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Better Vim Digraphs (from tarball)
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
" Vim global plugin for better digraph interactions... | |
" Maintainer: Damian Conway | |
" License: This file is placed in the public domain. | |
"############################################################################## | |
"## ## | |
"## To use: ## | |
"## ## | |
"## inoremap <expr> <C-K> BDG_GetDigraph() ## | |
"## ## | |
"############################################################################## | |
"## ## | |
"## Digraph naming scheme: ## | |
"## ## | |
"## 1. Accented characters ## | |
"## ## | |
"## Always the letter itself, followed by ## | |
"## the first character of the accent's name: ## | |
"## ## | |
"## A/a --> acute (e.g. aa --> á YA --> Ý ) ## | |
"## G/g --> grave (e.g. ag --> à og --> ò ) ## | |
"## C/c --> circumflex or cedilla (e.g. AC --> Â cc --> ç ) ## | |
"## U/u --> umlaut (e.g. au --> ä UU --> Ü ) ## | |
"## T/t --> tilde (e.g. at --> ã nt --> ñ ) ## | |
"## S/s --> slash (e.g. os --> ø OS --> Ø ) ## | |
"## R/r --> ring (e.g. AR --> Å ) ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ## | |
"## 2. Unaccented characters ## | |
"## ## | |
"## AE --> "[AE] diphthong" --> Æ ## | |
"## ae --> "[ae] diphthong" --> æ ## | |
"## TH --> "[TH]ORN] --> Þ ## | |
"## th --> "[th]orn] --> þ ## | |
"## EH --> "[E]T[H] --> Ð ## | |
"## eh --> "[e]t[h] --> ð ## | |
"## ss --> "long e[ss]" --> ß ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ## | |
"## 3. Non-alphabetics ## | |
"## (Usually the first letter(s) of each word, except where ambiguous, ## | |
"## in which case: the first and last letters are used instead.) ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ce --> "[ce]nt" --> ¢ ## | |
"## ci --> "[ci]rcumflex" --> ^ ## | |
"## co --> "[co]pyright" --> © ## | |
"## de --> "[de]gree" --> ° ## | |
"## mu --> "[mu]" --> µ ## | |
"## no --> "[no]t" --> ¬ ## | |
"## nu --> "[nu]mber" --> # ## | |
"## pa --> "[pa]ragraph" --> ¶ ## | |
"## po --> "[po]und" --> £ ## | |
"## re --> "[re]gistered" --> ® ## | |
"## se --> "[se]ction" --> § ## | |
"## sp --> "[sp]ace" --> <Space> ## | |
"## ti --> "[ti]lde" --> ~ ## | |
"## ye --> "[ye]n" --> ¥ ## | |
"## ## | |
"## as --> "[a]t [s]ign" --> @ ## | |
"## bb --> "[b]roken [b]ar" --> ¦ ## | |
"## bs --> "[b]ack [s]lash --> \ ## | |
"## bt --> "[b]ack [t]ick" --> ` ## | |
"## ds --> "[d]ivide [s]ign" --> ÷ ## | |
"## ft --> "[f]orward [t]ick" --> ´ ## | |
"## ms --> "[m]ultiply [s]ign" --> × ## | |
"## pm --> "[p]lus or [m]inus" --> ± ## | |
"## vb --> "[v]ertical [b]ar" --> | ## | |
"## ## | |
"## dr --> "[d]olla[r]" --> $ ## | |
"## dt --> "[d]o[t]" --> · ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ## | |
"## 4. Brackets ## | |
"## ('l/r' for left/right; 's/c/d' for square/curly/double-angle) ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ls --> [ rs --> ] ## | |
"## lc --> { rc --> } ## | |
"## ld --> « rd --> » ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ## | |
"## 3. Inverted punctuation ## | |
"## (Always the character followed by 'i' for inverted) ## | |
"## ## | |
"## !i --> ¡ ## | |
"## ?i --> ¿ ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ## | |
"## 3. Ordinals ## | |
"## (Always the character followed by 'o') ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ao --> ª ## | |
"## oo --> º ## | |
"## 1o --> ¹ ## | |
"## 2o --> ² ## | |
"## 3o --> ³ ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ## | |
"## 5. Some obvious pictographic alternatives ## | |
"## (Generally, doubling the letter produces the common variant) ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ++ --> ± ## | |
"## +- --> ± ## | |
"## xx --> × ## | |
"## ## | |
"## << --> « ## | |
"## >> --> » ## | |
"## ## | |
"## !! --> ¡ ## | |
"## ?? --> ¿ ## | |
"## ## | |
"## 11 --> ¹ ## | |
"## 22 --> ² ## | |
"## 33 --> ³ ## | |
"## ## | |
"## 14 --> ¼ ## | |
"## 12 --> ½ ## | |
"## 34 --> ¾ ## | |
"## ## | |
"## ## | |
"############################################################################## | |
" If already loaded, we're done... | |
if exists("loaded_betterdigraphs") | |
finish | |
endif | |
let loaded_betterdigraphs = 1 | |
" Preserve external compatibility options, then enable full vim compatibility... | |
let s:save_cpo = &cpo | |
set cpo&vim | |
" Highlight group that emulates cursor appearance during digraph insertion... | |
highlight BDG_Cursor_Emulation ctermfg=blue ctermbg=white | |
" Highlight group to display hints... | |
highlight default link BDG_Digraph_Table SpecialKey | |
" How many entries per line in the displayed table??? | |
let s:ENTRIES_PER_LINE = 6 | |
let s:INTER_ENTRY_GAP = 2 | |
" Precompute spacings... | |
let s:ENTRY_SPACING = repeat(" ", 9) | |
let s:GAP_SPACING = repeat(" ", s:INTER_ENTRY_GAP) | |
" This elaboration intercepts the timeouts on regular getchar()... | |
function! s:active_getchar () | |
let char = 0 | |
while !char | |
let char = getchar() | |
endwhile | |
return nr2char(char) | |
endfunction | |
" Retrieve the digraph list (should be called in a :silent)... | |
function! s:get_digraphs () | |
redir => digraphs | |
digraphs | |
redir END | |
return substitute(digraphs,'\%d173', '-?','') " Translate invisible soft-hyphen | |
endfunction | |
function! s:show_digraphs (digraphs, cursor_char, context) | |
" Pad digraph table to fill screen | |
let digraphs = copy(a:digraphs) + repeat([""], winheight(0)) | |
" Display first half of digraph table... | |
echohl BDG_Digraph_Table | |
echon join(digraphs[0 : a:context.line-2], "\n") . "\n" | |
" Display cursor line with emulated digraph marker... | |
echohl Normal | |
echon strpart(a:context.text, 0, a:context.col-1) | |
echohl BDG_Cursor_Emulation | |
echon a:cursor_char | |
echohl Normal | |
echon strpart(a:context.text, a:context.col-1) . "\n" | |
" Display remainder of digraph table... | |
echohl BDG_Digraph_Table | |
echon join(digraphs[a:context.line-1 : winheight(0)-2], "\n") . "\n" | |
echohl None | |
endfunction | |
let g:BDG_filtering = 1 | |
" Filter out digraphs that don't start or end with the specified character... | |
function! s:filter_digraphs (digraphs, char) | |
if !g:BDG_filtering | |
return a:digraphs | |
endif | |
let digraphs = copy(a:digraphs) | |
for line in range(len(digraphs)) | |
let filtered_line = [] | |
for digraph_spec in split(digraphs[line], '.\{9}\zs ') | |
let filtered_spec = substitute(digraph_spec, '\C^.. --> [^'.a:char.'].\s*$', repeat(' ',9), '') | |
let filtered_spec = substitute(filtered_spec, '\C^.. --> \zs['.a:char.']\ze\S\s*$', ' ', '') | |
let filtered_line += [filtered_spec] | |
endfor | |
let digraphs[line] = join(filtered_line, s:GAP_SPACING) . s:GAP_SPACING | |
endfor | |
return digraphs | |
endfunction | |
" Emulate a more helpful ^K... | |
function! BDG_GetDigraph () | |
" Locate cursor... | |
let context = { 'line': winline(), 'col': wincol(), 'text': getline('.') } | |
" Grab list of digraphs... | |
let digraphs = s:digraph_table | |
" Simulate first char of two-character digraph code (with <C-K> or <ESC> to escape)... | |
call s:show_digraphs(digraphs, '?', context) | |
let char1 = s:active_getchar() | |
" Simulate second char of two-character digraph code (with <C-K> or <ESC> to escape)... | |
if (char1 == "\<C-K>" || char1 == "\<ESC>") | |
call feedkeys("\<BS>") | |
return "\<C-K>\<ESC> " | |
else | |
call s:show_digraphs(s:filter_digraphs(digraphs, char1), char1, context) | |
let char2 = s:active_getchar() | |
endif | |
" Return the digraph-constructing sequence... | |
return get(g:BDG_digraphs, char1.char2, "") | |
endfunction | |
" Set up default set of characters if user hasn't specified... | |
if !exists('g:BDG_digraphs') | |
let g:BDG_digraphs = { | |
\ | |
\ 'sp' : ' ', | |
\ 'nu' : '#', | |
\ 'dr' : '$', | |
\ 'as' : '@', | |
\ 'bs' : '\', | |
\ 'ci' : '^', | |
\ 'bt' : '`', | |
\ 'vb' : '|', | |
\ 'ti' : '~', | |
\ 'ft' : '´', | |
\ "''" : '´', | |
\ | |
\ 'ls' : '[', 'rs' : ']', | |
\ 'lc' : '{', 'rc' : '}', | |
\ 'ld' : '«', 'rd' : '»', | |
\ '<<' : '«', '>>' : '»', | |
\ | |
\ '!!' : '¡', '??' : '¿', | |
\ 'i!' : '¡', 'i?' : '¿', | |
\ '!i' : '¡', '?i' : '¿', | |
\ | |
\ 'ce' : '¢', | |
\ 'po' : '£', | |
\ 'ye' : '¥', | |
\ | |
\ 'bb' : '¦', | |
\ 'se' : '§', | |
\ 'pa' : '¶', | |
\ 'co' : '©', | |
\ 're' : '®', | |
\ 'sh' : '', | |
\ | |
\ 'mu' : 'µ', | |
\ 'no' : '¬', | |
\ 'dt' : '·', | |
\ 'do' : '·', | |
\ '+-' : '±', | |
\ 'pm' : '±', | |
\ 'ms' : '×', | |
\ 'xx' : '×', | |
\ 'ds' : '÷', | |
\ 'di' : '÷', | |
\ 'de' : '°', | |
\ | |
\ 'ao' : 'ª', | |
\ 'oo' : 'º', | |
\ '11' : '¹', | |
\ '22' : '²', | |
\ '33' : '³', | |
\ | |
\ '14' : '¼', | |
\ '12' : '½', | |
\ '34' : '¾', | |
\ | |
\ 'AG' : 'À', 'EG' : 'È', 'IG' : 'Ì', 'OG' : 'Ò', 'UG' : 'Ù', | |
\ 'AA' : 'Á', 'EA' : 'É', 'IA' : 'Í', 'OA' : 'Ó', 'UA' : 'Ú', 'YA' : 'Ý', | |
\ 'AC' : 'Â', 'EC' : 'Ê', 'IC' : 'Î', 'OC' : 'Ô', 'UC' : 'Û', | |
\ 'AU' : 'Ä', 'EU' : 'Ë', 'IU' : 'Ï', 'OU' : 'Ö', 'UU' : 'Ü', | |
\ 'AT' : 'Ã', 'OT' : 'Õ', | |
\ 'AR' : 'Å', | |
\ 'AE' : 'Æ', 'OS' : 'Ø', | |
\ | |
\ 'ag' : 'à', 'eg' : 'è', 'ig' : 'ì', 'og' : 'ò', 'ug' : 'ù', | |
\ 'aa' : 'á', 'ea' : 'é', 'ia' : 'í', 'oa' : 'ó', 'ua' : 'ú', 'ya' : 'ý', | |
\ 'ac' : 'â', 'ec' : 'ê', 'ic' : 'î', 'oc' : 'ô', 'uc' : 'û', | |
\ 'au' : 'ä', 'eu' : 'ë', 'iu' : 'ï', 'ou' : 'ö', 'uu' : 'ü', 'yu' : 'ÿ', | |
\ 'at' : 'ã', 'ot' : 'õ', | |
\ 'ar' : 'å', | |
\ 'ae' : 'æ', 'os' : 'ø', | |
\ | |
\ 'CC' : 'Ç', | |
\ 'cc' : 'ç', | |
\ | |
\ 'NT' : 'Ñ', | |
\ 'NN' : 'Ñ', | |
\ 'nt' : 'ñ', | |
\ 'nn' : 'ñ', | |
\ | |
\ 'ss' : 'ß', | |
\ | |
\ 'TH' : 'Þ', | |
\ 'th' : 'þ', | |
\ 'DH' : 'Ð', | |
\ 'dh' : 'ð', | |
\} | |
endif | |
function! s:by_value (v1, v2) | |
return a:v1[1] < a:v2[1] ? -1 | |
\ : a:v1[1] > a:v2[1] ? 1 | |
\ : 0 | |
endfunction | |
" Remove any digraphs that were specified as unwanted... | |
if exists('g:BDG_remove') | |
if type(g:BDG_remove) == type([]) | |
for char in g:BDG_remove | |
call filter(g:BDG_digraphs, 'v:val != char') | |
endfor | |
else | |
call filter(g:BDG_digraphs, 'v:val !~ g:BDG_remove') | |
endif | |
endif | |
" Add any extra digraphs that were requested... | |
if exists('g:BDG_add') | |
call extend(g:BDG_digraphs, g:BDG_add) | |
endif | |
" Create the display table components... | |
let s:digraph_table = [] | |
let current_line = [] | |
for digraph in sort(items(g:BDG_digraphs), "\<SID>by_value") | |
" Make soft hyphens printable... | |
let digraph[1] = (digraph[1] == '') ? '-?' : digraph[1] | |
" Construct next entry in table... | |
let current_line += [printf('%2s', digraph[1]) . ' --> ' . digraph[0]] | |
" When next line of table is full, construct the line... | |
if len(current_line) == s:ENTRIES_PER_LINE | |
let s:digraph_table += [join(current_line, s:GAP_SPACING) . s:GAP_SPACING] | |
let current_line = [] | |
endif | |
endfor | |
if len(current_line) | |
let current_line += repeat([s:ENTRY_SPACING], s:ENTRIES_PER_LINE - len(current_line)) | |
let s:digraph_table += [join(current_line, s:GAP_SPACING) . s:GAP_SPACING] | |
endif | |
let s:digraph_table = s:BLANK_LINE + s:digraph_table + s:BLANK_LINE | |
" Restore previous external compatibility options | |
let &cpo = s:save_cpo |
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