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Last active November 30, 2017 13:29
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React Router annotations
createLocation(location) {}
* This seems to be the same as createHref, only without prepending #/ and base path
* @param {RouterLocation|string} location
* @returns string
createPath(location) {}
* Returns current location
* @returns {RouterLocation}
getCurrentLocation() {}
* Wraps native History.go. Go forwards or backwards n steps (negative for back).
* Do not use with hashHistory.
* @param {Number} n
go(n) {}
* Wrapper around go(-1)
goBack() {}
* Wrapper around go(1)
goForward() {}
* @callback routerLocationListener
* @param {RouterLocation} location
* History will call the function you give it every time location changes.
* It returns the unsubscribe function, you can call to make it stop
* @param {routerLocationListener} listener
* @returns function
listen(listener) {}
* @callback routerLocationHook
* @param {RouterLocation} location
* @param {function} done
* The same as listen(), except you are called with the route you are about to leave.
* Also, you have to call done to proceed. I guess you can also call with an alternative location? It's not super clear.
* @param {routerLocationHook} hook
* @returns function
listenBefore(hook) {}
* Navigate to a new location and make it so it appears in browser history (so that pressing back
* will lead you back to your current location).
* @param {RouterLocation} location
push(location) {}
* Navigate to a new location, but without influencing browser history. Only the URL in URL bar will change,
* history list will remain unchanged.
* @param {RouterLocation} location
replace(location) {}
* Backing method behind both push and replace (the only difference is they enforcing the "action" field on Location)
* @param {RouterLocation} nextLocation
transitionTo(nextLocation) {}
export class RouteDefinition {
constructor(source) {
* List of child route definitions
* @type {RouteDefinition[]}
this.childRoutes = [];
* Component that will be rendered at this route
* @type {function}
this.component = null;
* Index route for this route (at the same level?)
* @type {RouteDefinition}
this.indexRoute = null;
* Name given to this route
* @type {string}
*/ = '';
* Path of this route (with placeholders, eg. /users/:userId/profile)
* @type {string}
this.path = '';
export class Router extends RouterHistory {
isActive(location, indexOnly) {}
setRouteLeaveHook(route, hook) {}
constructor(source) {
* The same as calling getCurrentLocation(), it seems
* @type RouterLocation
this.location = {};
* Parsed route params from the pathname
* @type {Object.<string, string>}
this.params = {};
* List of routes on stack, starting from home root ('/'), all the way down to your current location.
* You might use this to build a breadcrumbs view.
* @type {RouteDefinition[]}
this.routes = [];
Object.assign(this, source);
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