analyst 70000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 4 potential for up to $5K bonus based on brand's performance Started at $55K (originally offered $50K), received first raise and title change after being at the company for over 1.5 yrs and months after being placed in a completely new position within the company without consultation
Photo Editor 65000 Asian Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 3 0 over 1.5 years as GES permalancer before converted to full-time
Associate Director of Marketing 87000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 0 $4K bonus went through numerous managers since starting 2 years ago. no proper review to grow and/or receive raise
Finance Director 115000 White Woman (cisgender) Asexual Full-time 1 13 1 0 Up to $15K bonus, dependent on revenue (lol)
Marketing Manager 85000 ASIAN Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 8 1 7500
Producer 58500 Hispanic/White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 3 none
Research Editor 65000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 5 0 0 0 Starting wage: 23.50/hour, no PTO, few benefits as a GES contractor, negotiated raise to $25/hour after about 2 years, became salaried/staff after about 2.5 years
Editorial Assistant 36000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 Plus overtime
Researcher 45000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-Time Freelancer 1 4 0 0 Freelance writing income approx. $2500/yr
Analyst 80000 Mixed / Latinx Man (cisgender) Straight Contract 1 5 0 0 none
Staff writer 70 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 7 0 0 0 because I'm paid through commerce rather than my specific brand, my salary is higher than the people of comparative levels who are in traditional editorial positions
Marketing Manager 65000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 4 1 0 7500
Executive Director 13000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 9 2 5 Up to 10k bonus based on company revenue
Associate Editor 58500 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 4 8 0 Started as a "full-time freelancer", was eventually offered a full-time position at an insulting salary and declined it, choosing instead to continue freelance (in the office 5 days/week) until the position I am in now came along a year and a half ago. CN refuses to acknowledge that I've been at the company 4.5 years, instead believing I've only been here since I started my current role.
Copy Editor 85000 White Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 6 10 0 0 0
Aud Dev Manager 100000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 5 0 Originally offered 70k, negotiated to 80k, and got to 100k leveraging an offer from another job.
Art Assistant 45000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 3 3 1 n/a I started as a full-time freelancer at $20/hr (negotiated from $15/hr) and negotiated to $45k when I was transitioned to staff. I asked for $58k (based off of executive assistant salaries on Glassdoor), they countered with $40k, and this is where we landed
Staff Writer 74000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 4 0 0 I was given a one time bonus at the end of last year
Design Lead 145000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 8 0 4 $10k sign-on bonus
Senior Manager 110000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 6 0 0 Bonus if goals are hit
Video Producer 67000 white Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 3 5 none
Associate Producer 60000 Asian American Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 3 10% Bonus I was told I would never get a promotion unless I was getting a title change. I started as permalance. To go staff they offered me less than I was making as freelance employee and I had been working at CN for 2 years.
Ad Operations Specialist 70000 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 1 5 0 0 $1,500 Annual Discretionary Bonus Negotiated up from $65K.
Production Manager 78000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Contract 1 9 0
Aud Dev Manager 85000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 8 0 0 5500 yearly bonus
Senior editor 95000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 10 3 3 Annual cost of living increase of 2% (my first year, I only got 1%) I started working at Conde in 2016, and my starting salary (for a job without "senior" in the title) was 89k. I got a 10% raise in March of 2019 and a promotion to senior editor (it was only a title change, I didn't get any additional money) in August 2019.
Production manager/ producer 78000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 10 20 5 No
Research Analyst 60000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 None
Director of Audience Development 130000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 10 7 1 6k KPI bonus
staff writer 85000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 6 0
Production Coordinator 60000 Hispanic/Pacific Islander Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 6 0 1 Percentage Bonus I was offered salary with a bonus. When I asked where mine was it took over 3 months to receive and was not included on my letter/ after it was verbally told to me in my offer.
Engineer 87500 Asian American Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 1 0 1 0 Hired with less experience than position called for so I think that made my starting lower. Sometimes need to take off/be completely offline or leave early at "inconvenient" times for religious reasons.
Associate Photo Editor 65000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 4 10% bonus Started as photo assistant, freelance (permalance) at $17 x hr, after a year received a raise to $21 x hr. One month later was promoted (still freelance) to Associate position at $32 x hr after 6months was hired full time w/ $65,000 salary.
Video Producer 80000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 10 0 0 none
Senior Designer 80000 Latinx Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 10 0 0 0
Ad Ops Specialist 59700 White Prefer Not to say Straight Full-time 1 3 0 0 Quarterly compensation Asked for a raise, denied and was told we only evaluate raises after yearly review. Review came and was promised good things, COVID comes along and was told raises are being held out until September.
Post-Production Supervisor 80000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 9 0 10 10% No salary increase or change in title after responsibilities significantly increased and 8 additional direct reports were added to my team.
Associate Director 120000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 4 4 bonus if goals are hit
Senior Producer 108000 hispanic, indigenous Woman (cisgender) Prefer Not to Say Full-time 1 10 1 0 NA
Engagement manager 52500 White Man (transgender) Queer Full-time 1 2 none
Associate Director, Brand Marketing 85000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 Potential for 4000 bonus I've been asking for a raise/promotion for over a year because the job I'm doing does not match my title and salary, but I keep receiving excuses for why it can't happen "right now" but will happen "soon"
Analyst 68000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 n/a
Senior Producer 120000 Asian-American Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 8 2 10% bonus
Social media editor 78000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 0
Staff Writer 80000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 7 0 1 None
Finance Manager 88000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 0 0 Benefits Starting salary Feb 2018 70K
Senior Associate 58500 East Indian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 2 None
Product Manager 79000 Hispanic Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 3 1 0 Received a 1-time bonus of $1500 (before taxes) Starting salary was $72K; EA before and this role was considered a "promotion" despite being a completely different job therefore merit review was not given the following year; received a salary decrease while being an EA when CN hours went from 35 to 40; have worked at CN for over 4 years (it'll be 3 years in this role end of July)
Digital Producer 80000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 2 0 0
Senior Manager 120000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 14 3 2 Performance based bonus
Associate Manager, Audience Development Strategy 90000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 4 0 0 0 Hired at lower level than interviewed for; took a title and pay cut to come to CN
Photo Editor 70000 White Woman (cisgender) Prefer Not to Say Full-time 2 6 0
Sr Director, Marketing 115000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 12 $6k potential annual bonus
Associate Account Manager 68500 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 5 0 0 Quarterly bonus dependent on hitting goals
Senior Writer 72000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 10 none Portland, Oregon, was offered $55K to start. Got a new editor who raised that up proportionate to my title.
Senior Manager 106500 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 9 0 0 0
Director 170000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 10 2 8 8000 My salary is the same as it was at my previous company (minus bonus), but the title and responsibilities were a significant step up.
Sales Associate 50000 Hispanic/ Latinx Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 2 0 0 OT
Associate Director, Social Media 90000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 10 2 1 N/A
Senior Manager 105000 Asian American Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 0 0 kpi bonus
Director, Branded 130000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 11 quarterly bonuses based on sales goals My salary is higher than my previous job at a competitor company. However I know it's less than what a Man employee with similar experience was compensated when he was hired by CNE.
Director 100000 African American Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 2 N/A
Production Manager 78000 Latinx Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Contract 1 2 n/a Asked for a higher rate when hired, was told "that doesn't happen here"
Marketing Director 106000 WHITE Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 8 0 0 0 MY REVIEW WAS SKIPPED IN MARCH.
Executive Assistant 70000 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 2 20 or more None
Associate Editor 65000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 0 0 $1K in branded appearances This is my third role at the brand. First raise out of overtime left me making less than with overtime. Second and third raises were state-mandated thanks to NY's minimum overtime exemption changes. Most recent raise came with title change to Assoc. Ed
Account Director 75000 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 2 4 0 0 $5k Quarterly Bonus contingent on hitting Revenue Goal Based in NYC. I originally started off with a $60k salary in a more junior position in 2018 but was offered this role and a $15k promotion. Though, my colleagues in the same role (some who have less experience/no experience at all in our particular field) make more than 3x my salary. Since COVID, a teammate has left the company and I have been told (not asked) to take over their role and accounts with no additional compensation and no chance of it for the foreseeable future .
Sales Planner 58500 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Part-time 1 2 1 yearly bonus none
Assistant Photo Editor 58500 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 Overtime eligible Originally offered $48,000 and negotiated
Editorial Assistant 40000 Black Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 5 0 0 Occasional over time when pre-approved Started out permalancing at $20/hour, was "promoted" into a full-time role
Associate Producer 60000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 none
Associate Account Manager 63000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 0 0 Quarterly bonus (only if goals are hit)
Senior Editor 85000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 7 0 4 11000 This was 2015-2016
web editor 110000 white Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 10 0 5 $14,000 annual allowance on dining/travel/etc
Supervising Producer, Video 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Prefer Not to Say Full-time 1 5 Bonus
Marketing Manager 80000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 0 0 Annual bonus if Sales meets their goal (despite working on Marketing.)
Supervising Producer 130000 White Woman (cisgender) Lesbian Full-time 1 11 2 8 none was offered 120k and countered based on my freelance rate at the time + experience level, they countered back; also inquired about bonus structure and was told no bonus attached to position
Director 110000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 8 10k bonus
Senior Digital Designer 80000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Freelance 2 6 0 0 None, No benefits No raise in 2 years...
Senior editor 109000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 11 2 3 0
Director, Marketing 107000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 9 0 0 3k bonus (only if Sales goals are met)
Editorial assistant 29000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 1 Overtime and paid $1.50/word to write for other sections of the magazine Held this role from 2008-2010, with no raises despite stellar performance reviews.
Senior editor 90000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 None I held this position in 2013.
Associate Art Director 70000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 3 10 5 No Raises and promotions: Went from Associate AD, to Art Director, to Design Director in the span of three years, and left at $90000.
Executive/Editorial Assistant 45000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 1 0 Negotiated from 42k
Associate Social Media Manager 58500 White Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 7 0 0 None
Research manager 67000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 0 0
Audience Development Director 120000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 8 3 $4-6k KPI bonus- twice a year Started at $65k as analyst, manager level. Promoted to Aud Dev Sr manager $80k, then to associate director $110k, then director $120k. Asked for more with director promotion, CN wouldn't budge. When I told them I was leaving a few months later they offered to match offer at $135k.
senior food editor 75000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 8 0 0 video hosting, hosting ad sales events in NYC and beyond: zero compensation I started at a $250 day rate as a "permalancer" for the first full year. Year 2: I got a staff position at $40k/ year. Year 3, that went up to $50k and "associate" editor (after I got another job offer), Year 4, $60k and "senior editor". My last raise to $75k was in the last 6 months of my tenure.
Video Producer 63000 White Man (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 5 8 0 none Started off as a GES permalancer for a year. I have not had a raise since 2018.
Video Editor 21000 Asian Prefer Not to say Prefer Not to Say Full-time 1 1 0 0 0
Producer 78000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Queer Freelance 1 4 0 0 n/a Part-time freelance so no benefits, PTO, etc.
Director 250000 Black Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 10 4 0 I feel fairly compensated and relatively well-respected by my peers and directs. I came from outside Condé
Senior Manager 115000 Hispanic/Latinx Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 4 performance-based bonus I knew people coming in who were able to advise me on salary and negotiations
Senior Editor 95000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 6 3 5 bonus started at $72K with different title, given 2 raises and 1 title change in the past 3 years
Associate Manager, Strategy 69000 Mixed (Black/Caucasian) Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 7 0 0 Quarterly Bonus, typically ~$1K When I started at Condé my bonus was 10% of my salary but one year in it was restructured and reduced. No raises or promotions.
Associate Editor 90000 Asian Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 7 none
Writer 70000 Biracial Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 7 0 0 Remote employee not in SF/NY.
Web Producer 32000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 3 0 0 up to 5% of salary Started as a digital permalancer with no benefits making $15/hr to do web production of print mag and special content, involved editorial, design, and light web development responsibilities. A year or so later, CN interns sued and they were forced to hire or fire all permalancers. Got an offer of $32k with refusal to negotiate, actually making less than the hourly rate when benefits were factored in. Male counterpart made $15k more per year in the same title. Left when it was clear there was no room for growth at the publication – digital team back then was not as crucial as it is now.
Senior Manager 85000 Asian Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 9 0 1 0
Senior Manager 120000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 6 2 $11K flat rate not sure why Started at 92K. Raise / promotion only came with bringing in external offer.
Product Manager 95000 Asian Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 2 0 0 0
Senior Editor 150000 Black Man (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 10 0 0 0
Video Producer 70000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 0 0 "bonus eligible"
copy editor 83000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 8 8 2 0 none
Video Producer 78000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Freelance 1 9 none
Video Editor 112500 White Man (cisgender) Straight Freelance 1 7 0
Staff Writer 96500 south asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 8 0 0 at hiring received 5K bonus starting salary was 95K + 5K bonus. received merit raise (?? or something) after 1 yr
Copy Editor 60000 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 3 6 0 0 0
Fashion Assistant 30000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Contract 1 2 None. It was hard enough to get paid for overtime. I worked at 2 different condé brands in a 2 year period. They both were low pay GES roles. I was paid hourly.
Senior Editor 91000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 6 0 0 0 Negotiated up from a 70K offer after making 100K at my last position.
Editor 61200 White Trans woman Queer Full-time 2 4 0 0 n/a Started at $60K, had one raise
Staff writer 90000 Black Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 2 4 0
Director 180000 White as snow Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 15 19 4 32000 Got the job because my mommy is friends with a member of a very prominent oil family who had some high up connections at CN
Software Engineer 1 128000 Black Woman (transgender) Lesbian Full-time 3 6 Benefits + PTO
Software Engineer 145000 AAPI Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 10 0 0 Before 2020, I would typically get ~$10k in annual bonuses fully remote, outside NY. It's not often for me to work 60+ hour weeks and juggle 3 teams' projects; self-initiated. But during the past few months, it's been hard to do 40 hours even when motivated.
Fact-Checker 66000 Black Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 4 1 0 Worked as a permalancer for two years (where I made more since permalancers get paid overtime) and took a pay cut to come on staff and get health insurance
Video Editor 85000 Biracial Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 11 10% bonus Starting salary $60k
Brand Lead 74500 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 4 n/a Located remotely (similar cost of living to NYC). Was moved into my current role from Customer Success Manager with a title change but without a pay increase, even though my role changed and my responsibilities vastly increased.
Associate Editor 50000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 0 0 0 Worked in this role from 2011-2013. Received one "cost of living" raise that was lower than the inflation rate.
Word of Mouth Editor 65000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 7 0 0 0 Held this role in 2013. Moved from SELF to Condé Nast Traveler to this role. When I tried to negotiate, they threatened to rescind the offer and fire me from SELF if I didn't accept the offer as-is. I accepted and was laid off just a few weeks later when the EIC was fired and replaced.
Product Manager 150000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 10 12 0 0 Very productive but never a raise
Analyst 50000 Afro-Latina Woman (cisgender) Straight Full time contract worker 1 5 0 0 N/A Contract worker paid hourly; I asked for 15k/year more at the time of hiring and was told the pay is non-negotiable
Designer 60000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 2 0 I did not negotiate my salary (regretfully) but this seemed fair at the time.
Staff Writer 82000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 9 0 0 $0 Starting salary 80k, negotiated based on salary at previous employer. Have received only automatic "merit" based raises
Marketing Director 102000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 8 0 0 $7,000 one promotion with an 8% salary increase
Executive Director, Editorial Strategy & Operations 200000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 20 or more 40 6 Even though I was in an executive role that was responsible for managing and bringing in revenue, I was told I was not eligible for bonuses.
Web Editor 100000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 15 5 5 $4,000 annual personal expense budget USA
Editorial Director 245000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 15 6 1 Signing bonus 25,000 Received 2 merit raises and 1 award United States
Brand Lead 90000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 0
Senior Editor 92000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 8 0 0 None Starting salary 80k in 2017, got a 10% raise less than a year in. Had to negotiate for another raise (to current salary) when my role changed.
Brand Lead 92000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 4 10% annual bonus
Director, Marketing 150000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 9 5K bonus
Digital Director 155000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 15 0 8 None
Staff writer 1500 white Non-Binary Queer full-time freelance 1 15 My salary was WEEKLY (1500/week), no benefits of any kind, 'freelance' but worked full-time every day, attended meetings, had a Conde email and misleading staff title, etc I was led to believe that my job would become permanent with benefits and a real salary at some point but it's now clear that was never going to happen USA
Senior Web Editor 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 9 6 4 occasional casting in branded content with rates ranging from $500 - $10000 per project US
Program Manager 65000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 0 0 reviews at CN; Began at $35K at CN United States
Video Editor 93500 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 14 10% Bonus Started as a Freelancer at $400/Day. Was offered a staff position after 7 Months. USA
Rights Clearance Analyst 59600 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 8 0 0 None I was given a 2% increase last year in April (2019) during my review (despite receiving a positive albeit very short review) and was told this was all there was in the budget. While the semantics/ specifics weren't addressed, and while my salary did increase, I don't think I's consider this a merit increase per se because it is merely keeping up with inflation ('cost of living' increase, maybe? Although I could be wrong). With this said, though, I started with the team at the end of March 2018, and my salary did increase from around 50,500 when I started to maybe 58,500 in November/ December 2018 because of changing labor laws in NYC that would have required Conde to pay me overtime at my starting salary in addition to it; they elected to bump my salary instead. To clarify, I work in the NY office at 1WTC. United States
GPT Support Manager 61425 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 0 0 Annual bonus Started hourly/contract before being brought on full time USA
Editor 75000 Asian | Not Asian American Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 11 1 3 N/A The white woman who was my direct report told me once there is no such career path thing for people like me in the company, and she will reconsider if they need to hire Asians for the role. Also, when I filed the complain about 2 discrimination cases, CN did a performative investigation, they didn't admit there is discrimination in the company and there is no apology. Many minority people left CN when I was there, in the end, I left the shit hole too. US
Software Engineer 2 130000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 11 0 0 10% of salary pay in form of yearly bonus USA
Staff editor 63000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 5 0 0 0 One salary increase after a year — starting salary was $60k United States
Analyst 70000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 4 None
Seniro Editor 60000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 8 15 None Remote from DC area USA
Video Editor/Animator 100000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Freelance 2 10 0 0 0 Starting Salary of $350/day USA
Copy Editor 45000 White Latina Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 2 0 0 0 This was ten years ago. I had been published in a major publication but they mostly only hired people who went to elite schools and came from rich families in editorial roles outside of fact-checking and copy-editing, or they at least made it feel that way, so I left for a raise. You were not advised to speak to the editor in chief (meaning say "hi" in passing) unless she spoke to you first - she said this herself in an interview. Also: Anna Wintour asks potential hires what their parents do for a living in interviews. America
Beauty Director 75000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 10 1 2 0 USA
Senior editor 85000 White/Hispanic Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 6 1 n/a No indication whatsoever of how promotions work, if and when merit or cost of living raises happen US
video editor 425 white Man (cisgender) Straight Freelance 1 14 0 us
Production Associate 109000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 13 20 or more None Starting salary of 38500, overtime department reduced from 3 full-time employees and 1 freelance person to 1 full-time employee and 1 freelance person with limited hours. USA
UX Researcher 110000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 4 None While interviewing I was told I had more experience than they were recruiting for, and the recruiter offered to try to raise the salary to more than 110K. When I received my offer it was for 100K and I negotiated up. USA
Software Developer 97920 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 8 0 0 none Remote employee outside of NY/SF. Received $1000 raise in year one with no notice, department lost 1 employee who was never replaced at that time. Received a 2% cost of living raise in year 2. No merit raises to date. US
Editorial assistant 40000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 $6,000-$8,000 in OT Started as a permalancer with GES. USA
Features editor 74000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 6 12 0 0 0 Starting salary was $46,000 as a contract daily news editor for web (had ~3yrs in the field at the time) US
Editorial assistant 40000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 $6,000-$8,000 in OT Started as a permalancer with GES. USA
Associate editor 65000 white Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 5 0 0 None No clear path for promotions, no raises or COLA, no formal performance reviews. I took a ~15% pay cut to come here (same title, a lot more work) because my old job was about to lay everyone off. US
Sales Planner 58500 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 3 0 0 Sales planner bonus Started at $35k in Sales Associate role (1.5 years) $1,000 raise; Promoted to Sales Planner at $58,500 (1.5 years) no raise. US
Section editor (web) 67000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 6 20 or more none Major west coast city USA
fashion market assistant 45 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 3 1% yearly bonus ... New York, started freelance worked to full time where I made less with the addition of benefits. worked 30+ hour weeks at one point with intense physical labor - as those in the fashion department know so well. little mobility up, company ran by rich white women. got a 1% yearly bonus and was told I should be grateful ... usa
Creative Producer 91000 White Woman (cisgender) Pansexual Freelance 1 9 N/A USA
Brand Lead 100000 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 1 6 0 0 Eligible for up to 10% bonus, depending on company + personal metrics being hit. N/A USA
Senior Manager 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 7 0 5 1 promotion, 2-3% merit increases every year Starting at 85k, only got a 10% raise even though I went to managing 5 people. US
Staff Writer 63000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 6 0 0 0 Have repeatedly asked for a raise and been told the only way I'd get one is if I countered with another job offer. USA
Senior Engineer 90000 Black Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 8 15 $10,000
Writer 60000 White, Middle Eastern Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 7 $0 Haven't received a raise in 5 years at my publication, despite multiple promotions + additional responsibilities. I work constantly, this job is my life. We are never recognized for how hard we work and are constantly told to do more, more, more. Also reeling at the bonuses on this spreadsheet, which are clearly a company secret! I've never been told that a bonus is even a possibility for me. Same for my colleagues. USA
Account Manager 72500 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 4 2 $15k Bonus (paid out quarterly) Merit raise once to salary, once to bonus (two separate occasions) US
Marketing Manager 75000 White/Latina Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 Up to 3k based on performance Did not budge on starting salary offer, despite trying to negotiate. Coworker on my team with same title and almost identical responsibilities is compensated higher. USA
Associate Producer 60000 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 1 5 2 1 10% year comp bonus United States
Freelance assistant 10 white Prefer Not to say Prefer Not to Say Freelance 1 1 none paid $10/hr for maximum 40/hrs a week. was told not to report overtime and that we were to report 9-5 on timesheet though we regularly worked 12+hr days, until the company managing the freelancers' payroll found out what was happening. We often worked 70+ hours a week. no paid time off, no benefits. This all happened after the whole intern lawsuit fiasco USA
Software Engineer 3 160000 AAPI Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 12 0 0 Up to 10% bonus, Benefits + PTO Hired as SE2 @ 135K with no bonus. Received a raise 1 year afterwards which also added the bonus, followed by a promotion (with another raise) 1 year after that US
Producer 72000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 5 1 0 10% bonus Was told the only way I'd receive a raise was to bring the company a competitive offer. Which meant that they recognized my value but still refused to pay me. Felt like a threat. USA
Senior Writer 80000 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 3 6 0 0 0 1 promotion, 1 raise USA
Director Of Marketing 98000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 11 3 0 10k potential bonus, tied to overall company performance Came in as Associate director at 80K, got promoted and was only offered a $5k increase, told them I would happily go get another offer if they needed to see my worth on paper - got them up to 95k with 10k bonus, merit raises over 2 yrs got my base to 98k. USA
Social Video Editor / Coordinator 46875 Latinx/White Woman (cisgender) Queer Contract 2 4 None. I worked on a daily rate. A colleague and I built a whole social video production department from the ground up. I was then laughed at when I asked for a raise, even though I had been doing more than one job for the company. USA
Senior Editor 52000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 6 None
Senior Analyst 70000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 none
Campaign Lead 54000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 yearly bonus Los Angeles, CA United States
Freelance Branded Producer 120000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Freelance 1 6 1 0 0 They originally offered me $300/day to freelance produce. When I gave them my day rate (from competitor companies), I was able to negotiate up to $400. After 6 months, I was finally able to re-negotiate up to $500/day, which I felt was more comparable to what I had been paid elsewhere/reflected my experience. Also while they called me a "producer," my paperwork said I was classified as a Sr. Producer. I also had to re-negotiate to be paid for weekend work (day rate vs week rate) instead of comp days, since I was never able to actually take the time off. USA
Research Analyst 62000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 n/a USA
Video Assistant 31000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 3 1 0 Not even a goody bag global, 3K increase in annual salary transitioning from intern to FTC. company wide insecurity means those above do not want you to succeed. the turn over rate of staff..... jeez.
Production Manager 68000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 0 Bonus Once offered the job, asked for a higher salary and was told to take it that amount and make a decision in 24 hours. USA
Senior Research Manager 100000 South Asian Gender Fluid Queer Full-time 1 6 1 N/A Actually interviewed for a lower position of manager but negotiated using skills and experience for a higher salary and convinced hiring staff to hire at the senior manager level USA
Photo Assistant 45000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 4 0 0 None Started as a freelancer (full-time permalancer) at $21/hr. After six months was offered $40,000 for a staff role and told that was final, but then negotiated up to $45,000 after letting HR know I knew another assistant was hired for $45,000 at the same time
Development Producer 85000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 7 0 0 0 Started on a contract position freelance with the expectation of working fulltime (permalance), no overtime, 7 months to get on staff, United States
Staff writer 62500 Euro-American Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 8 0 0 When I was permalance I would get paid $2/word to write magazine stuff (My normal job was for the web). They made me write for the mag for free once I became staff. Was based in the Bay Area. Starting salary was $50,000. Was promised several raises that never came through (including one that was approved by an outgoing EIC, and subsequently denied by the incoming EIC). USA
Associate Social Media Producer 60000 South Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 0 I went from being on editorial at another mag for almost two years, making about $36,000 leaving to go to grad school, being hired back on the digital side and making $60,000 as a digital producer. They were not willing to negotiate. They were not willing to do relocation. They were like here's what we're offering, take it or leave it. It's fine, they laid off all their BIPOC staff in one fell swoop during an editorial changeover. United States
Software Engineer II 130000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 3 10k bonus US
Senior Manager 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 7 0 5 1 promotion, 2-3% merit increases every year Starting at 85k, only got a 10% raise even though I went to managing 5 people. US
Account Director 130000 Asian, South Pacific Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 10 0 0 standard merit of 2%
Research director 75000 Asian/Pacific Islander Man (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 12 0 0 0 Previous employment salaries before coming to CN: $82,000 before leading to job at $90,000, but laid off. Took CN job at $75,000; initially asked to negotiate to $80-85k range, was denied. "No other money for this position." US
Video Editor/Animator 70000 Asian American Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 8 10% bonus was supposed to get a promotion and raise this year...not gonna happen anytime soon USA
Senior Editor 90000 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 2 10 2 3 0 US
Executive Editor 150000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 13 Varied bonus
Senior Art Director 108000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 16 3 None Starting salary was 90K, negotiated from 85K. I've had one promotion in the 4 years at CN.
Contributing Editor 43200 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Contract 4 10 0 Initially asked for $50 an hour but was denied. Started off as a per story rate, but because other verticals used the term story loosely — was often assigned features or lengthy reports — was later switched to an hourly rate. As part of the hourly rate, I was intended to only work a set amount of hours and then charge more if I went over, but that didn't work as one reporting editor was frequently delayed in responding and assigning.
Digital Designer 112000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 8 14 1 0 1100 bonus
Research Analyst 170000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 10 12 1 0 5000 bonus
Editor 180000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 12 14 0 0 10000 bonus
Video Editor/Animator 180000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 10 13 0 1 10000 bonus
Product Designer 190000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 6 1 0 50000 Bonus USA
Sales Planner 150000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Contract 2 3 0 0 5000 bonus USA
Producer 190000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Part-time 1 2 0 1 5000 BONUS
Marketing Manager 182000 white Man (cisgender) Straight Part-time 1 3 0 0 3000 bonus
Special Projects Editor 137000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 10 15k expense budget Able to negotiate for nearly 20k over initial offer, plus an additional two weeks' vacation time. Previous job before CN was in another NYC media company; that was a senior editorial position that paid $100k with no expense account and the standard 10 days of vacation. USA
Associate Editor 70000 South Asian Woman (cisgender) Prefer Not to Say Full-time 1 6 2 0 None Indirect reports (both white) are paid the same salary as I am. Paid more than associate editors at other brands because my salary is paid through commerce. USA
Senior editorial coordinator 90000 South Asian Man (transgender) Queer Full-time 5 10 10% performance related bonus Working in NYC. Starting salary in 2015 at $55000. Promoted early on due to publication restructuring. USA
Manager 115000 AAPI Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 5 0 0 $5k USA
Social Media Manager 63000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 A 2% annual raise which is a joke to be honest Started off making 52k as a Social Media Editor. Got a 10k raise when I was promoted.
Visuals Editor 60000 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 4 4 5 1 None usa
Senior Software Engineer 91400 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 7 None London. Asked for ~2x my previous salary after discovering the pay gap at my prior job, receive yearly adjustment for inflation. UK
Software Engineer 65000 White Non-Binary Bisexual Full-time 3 5 0 0 0 UK
Manager 80000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 10 Up to 10% bonus Was promoted months before Covid-19 but without a pay increase and was told it was "coming soon" but then Covid-19 happened and that raise was obviously put on hold.
Lead Software Engineer 150000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 0 0 10% bonus Started in 2015 at 85k, received multiple raises and a promotion without asking USA
Production Manager 87500 Hispanic Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 11 13 0 5 0 Starting salary was 40k. Promoted through various roles through the years. Final role was terminated through department restructuring. United Sates
Social Media Director 85000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 6 2 Started as Social Media Editor at $75k, left three years later as Director with $85k. United States
Senior Director 135000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 9 2 None USA
Senior Writer 75000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 0 None Started as FT freelancer at about $36/hour; Hired for staff role after 7 months U.S.
Associate Producer 60000 Iranian-American Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 10% year comp bonus
Assistant to the Editor in Chief 35000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 3 Lots of overtime, because I was working around the clock -- 24/7. Ridiculous. U.S. - NYC Offices
Director of Video 103000 White Man (cisgender) Prefer Not to Say Full-time 2 10 20 7 %10 Bonus EOY USA
Associate Director 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 0 0 Target bonus, max $65k I started at CN as an intern. When I graduated, I was hired full-time with a starting salary of $32,000. I was promoted twice in that role, first to $45,000 and then to $57,000. I then moved to a different brand and was promoted at the same time, making $65,000. I left for one year and was re-hired exactly one year later at $100,000 base with a bonus based on performance that was capped at $65,000 (which I hit both years that I was in the role). USA
Post Supervidsor 400 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 1 10 25 2 None - Freelance No benefits, no day off, no staff to support a mountain load of work. Was told I was hired to "build a team" but its clear after 1 year they expect me to do all the work on my own. I regularly have to work 11 -12 hours days and weekends without any over time. During our busy season I once had to work for 48 hours straight without leaving the office, and then needed to pay for my own hotel room down the street to rest for 5 hours and then come back to work again. That week i put in over 100 hours, but was told that I was only going to be paid for a 40 hour week cause that was what was in my contract. None of my managers stepped in to support me, instead told me that this was a "challenging place to work" and only the strong survive. Complete BS. USA
Software Engineer 115000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 5 0 0 10% bonus (but was more than that in 2020, ~15k total before taxes) NYC. Have not received a raise or promotion but also do not really know how to ask, as there isn't a company-wide policy and there is not a clear-cut process for my team. USA
Associate Photo Editor 60000 White Woman (cisgender) Prefer Not to Say Full-time 2 3 0 0 One-time $3,000 moving stipend I was hired at $52k, the overtime exempt minimum then, with the expectation that I would work every other weekend and other overtime hours, then was bumped to $58.5k when the overtime minimum changed but negotiated to $60k since they were tacking on a promotion / change in title to the moment that the NY overtime exempt salary changed. USA
Web Producer 30000 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Contract 1 15 none I was "laid off" after asking for more responsibilities and the potential to be hired as a staffer at a higher salary. CN violates labor laws by hiring full-time contractors to avoid paying competitive rates and providing benefits — but they do provide a CN email address for the sake of appearances.
Associate Editor 66500 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 8 Occasional branded content opportunities Cost of living raise (maximized for merit) from 65k to 66.5k after a year of work USA
Staff writer 58500 white Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 hahahahah was hired at conde in 2016 as an assistant editor at the starting salary of 32k. got a small raise to $44k in 2017 or 18. took two years to get another raise/title change. Now i make less than several of my male coworkers who have been at the company less than me. no word on how i am supposed to advance in my field
SVP 300000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 15 50000 United States
Freelancer Writer: CN Traveler 250 Middle Eastern Man (cisgender) Gay Freelance 2 18 1 1 not much NY USA
Associate Publisher 350000 White Man (cisgender) Gay Full-time 5 15 10 bonus - $100,000 USA
Features Editor 95000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 7 0 0 0 Asked for 95k to start, ended up getting 90k, to match a competing offer. Bumped up to 95k after a year. USA
Video editor/animator 400 white Non-Binary Queer Freelance 1 4 none $400/day rate. I work on a project by project basis. Started at $300/day a year ago; asked for one raise which was approved immediately but took many months to kick in (told it was a GES payroll processing issue). USA
Account Director 85000 Mexican/Indigenous - White Passing Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 9 5 10% Bonus promotion taking FOREVER United States
Editor 65000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 8 0 0 branded content day rate depending on project
Account Director 100000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 8 5 10% Bonus Not in NY, salary reduced by 7K with cuts, waiting on a substantial raise for 9 months that was cancelled right before COVID
Video Editor/Producer 75000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 4 6 1k
Senior Product Designer 110000 White Latino Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 10 2 0 2k sign-in bonus Immigrant under a work VISA
Coordinating Producer 100000 white Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 8 6 10% Bonus
Account Director 92000 White Woman (cisgender) Prefer Not to Say Full-time 4 7 6 Up to 10% yearly Los Angeles, been promoted 3 times, two of them took over 6-8 months to happen
Equipment Manager 50000 White Man (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 1 6 0 0 0 Promoted from PA to EQ Manager in under a year, ahead of a senior female colleague with more experience who was told she would have to wait a year to be promoted.
Audio Producer 62000 White Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 None
Associate Social Media Manager 62500 Asian Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 2 3 0 0 Freelance writing I started at NYC overtime exempt minimum. When I got a job offer somewhere else, CoLab didn't offer even a dime more. I love working on my team, so I expressed this to my editorial manager, who gave me $4k out of their hiring budget. I have still not gotten a raise or a promotion or any recognition from the department that signs my checks. United States
Writer/Editor (Video) 70000 Black Woman (cisgender) Prefer Not to Say Full-time 1 3 n/a This was back in 2018
Editorial Producer 58500 White Woman (cisgender) Full-time 2 5 0 0 0
Copy Manager 65600 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 7 0 0 None USA
VP Enterprise Innovation 250000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 8 9 1 0 75000 Started as an intern, then came back as a Digital Sales Planner full time US
Marketing 105000 Black Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 8 16 n/a Supportive supervisor, recognized my accomplishments.
Associate Publisher 140000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 15 20 or more Bonus $5-$10K annually No pay raise for 5+ years, no reviews. USA
Senior Editor 105000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 8 2 ~$5K expense budget
Sales Associate 40000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 2 N/A Have stayed at starting salary for 2 years - no yearly review or YOY raise within CN USA
Product Designer 108000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 7 1 Merit raise of 3k Was offered 100k with 10k sign on bonus, but negotiated to 105k base salary, but with 0$ sign on bonus. Also was a sponsored visa worker.
Associate Editor 50000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 0 no overtime at the Associate level/ once you hit $50K I was on the print side of Conde Nast for 2 years before the publication folded and I moved to the digital side. USA
Motion and Graphic Designer 48000 Latinx Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 4 0 0 Health insurance, life insurance
Director, Event Marketing 127000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 14 0 0 N/A US
Senior Product Manager 146000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 3 7 None Started as a PM with 4 years experience at $130k. Was promoted and got a raise after 2 years.
Research Manager 95000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 5 5 0 0 0 Started at 90k, very low for industry. Tried to negotiate for more but was told no budget. No raises other than annual cost of living. US
Senior Art Director 115000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 5 0 0 None USA
Associate Video Producer 55000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Permalance 1 8 0 0 none I started this job after ~1.5 years of doing another somewhat similar position at CNE. My pay raise was $5,000 and I was not granted full-time status. USA
Social Media Manager 65000 Asian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 4 0 0 n/a Was offered 62K when I started, but negotiated to 65K. I was told that was the highest they could go. USA
Senior Writer 140000 White Woman (cisgender) Pansexual Full-time 1 8 2 0 0 Did not know bonuses were options as part of my salary compensation. Based on my awarded background I negotiated my salary tooth and nail and still received less then the industry standard for my years of experience. I'm currently responsible for the jobs of my former colleagues who were let go, taking on 3 roles that were not part of my contract and without additional compensation or a promotion. United States
Senior Manager 95000 White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 10 20 or more 5 4 $10k possible bonus 1 promotion in 10+ years and it came after years of assuming additional responsibilities including taking over Director Level responsibilities without any recognition, but my eventual promotion was not Director Level USA
Associate Director, Brand Marketing 90000 White Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 6 0 0 $10,000 max bonus (based on our division meeting sales goals) I took a pay cut to come to this job under the assumption I'd have the opportunity to get raises/promotions, which my former manager assured me during the interview process. I've never had a single review since being here, and three other team members who do the same job as me, with the same experience level, are "directors," making higher salaries than I do despite no difference in our duties. US
Administrative Assistant 35000 Caucasian Woman (cisgender) Straight Full-time 1 2 0 0 0 Chicago US
Executive Assistant 36000 Caucasian Woman (cisgender) Bisexual Full-time 2 2 0 0 bonus; overtime pay USA
Product Designer 110000 White Man (cisgender) Straight Full-time 2 6 0 0 0 USA
Integrated Marketing Manager 75000 White Woman (cisgender) Queer Full-time 1 2 0 0 None I worked on the branded side, was hired from another "trending" media company at the time. 75K was the starting offer and I didn't negotiate. US
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