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Created September 26, 2024 08:44
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using namespace System.Collections.Generic
[string] $ServiceName = 'Spooler'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
try {
[ciminstance[]] $Services = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter "Name = '$ServiceName'"
if (-not $Services -or $Services.Count -eq 0) {
'No services were found with name {0}' -f $ServiceName | Write-Error
if ($Services.Count -gt 1) {
'{0} services were found with name {1}' -f $Services.Count, $ServiceName | Write-Error
[ciminstance] $Service = $Services[0]
$ServiceRecovery = & sc.exe qfailure $Service.Name
catch {
Write-Warning $_
exit 0
[Dictionary[[string], [psobject]]] $Items = @{}
[string] $LastKey = [string]::Empty
foreach ($l in ($ServiceRecovery -split [System.Environment]::NewLine | Select-Object -Skip 1)) {
$line = $l.Trim(' ')
if ($line.Length -eq 0) {
$parts = $line -split ':'
if ($parts.Count -eq 2) {
[string] $key = $parts[0].Trim(' ')
[string] $val = $parts[1].Trim(' ')
$script:LastKey = $key
if ($key -eq 'FAILURE_ACTIONS') {
$Items.Add($key, [List[string]] @($val))
$Items.Add($key, $val)
else {
if ($LastKey -eq 'FAILURE_ACTIONS') {
$Items.$LastKey = $Items.$LastKey += ', {0}' -f $val
if (-not [bool] $Items.FAILURE_ACTIONS -or $Items.FAILURE_ACTIONS.Count -eq 0) {
'No failure actions detected for service: {0}' -f $Service.Name | Write-Error
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