(by panpawn)
A dynamic roomintro allows ROs to set a home roomintro (the one that is displayed upon joining the room), and then also other screens that they can allow the user to navigate to by creating buttons. A dynamic roomintro is basically a way that provides users of the room with a way of interacting with a room's roomintro. It's an interactive roomintro.
/dynamicroomintro sethome [home roomintro HTML]
- Sets the homescreen of the dynamic roomintro. RO+
/dynamicroomintro delete
- Deletes a room's dynamic roomintro and all elements of the dynamic roomintro; use with caution. RO+
/dynamicroomintro [add OR update] [topic title], [topic HTML]
- Adds a topic for another screen of the roomintro.★ RO+
/dynamicroomintro showtopics
- Shows you a list of current roomintro topics, and will give you example button code for each of them. RO+
/dynamicroomintro deletetopic [topic name]
- Deletes a specific topic from the dynamic roomintro elements. RO+
★ = There has to be buttons for this to work. For instance, in your dynamic roomintro, say you have a "topic" called "rules". On your homescreen roomintro, you would have a button like this:
<button name="send" value="/dynamicroomintro send rules">Room Rules</button>
This will make it so that if the user clicks the button, they will be shown a list of room rules. It is important to note that the topic is case sensitive. There will also be a back button as well, for them to get to the homescreen roomintro. Here's a GIF help you picture what I mean: [gif goes here]