Missing %{tag} in the %{location} section of the template
'%{property}: must be an object'
unknown key '%{property}'
Section id '%{property}' is missing a type field
Section id '%{property}' must exist in %{property}
Section type '%{value}' does not refer to an existing section file
Expected [:end_of_string] but found %{something} in "%{token}"
invalid_expression = '[:end_of_string] is not a valid expression in "%{token}
Invalid expression type '#{invalid_expr}' in range expression
Invalid tag 'schema': must be an object
Invalid schema: setting type is required
Invalid schema: '%{property}' is not a valid attribute
Invalid block '%{property}': type is required
Syntax Error in '%{tag}' - Valid syntax: %{tag}
Syntax Error in 'assign' - Valid syntax: assign [var] = [source]
Syntax Error in 'capture' - Valid syntax: capture [var]
Syntax Error in 'case' - Valid syntax: case [condition]
,Syntax Error in tag 'case' - Valid when condition: {% when [condition] [or condition2...] %}
Syntax Error in tag 'case' - Valid else condition: {% else %} (no parameters)
Syntax Error in 'cycle' - Valid syntax: cycle [name :] var [, var2, var3 ...]
Syntax Error in 'for loop' - Valid syntax: for [item] in [collection]"
Syntax error in tag 'render' - Template name must be a quoted string
Syntax Error in 'table_row loop' - Valid syntax: table_row [item] in [collection] cols=3
Syntax error in tag '#' - Each line of comments must be prefixed by the '#' character
Syntax Error in tag 'if' - Valid syntax: if [expression]
For loops require an 'in' clause
Variable '%{token}' was not properly terminated with regexp: %{tag_end}
Invalid attribute in for loop. Valid attributes are limit and offset
Invalid template encoding
Error in tag 'include' - Valid syntax: include '[template]' (with|for) [object|collection]
'%{tag}' is not a valid delimiter for %{block_name} tags. use %{block_delimiter}
'%{block_name}' tag was never closed
Tag '%{token}' was not properly terminated with regexp: %{tag_end}
%{block_name} tag does not expect 'else' tag
Unexpected outer '%{tag}' tag
Unknown tag '%{tag}'