I was going to reply on Twitter with a cryptic response and a bunch of abbreviations, figured I would expand. Maybe the gist comments would faciliate people being more expansive. To me, Twitter is good for information sharing, bad at following conversations. I always miss a post or two.
I have a blog post half written (don't we all...) about doing things that are painful more often and trying to automate them, so this struck a chord. Also, at $JOB, the simpler the process can be for getting someone onboarded and for me to get new dependencies as they are introduced to the project, the better. So this is something I have been thinking about.
I liked Matt's original post and followups. Why aren't more internal / private projects as easy to get started with as popular open source projects? I looked at the Stringer docs today actually, and you don't even need to install anything, it is a click-one-button-and-some-change operation to get it running.
It is frustrating to me