- domain - something-help.zendesk.com
- Create one customer
- Manually create a ticket for that customer
- zendesk by default sends a mail notif to requester(user that needs help) email
- autoresponder content:
This ticket was created on your behalf. To add additional comments, reply to this email. ...
- autoresponder content:
- default from has format support+id{caseID}@something-help.zendesk.com
- zendesk auto-assigns it to first staff user
- zendesk by default sends a mail notif to requester(user that needs help) email
- Reply as staff user
- ZD sends mail notif with previous content of thread included.
- Review details of delimiter
- chat requires OTP to proceed
- form required fileds:
- reiterating levels of urgency:
How is this impacting your business?
- choosing non-urgent, makes it a ticket automatically
- categorizing to highlight issues should be in-scope:
Which product do you need help with?
- open-ended query field
- reiterating levels of urgency:
- Just thumbs up or down
- use delimiter feature, so messages don't always inclue the entire thread.
- update Support profile photo so it's easy to spot who did the response
Let's use Google Docs instead as this is heavy on updates https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F8rL2ZE7JJibsdw65pu2joMWAN1kKp5sqdsoWKtnuac/edit?usp=sharing