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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Save panpawn/238305e19628b224763c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A reminder command for PS bots.
* Bot Reminders Command
* Credits: panpawn
* Steps to add in this command:
* 1. Create a file named "reminders.txt" in the main directory.
* 2. Copy in the command below into commands.js.
* 3. Edit the command for "remind_view_users" and "remind_edit_users" accordingly.
* 4. Reload chat commands.
* 5. PM the bot: .r add, hi
* 6. PM the bot: .r v
* 7. The bot should have returned a hastebin of the new reminder you just added. If it didn't then: 1. Your bot is outdated or 2. Something else went wrong. To delete this reminder, do .r d
* For any questions, please feel FREE to PM panpawn.
* @license MIT license
r: 'reminders',
remind: 'reminders',
reminders: function(arg, by, room, con) {
var remind_view_users = []; //Enter in the ids of whose allowed to view the reminders (view, num)
var remind_edit_users = []; //Enter in the ids of whose allowed to edit the reminders (del, add)
var reminders_file_name = 'reminders.txt'; //Default name of the file that holds reminders - variable to be incorperated better soon
if (remind_view_users.indexOf(toId(by)) === -1) return false;
try {
var reminders = fs.readFileSync('reminders.txt','utf8');
var remind_commands = ['view','del','add','num'].join(', ');
if (!arg) return this.say(con,room,"Valid targets are: " + remind_commands);
if (toId(arg) === 'view' || toId(arg) === 'v') {
if (fs.readFileSync('reminders.txt','utf8') === '' || fs.readFileSync('reminders.txt','utf8') === ' ') return this.say(con,room,"Huh, that's odd... " + reminders_file_name + " is empty. o.o...");
this.uploadToHastebin(con,room,by,"Current reminders are: \n\n" + reminders);
else if (toId(arg) === 'del' || toId(arg) === 'delete' || toId(arg) === 'd') {
if (remind_edit_users.indexOf(toId(by)) === -1) return false;
//var remind_del_users = []; Another optional permission for those who can and cannot delete all the reminders
//if (remind_del_users.indexOf(toId(by)) === -1) return false;
fs.writeFile('reminders.txt',' ', 'utf8');
this.say(con,room,"All reminders have been deleted. RIP ;_;7");
console.log(by + " has deleted all the reminders... RIP");
else if (toId(arg) === 'numberoflines' || toId(arg) === 'num') {
var rows = reminders.split('\n').length - 1;
var label1 = "";
var label2 = "";
if (rows === 1) {
label1 = " reminder";
label2 = " is ";
} else if (rows >= 2) {
label1 = " reminders";
label2 = " are ";
this.say(con,room,"There " + label2 + " currently " + rows + label1 + ".");
} else {
var commaIndex = arg.indexOf(',');
var arg1 = toId(arg.slice(0, commaIndex));
var arg2 = arg.slice(commaIndex + 1).trim();
if (toId(arg1) === 'add') {
if (remind_edit_users.indexOf(toId(by)) === -1) return false;
if (toId(reminders).match(toId(arg2))) return this.say(con,room,"Uhm, excuse me m8, I think that one is already in there n_n...");
if (toId(arg2) === '' || toId(arg2) === ' ') return this.say(con,room,"**ERROR**: your reminder cannot be blank!");
if (arg.length > 500) return this.say(con,room,"**ERROR**: reminders cannot be over 500 characters.");
var data = fs.readFileSync('reminders.txt','utf8')
fs.writeFile('reminders.txt',data + '\n' + arg2, 'utf8', function(err, data){});
this.say(con,room,"Reminder \"" + arg2 + "\" has been added.");
} catch (e) {
this.say(con,room,"An error has occurred. Are you sure that you made a file called \"" + reminders_file_name + "\"?"); //This shouldn't happen if reminders.txt exists in the right directory
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panpawn commented Nov 29, 2014


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