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Created March 28, 2017 09:56
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
interface IBitStreamWriter
void SeekZero();
uint ReadBits(int numbits);
void WriteBits(uint value, int numbits);
void FlushBits();
class BitStreamWriter8 : IBitStreamWriter
byte[] m_Buffer;
UInt64 m_BitStage;
int m_CurrentBitIdx;
int m_CurrentByteIdx;
public BitStreamWriter8(int capacity)
m_Buffer = new byte[capacity];
m_CurrentBitIdx = 0;
m_CurrentByteIdx = 0;
m_BitStage = 0;
public void SeekZero()
m_CurrentBitIdx = 0;
m_CurrentByteIdx = 0;
m_BitStage = 0;
// Write the lower numbits from value into stream.
public void WriteBits(UInt32 value, int numbits)
//Debug.Assert(numbits > 0 && numbits <= 32);
//Debug.Assert((UInt64.MaxValue << numbits & value) == 0);
m_BitStage |= ((UInt64)value << m_CurrentBitIdx);
m_CurrentBitIdx += numbits;
while (m_CurrentBitIdx >= 8)
m_Buffer[m_CurrentByteIdx++] = (byte)(m_BitStage & 0xff);
m_CurrentBitIdx -= 8;
m_BitStage >>= 8;
// Read numbits from stream, return in lower bits
public UInt32 ReadBits(int numbits)
//Debug.Assert(numbits > 0 && numbits <= 32);
while (m_CurrentBitIdx < 32)
m_BitStage |= (UInt64)m_Buffer[m_CurrentByteIdx++] << m_CurrentBitIdx;
m_CurrentBitIdx += 8;
var res = m_BitStage & (((UInt64)1 << numbits) - 1);
m_BitStage >>= numbits;
m_CurrentBitIdx -= numbits;
return (UInt32)res;
public void FlushBits()
if (m_CurrentBitIdx > 0)
WriteBits(0, 8 - m_CurrentBitIdx);
class BitStreamWriter32 : IBitStreamWriter
UInt32[] m_Buffer;
UInt64 m_BitStage;
int m_CurrentBitIdx;
int m_CurrentWordIdx;
// capacity must be multiple of 4
public BitStreamWriter32(int capacity)
Debug.Assert((capacity % 4) == 0);
m_Buffer = new UInt32[capacity / 4];
m_CurrentBitIdx = 0;
m_CurrentWordIdx = 0;
m_BitStage = 0;
public void SeekZero()
m_CurrentBitIdx = 0;
m_CurrentWordIdx = 0;
m_BitStage = 0;
// Write the lower numbits from value into stream.
public void WriteBits(UInt32 value, int numbits)
//Debug.Assert(numbits > 0 && numbits <= 32);
//Debug.Assert((UInt64.MaxValue << numbits & value) == 0);
m_BitStage |= ((UInt64)value << m_CurrentBitIdx);
m_CurrentBitIdx += numbits;
if (m_CurrentBitIdx >= 32)
int outgoing = (int)(m_BitStage & 0xffffffff);
m_Buffer[m_CurrentWordIdx++] = (UInt32)System.Net.IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(outgoing);
m_CurrentBitIdx -= 32;
m_BitStage >>= 32;
// Read numbits from stream, return in lower bits
public UInt32 ReadBits(int numbits)
//Debug.Assert(numbits > 0 && numbits <= 32);
if (m_CurrentBitIdx < 32)
m_BitStage |= (UInt64)((UInt32)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((int)m_Buffer[m_CurrentWordIdx++])) << m_CurrentBitIdx;
m_CurrentBitIdx += 32;
var res = m_BitStage & (((UInt64)1 << numbits) - 1);
m_BitStage >>= numbits;
m_CurrentBitIdx -= numbits;
return (UInt32)res;
public void FlushBits()
if (m_CurrentBitIdx > 0)
WriteBits(0, 32 - m_CurrentBitIdx);
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var num_tests = 1000000;
var stream = new BitStreamWriter32(num_tests * 4);
ProfileIt("Stream32", stream, num_tests);
var stream8 = new BitStreamWriter8(num_tests * 4);
ProfileIt("Stream8", stream8, num_tests);
struct TestCase
public int numbits;
public UInt32 value;
static void ProfileIt(string name, IBitStreamWriter stream, int num_tests)
Debug.Log("Profiling " + name);
Debug.Log("Creating " + num_tests + " testcases");
var rand = new System.Random();
var bits = 0;
var cases = new TestCase[num_tests];
for (var i = 0; i < num_tests; i++)
cases[i].numbits = rand.Next(1, 33);
bits += cases[i].numbits;
cases[i].value = (UInt32)rand.Next(0, 65536) | ((UInt32)rand.Next(0, 65536) << 16);
cases[i].value &= (UInt32)(((UInt64)1 << cases[i].numbits) - 1);
var t = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
for (var i = 0; i < num_tests; i++)
var tc = cases[i];
stream.WriteBits(tc.value, tc.numbits);
Debug.Log("Wrote " + num_tests + " ints with 1-32 bits. Total " + bits + " bits");
Debug.Log("Time: " + t.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms ("+(bits/8/1024/1024*1000/t.ElapsedMilliseconds)+") mb/s");
foreach (var tc in cases)
var r = stream.ReadBits(tc.numbits);
//Debug.Assert(r == tc.value);
Debug.Log("Read " + cases.Length + " chunks");
Debug.Log("Time: " + t.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms ("+(bits/8/1024/1024*1000/t.ElapsedMilliseconds)+" mb/s)");
public class BitStream : MonoBehaviour {
IEnumerator Start ()
// Wait a bit to let stuff settle
Debug.developerConsoleVisible = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.0f);
var args = new string[0];
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